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Jan 2015
Deep in the desert where no one can see
Is a laboratory named "Area 143."
Like Area 51, it runs government tests
But not about aliens (though that's a good guess).

These facilities created, over the years,
A watch that would stop when your soulmate was near.
From your moment of birth, it would start to count down
To the exact moment when your soulmate was found.

For a while it worked, and all was well.
But a rise in divorce rang the warning bell.
For the watch could not predict that you'd love your mate,
Just someone that you could potentially date.

The CEO of Area 143
Tore his beard out and yelled, "This cannot be!"
He recalled all the watches and then packed them away
To a secret location, where they hide to this day.

But he did not know that other watchmakers
Had stolen the plans for these botched "soul-maters"
Today these copies are still for sale
Some think they do work, from school to jail.

So if you ever meet someone and you see your watch stop
You might have purchased one of these matchmaking flops.
Madison Claire
Written by
Madison Claire  18/F/Jacksonville, Florida
(18/F/Jacksonville, Florida)   
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