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Jan 2015
It may seem somewhat morbid,
But I promise I don't lie,
When I say I find it interesting
To ask, "What if I died?"

I wonder what an impact
I'd make if I did bound.
Would I change the lives
Of those I keep around?

I wonder what a mess
I'd make if I did bleed.
Every act has recompense.
Whose tortures would I feed?

I wonder whose breath
I'd steal if I did hang.
Who would be left without words
To dull the sudden pain?

I wonder all these things,
And it makes me smile.
If I passed, they would care.
Perhaps I'll stay a while.
I'm not suicidal. I just find it somehow therapeutic to remember that people would care if I were. It's my strange way of reminding myself I matter. Everyone does.

©Sam Ciel
Sam Ciel
Written by
Sam Ciel  Los Angeles, California
(Los Angeles, California)   
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