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Dec 2014
Oh so slowly
I'm thinking of happy love
Happy life
With the person I love
And then it comes

"Hey boy I'm you
The person you "love" would b so much better off without you
Can't you see she doesn't love you anymore
That she just feels pity
So she stays around to keep u calm
Just look at her and....him
Look how much they love eachother
Don't tear them apart
You can't be loved
Stop trying it's pointless"

No I refuse I still love her
She still likes me
He hurts her
Sure I have too but together we can make a change
We can love eachother once again
I know in my heart we can
She's all I have

"Don't you see you selfish little brat
The more you say those things the worse she feels
The more she hurts because Ur so lost
Your not inocent kid you cause much pain and harm"

No I refuse
This can't be true
All I do is try and love her
All I want is to be her only one

"Don't you see?!?!?! She already has the love she wants"

But I still love her
So much
She's all I think about
She's all I care about

"Your dragging her down kid"

I'm trying to lift us up on love
Together we can face any challenge as long as we have eachother

"She's better off without you"

I love her, she still loves me
Even with someone else she still loves me

"Your selfish and deluded"

This battle is never won only fought

"One day one side will win"

And then we will either be saved or destroyed

"Or you can join me in the shadows, un-noticed, unwanted, waiting for her to notice you, like the years before her you can be lost in the dark once again"

I don't want to come back there, I have feeling I have love I have hope

"We will see"
The inner struggle I face everyday
Just a shadow unnoticed
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