If the x-axis represented the year we met, and the y-axis represented the year we stopped talking, our point of intersection would most likely be (14,15). And sometimes, it seems so unfair. Sometimes I wish we were parallel lines, and we never met in the first place. Other times I wish our lines coincided, and we had an infinite number of solutions; an infinite amount of time to know each other. But our relationship is beautiful, too, in it's own way. We're two lines with a plethora of things in common, and our lives got to cross for just a small amount of time. We got to find each other, and then drift apart again. But I'd rather have one point of intersection than none at all.
I'm not really sure if my graph makes very much sense but it's okay because I like the general gist of the poem. Please feel free to leave feedback in the comments below (-: The song for this one is "into your arms" by the Maine.