I wish I could forget you For a little bit it happens from time to time When I'm busy and away from my mind Yet you come back again out of the blue If you're anywhere close so soon I want to just talk to you Or hit you But we both know I wouldn't do such a thing Why you broke up with me! So I'll just wonder if you think about me As much as I had of you I mean it's not like it didn't matter right? From taking me in and holding me tight too saying we rushed and that nothing is right I felt that too but still I just didn't want to break up with you And maybe if I did maybe I wouldn't feel this This loneness that you gave me So thank you Thank you sooo much for that Because it's not like I wasn't going to start not giving a crap about you But slowly and surely With time I'll be with someone else and happy Because as much as it felt like a fairytale You were to never be my prince charming