I recounted my day to you and made sure to use a good word. some savory spice over the dull topic at hand about my professor's swollen lymph gland.
It was jubilant or maybe it was juggernaut thrown into the hallways of dialogue like some high school freshman dawning a new outfit on her first day of school intending to make a good first impression.
"you talk too poetic" were the only words you had and I recalculated all the ones I owned the ones that came so naturally those who have made me who I am handcrafting me as much as I them they who've persuaded they who've debated they who've won arguments they who've lost arguments they who were chained back too shy to escape into the cold of a lovers criticism
and so when the branches fell that day so perfectly onto the ground mimicking the sound of a fallen soldier I held back my metaphors and juggernaut of words my ink stayed where I thought it belonged for a second and that poem was lost.