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Mar 2015
Oh who am I kidding, life doesn't work that way
There are no happy endings or prince charmings
More like heartbreak and self-harming
You cut your wrists just to see them bleed
It's such a rush, the blade becomes your noble steed
you watch the blood flow down the drain
Along with your hopes and dreams of love and fame
You feel the life draining out of you
But no, oh no, you don't want it to end
even though your dog is your only friend,
even though you've been depressed for more days than you can count
Deep down you still had hope that someway, somehow you'd amount
To something
The black spots are clouding your vision
You panic, you cry,
And you realize that you don't want to die
You pray to God, begging to survive
Promising to do anything, in exchange for a second chance at life
But life, you see, is not a game
When it's your time to go, you go:
No excuses and hopefully no pain
All you see now is blackness
It's taking you under, out of consciousness
Your life doesn't flash before your eyes
You don't see the "light"
You're lost, alone
And now...
You're gone
Brittany Ryan
Written by
Brittany Ryan  United States
(United States)   
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