They broke his bones in a bathroom stall with pipes and left cigarette burns on his eyelids and I washed my hands, cleaned the blood off of my shoes and shrugged.
Some days is all you can do to throw your body on a cursing poor *******, but most days you seem like you know humanity is going to eat itself alive so you just close the door and stay in bed for a few more hours.
They say his lies have gone too far and they know they don't know whether he's gunning to give up or run away and try again somewhere where freaks on the inside stick out like circus sideshows. Home is not where we belong.
Christ got nailed to a cross and I stared and said, "So what?" that day and every day since I've been cursed to give zero *****. I tried and it almost killed me too, if you know whats good for you keep to your own.
This world isn't made of flesh, it's made of dirt and fire, you'd do good to keep that in mind.