They, who walk all over others are always suprised to find themselves toppling when the treadupon manage to drag themselves out from below them.
If you are among the treadupon, as we all are, in one sense or another, seek to assist they who find themselves toppling despite it all.
We're all in this together. Tread not upon others, nor allow thyself to be tread upon. "Neither a borrower nor a lender be."
Seek not to put thyself ahead of others, nor to put thyself behind any other, but, rather, to establish that every individual and group resides firmly upon an edge of consciousness- of transcendence- of philosophy- of experience- of happiness- of progress- of Life.
That is the path we, as the Human species, must take if we are to quell the sadistic demon known only as "Humanity," and transmute that energy into something we've long since forgotten- if indeed we ever knew it at all.
This is a challenge to cooperate and transcend cultural bias. This is a call to action, and that action is an end to intentional war; political, economic, religious, social, and personal.
This is a plea for us to seek edification within ourselves and everyone.