Time and time again life will prove to you how fragile and rare is Trust, and how valuable when found.
It will prove to you that many people will disappoint you and hurt you; and how important it is to hold on to those that don’t; how important it is to hold on to those who can taste your tears through the kisses, and then kiss them away.
It will reveal to you that there is nowhere to go to escape from heartache, that it will hurt deeper and stronger each time; even though, each time, you thought you had mastered the pain. But pain is not meant to be mastered — it is meant to conquer ‘you’, --- it is meant to reveal you.
Life will manifest to you that heartbreak is a lesson we must learn, and that its only teachers are those we have loved.
It will show you that sometimes it takes a smack in the face with a boulder to finally see things as they truly are; and we realize we can lie to ourselves for only so long.
Life will prove to you that sadness is only one of two wings; and that we need both wings to fly.
That at the end, and in the end, there is only God and you…