Be not so very quick to judge Others, for they suffer and struggle as you do. Perhaps even more.
They may cope differently than you are conditioned to, by both yourself and others, but empathize with them anyway.
Improvement. Progress is what is important, not how One goes about it or which direction is "forward."
The array of ways that make up your brand of 'Cope' are not absolute truth- they're a relative possibility; ******* act like it.
Yes, they may inflict their own suffering or undermine their own struggle, but so do you. So do I. That's part of what's called "being Human." Get over it. Don't make it worse than it already has to be. That's called EVIL. Evil is not how they COPE. Evil is undermining Others' coping with their suffering and struggle.
COPE is SALVATION of the Mind; that isn't to say it's always healthy: I can think of at least a few Saviors who died as a result of trying to cope, but if Death scares you so much as to accept living miserably, you deserve every ounce of discomfort that you could have precluded by finding a viable and sustainable coping mechanism that works for you, because it was developed by you, and only designed for you.
The responsibility is yours. If you loathe responsibility, fathom the irk of those who try to cope with your infantile avoidance of it.
**** just got real, sorry. ;)
How many times do I have to tell myself this before I learn? Ever one more, t'would seem!