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Mar 2015
Loves a fragile thing he said
You're my bestfriend she said
Months go by,
Seasons pass,
I devote my life to you,
All you want is my ***,
You called me after each class,
Telling me how much you loved me,
How you couldn't wait till you got home,
You said I was your home,
Your only place to go,
The girl of his dreams,
Beyond of beauty queen,
I held onto those words,
Hoping the world has changed,
Praying this man wouldn't play that game,
You started drinking more often than not,
Got high with friends,
Then you forgot,
Forgot about me, myself and I,
That a whole world exsisted out of reach in your intoxicated form,
I forgave & and forgived for months,
We'd fight after you'd leave the party,
Your hands finding my lower back,
Your thumbs pressing into my hips,
The stain of alcohol on your breath,
You'd lean your forehead into mine,
Whispering darling everything's gonna be fine,
I believed,
Your sister said she loved me,
You transferred to a school in New York,
My lover the archeologist,
Spending his days digging up old dead stuff,
But he never found our love on his escapades,
We video chatted everyday,
I didn't have the money to drive that far,
Your parents had your car,
The distance started growing,
More than the miles between us,
The fire we had now I dull roar,
You supriesed me at the movies,
But all you did was bring hell,
All I wanted was a hand to hold,
A chest to lay on,
All you wanted was a breast to *****,
And a hand to feel me up with,
Your hand slithered its serpenty hand,
Down my floral shirt,
Found its way to my ******,
Making it hurt,
I thought I wanted this,
My heart began to race,
As your hand found the lace,
Hugging my hips,
I excused myself to the bathroom,
I haven't seen you since,
I thought I wanted this sexually atmosphere,
I thought this was the love all girls wanted,
*** is lovely,
When your not a young naive stupid little girl
Written by
Madeysin  Pa
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