Listen here you **** Just because you're so "macho" you're so "Tough" doesn't mean I have to be.
Just because when you get hurt you **** it up and don't get help doesn't mean I'm a weakling because I went to get help.
Stop with the snickering when I walk by Stop shaking your head like you are disgraced I'm not you so SHUT your freaking mouth.
Deal with your pain how you please and I'll deal with mine Treat me the way you want to be treated, and stop treating me like I'm pathetic.
I went to get help I want to get better If you want to suffer that's your own decision Don't disrespect me for making my own Oh and don't be shocked when You get a taste of your own cruel medicine.
( I tore some ligament in my knee and I went to the ER and they gave me a brace for my knee until I can get an MRI to confirm I tore something. My co-worker is sitting here snickering saying how he looked like he was in a ten car pile up yesterday and you don't see him wearing a brace... I hurt my little knee and suddenly its DRAMA. -.- I am so mad right now I am shaking so hard and trying not to cry)