it's january and we're at the lake. i wonder how long a person can survive under the ice you say. you look at me expectantly. last-night.jpg: bathroom stall/shaky hands/stinging eyes; last-year.jpg: crowded room/mangled words/tight lips; untitled.jpg: laughter heard through the wall/you feel sick. the water runs cold while i peel bandaids from my fingers, sodden gauze and skin.the wind blows my hair down your throat. you squint like youre staring at the sun, you say all you want is sleep, you rub dust from your eyes you say this was a mistake. youre soft and spent im wrapping hair round my fingers like straightjackets, im pretending im not scared.shaky hands/stinging eyes. i tried to make this a comedy but blood is still blood no matter how loud you laugh. I TRIED TO KISS YOU BUT I JUST BROKE YOUR ******* JAW I CARRY A ******* PLAGUE I ***** AND THE GRASS DIES I AM BURNING IM BURNING I BURN scraping through my skin psychosomatic gore, ego and id a ****** mess on the not right for me. i was never meant to be here, superego screaming my sins in my ear LOVE IN ARMORED BOOTS, LOVE IN SURGICAL MASKS AND SCALPELS, love in shed bandaids clogging the shower mother told me i was cursed and now i know she was right. my heart as the sound of an opening blade. my heart as a child too stupid to know bravery is a trap.fever dreams and you told me they were visions, me tied to the stake and you tossing the match, im not dead yet but im SURE ******* TRYING, FIVE FINGER FILLET WITH MY GRANDFATHERS HUNTING KNIFE SCARING OFF THE GHOSTS WHO LAY THEIR HANDS ON TOP OF MINE DONT ******* TOUCH ME WITH YOUR GREEDY PALMS WHO SAID YOU DESERVED MY BODY HEAT WHO SAID YOU DESERVE ME, A COMMUNICABLE DISEASE DONT KISS ME IM SICK IM A PLAGUERAT, LIPS OR BLOOD BLISTERS WAS THERE EVER A ******* DIFFERENCE DONT BITE SO HARD ILL ******* BURST **** THE VOICE IN YOUR HEAD THAT SAYS YOU ARE WEAK **** THE THING IN THE MIRROR THAT IS NOT YOU
take it back.i take my words back.i push you down, tear them from your ears like piercings in a ***** crying and youre bleeding. see what youve done you say, see what a mess youve made of me, its not so easy to untell secrets you say. i think youre smiling but its hard to tell. to all mammals but us, teeth are a threat.mangled words/tight lips. the doctor says i have three years at best. i wake, sweating in a cold office. the doctor says i have three years at best. i wake, sweating in a cold office. the stiff gown scratches my *******. theΒ Β doctor says i have three years at best. i wake, blood on the lip hurts. i try not to touch the ice when i lower myself in the lake.