bare it straight...
the knight-fool referenced here,
me, scrabbled, scrambled writer,
moat-surround builder,
petard hole-blower in walls of captivity.
letting those inside out,
letting those outside in...
all the beloveds from
ailments hurtful,
in and ex ternality
fearful of eternality
guise of knight errant,
salve and solve,
two pocket protectors,
needy, downtrodden, love-hurting,
slip inside and hide till ready
to come out on acceptable terms
entrapped, locked down and in,
show me the walls for to break,
make the solitary unobligatory
hands holding you will lead us,
all writ on clean new chance foolscap
open sourced coded for sharing
knock knock knock
come calling,
my calling...
to come...
I love cheap money
I love giving it away
cheap money is
that which you give
to the the brave ones....
not much of a poem
because it is the least expensive
way to justify your own existence
and better someone else's
someday I will write
actually share,
the poem long dusted on the bottom
of the pile entitled,
**Just Money**
a long tale of how I learned
the value of monetizing
but let us ask where shelter,
shelter is in the human embrace,
like I said,
not much of a poem,
more a good look
in the mirror
and the shelter of liking
what you see