She walks in the room where her mom is in. No one listens cause she flips on the news with the volume on high. "Hey mom i met a guy from twitter he's supposed to meet me first day of college same age but different faculty" she'd say. Comes back from college enters home. Finds her mom screaming and shouting and if she could she'd probably kick her daughter out the door. Slams lunch on the kitchen table "don't talk to me with attitude cause i'm sick and tired of you and your talks are such a bore and make sure you don't drop any food on the floor". That's when she decided to not to try with her mom no more. Took her secrets and tucked them under her skin. She hid her twitter love in the chambers of her heart. Walked in and out of home without a single word to say. She found love far from home. That's what she's holding on. She got her flowers on mother's day all she heard from her mom was why'd you waste our money instead of thank you for remembering me on such a day. No more trying this place isn't home. Home is in his two arms and wolf like looking eyes. Waiting a few more years till she'll be long gone moving into a new place carrying her memories along. A place with no screaming or cursing no hitting or abuse. No fear or chocking on a noose. Just a home with him and her. Just a home with no storms. A home waiting for a caring husband and a loving wife to carve their stories on the walls and bring them to life. And like he'd always say the best is yet to come one day. Hold on your faith and pray i'll be by your side always and stay* ~