I do not see that which others Do see, blindly do they follow, Am I the fool or is it thee.
I follow no one but myself, not Imagined to belive in some thing Unseen, but I know that the strength I have comes from me.
I will not folllow that which tells me That which I can do and see, to believe In others is the only thing that is real As they belive in me.
I will not be the sheep that follows The shepard, as what he does not Say is you are the meat, the bone, there Are many that will follow but many Are just meat.
I follow my own path, not what Others tell me is right in a book, That i should follow there word as It is the right path for me.
I have strengh not in that which I Can not see, but in me and those That are close, I am not godless I just belive in me.