I see the fainting glow of love That goes with your last breath It lingers in the crisp air Your eyes once constellations in the midnight sky are now filled with despair A cruel joke that life played on you You who was so full of life Dying just to spite the world You always said you'll never go Without the jacked up sensations of dopamine with hints of pheromones merged into your explosive mind No sound but the pearl white teeth grinding against each other to dust All humans are made of rust with slight hints of mistrust jealousy and love. A shadow of the man I once knew is now before me You will haunt me for not saving you But this is the lesson learnt by broken lovers. That often our endeavors of lust don't and up well But rather enchants you in to an evil like spell where you are mesmerized by some stranger All senses of danger are suspended And in a rant of madness you say Forgive me The red thread is cut and we depart into our own worlds filled with the remains of each other. Whilst you say your peace I'll say mine. I forgive you but most importantly I forgive myself. And with a feverish smile you say good. Thus your last breath is drawn.