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Jan 2015
Can we as men comprehend
The value of time
Or is time a commodity much to rare
To be assessed by our feeble mind

Can time be bought for gain
Or for wealth be bought or sold
Does time posses a value
Such as diamonds or as gold

Is time it's self a currency
To be saved as an investment
Should a return be expected
As we prepare for retirement

Could time be a hidden treasure
An object we seek to posses
To add to what time we think we have
Do we over this thought obsess

We as men want so much
Of what we cannot see
For we men know not how much time
Is alloted to you and me

While we are breathing life
Unseen time is always appearing
And at the very same moment
Unseen time is disappearing

So,what is the value of time?
Will the answer by man be ever revealed
Or will this mystery that plaques mans mind
From his knowledge forever be sealed.

Written by
Robert Blankenship  Texas
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