My mind is too filled up with light Ideas of the future have me up right Pondering what fate has in sight Me I've done nothing but be Can I do more? Is seeing changing the way water approaches the shore? Are sentient being the last stop in the universes lore? What's next All knowing specs? That's what we aspire to be Land locked pests All we do is bang on our chests looking for a competitor to take away our breaths Showing our teeth for what NOTHING We have no clue We don't know who All that we have that's true is me and you I don't even know if I'm real Or I'm just following a set out spiel thought up by a all knowing being of pure feel I know I'm not immortal I will Kiel over That day will come closer as I become older Just as the rock was once a boulder we are worn down I hope we are just striped from our gown Our physical form I hope o don't lose the knowledge I have found I'd rather drown Which I am doing in this see of society I can't breath with all these Pollutants that we call political movements Everyone stop and look around We are all the same but have different sounds Different vibrations Different relations Routed the same Born as a sponge of brain So you tell me you mean more because you're wealthy? HA that isn't mentally healthy Stop dwelling on the specifics Just look at the scientific study's We are mentally linked Even if you're spirituality is distinct