of all God's majesty the power he wields from His smallest flower to most vengeful wrath. from dawns first light over frosted fields His simplest miracles lining our paths.
let's take the time from our journey to stay and admire His artistry quiet and grand. with quiet love He closes each day artistic beauty for this moment planned.
and as He takes the sun from our sight the sky brightens up with colors asplash. 'til gone from our view to the darkness of night if we don't take the time His efforts are dashed.
and lost to us now just time in the day for God's gift to us we did not see we did not see His nature at play; or know for us His love to be.
in closing let's pray to God's quieter side for this particular time of day. that we get time out from our hectic stride to take in His grandeur and say.β¦.....thank you Lord.