I'd like to be lovely to you, again I'd like to matter to you again I'd really like to receive flirty texts from you again I'd really like to be the girl you tell your friends about again But you've changed And I hate your friends I'm no lovely, you were lying And as pretty as the lie was, I'm done with your lies The truth is, I never really mattered to you Girls don't matter to you, you play us like we can't be hurt I don't even want to matter to you, because you're messed up dude You're a liar, and a cheater, and faker, and an ******* You are fake sorry, fake understanding, fake trustworthy, fake caring, You are fake. I don't need your **** I have enough of my own I really believe, by the end of this year, I can be happy again Like I was two years ago And the only real way for me to achieve that Is to not get mixed up with you again. I'm not tangling my emotions in your words The truth is I WILL NEVER BE HER So don't waste my time Stop texting me Stop telling me you're sorry, you're lying Stop pretending you knew me And stop believing me when I say I'm fine Goodbye. Just know, I don't have a particularly high opinion of myself But that being said, even though I'll never be her *She will never be me
Trying to motivate myself not to text him. It's hard, but so far so good. Writing about it helps.