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 Jun 2016 Pia
Colten Sorrells
I was so angry, running scared
until she caught me unaware

an angel fallen from above
that taught me how to live and love

before her I was filled with hate
I blamed each circumstance on fate

it took me far too long to see
that she always believed in me

so I approached her, acting tough
I don't know how she called my bluff

she seen the heart I tried to hide
behind all of my foolish pride

so I tucked tail and ran away
but she still found me anyways

seemed all I'd lost, in her I found
she helped me turn my life around

now I'm no longer running scared
for anything I am prepared

she filled my empty heart with love
and gave me strength to rise above

she even tore out all the hate
and helped me realize my fate

and now I think I finally see
why she would not give up on me

and if all that was not enough
she broke me down and made me tough

she stripped away my foolish pride
and showed me what I tried to hide

she tied me down and set me free
in her I found serenity

and all I lacked, in her I found
so I will never let her down
For Shannon
 Jun 2016 Pia
I place the sky on a shelf
Glass lightning birdsong
My ears dont find your name in the wind
And there is no face
I can't forget the cloud
The sharpened silver-lining

How many times will I become a wall?
A kitchen sink
A holy symbol
I can't turn away from the bottle
Until I am the air you breathe
I place the sky on a shelf
And know it will always be there if I need it

I place the sea inside a box
Ceramic razor shark teeth
My eyes have seen better days
And different oceans
I can't forget the wave
The way it crushed me under

Your stay awake for me at the edge of the world
Porcelain skin
Churning breath
I can't turn away from the seed
Until I am water once again
I place the sea inside a box
And wait
I might be one out of many in the crowd.
I might not be on top of "The World."
However as hectic and separated as I sometimes feel...
I owe my strength to being part of the many....
Than ever having life too easy and "be richer" on the "top."
Even at times where I feel I am invisible and never seen....
Even after the stress draws my mood to be somewhat cruel and or mean...
I simply step back, take a breath, and understand...
That I'm part of the "Many" that enjoy their efforts "above" that of the "few."
I know that I am never alone as I feel things are piling up
Or Problems seem to make me drown in life's ocean...
However cruel as this world might get....
I've learned how to swim to my "resort's Shore."
Earning a chair on the beach in relaxing shades of a "Truer Reward."
As my hard work, patience, and a truer understanding of my "fellow man"
Leaves me to feel well "rested"
I am "well rewarded..."
Lifting the weights of "Truer Power"
Being a great and needed part of an equal trip with well earned friends along life's road trip.
Shaking hands as we departed.
From the starting line to the finish....
In this rat race of life....
I've earned "My fans" and "truer Victory..."
Simply Through being the Best that I can be.
 Jun 2016 Pia
SE Reimer
 Jun 2016 Pia
SE Reimer

the word flows off
the tongue with ease;
say it softly...
slowly please,


disclosure of illusory,
pursuit of the elusory;
the uncovering of
buried secrets, dark and deep,
quiet whispers, soft and sweet;
an unveiling of
the here-to-fore unknown,
illuminating darkened hallways,
where footsteps lead us
to a place where all is shown.

in life it is the quest,
explorer’s zeal
that will not rest;
in love it is
the unknown song...
to give it notes and lyrics,
time and tune
which leads to
melody and harmony.

in my time,
i have known a few;
have sought to parse the lines
’tween false and real.
but no adventure
will replace
the one that beckons,
outstretched finger,
stares me solemn, in the face
each morning ’fore the mirror;
though the outer i may tend,
it's the inner to consider;
for to know oneself,
a journey long,
a venture of
mountaineering magnitude,
where the weak may hopeful start,
but summiting rewards
reserve remittance
those valiant souls,
whose inner spirit
strength imparts.

’tis not the heart,
in love to conquer;
but ’tis one’s trust instead,
faith the mountain holds
rope and feet steadfast,
finish line within
one's grasp.
faith the flame will never die
illuminate the corridors
that lie behind the locks,
the gates, the doors,
that live inside one's head.
to let another in
this place of buried pain,
of innocence gone by,
where dreams once flourished,
so oft lay dying, dead,
this secret place where we reside
the seat of all we were and are,
again will one day be;
this where needed trust,
gently to encourage,
carefully to nourish;
these the fields
of possibilities,
of hope, beliefs,
of budding dreams;
to be uncovered,
be unearthed,
love’s encounter,
tongues to loose,
await the brave and wise,
the strong discoverer,
unafraid to learn the truth.


*post script.

surprise not its intent, yet may be
its greatest blessing, and accomplishment!  

a favorite blessing of mine to bestow on marrying couples,
"may your discovery of each other,
never end, or fail to delight;
and return to you the wonder,
of first love and of first sight and light!"

to you, the reader, fellow sojourner,
may you never cease to discover each other!
 Jun 2016 Pia
Arlo M
And still she calls and still I know not why,
For plain it is to see that I cannot
commit to say our love will never die,
  Or remember all the lust that I forgot.

I ache to tell the truth and so concede
the fire in my heart is on the wain,
and gift my mourning soul this noble deed.
       Cowardice is easier than pain.

Tomorrow I'll pretend to talk once more,
And cheat myself that everything is fine.
I'll marvel how her passion can endure
  And wish to say the same
                                               that love of mine.
 Jun 2016 Pia
phil roberts
She was our first grandchild
And naturally
We loved her dearly
And I adored her
As only grand-dads can
And she latched onto me

She used to come to us every Tuesday
At a time when kids are most interesting
She was fully conversational
(Didn't we all know it)
Her personality was emerging
And she was still young enough
To have her originality and imagination
My little gold mine of joy

And this is how it would go

"Grand-dad, you be the shop keeper
And I'll bring my dollies in for clothes."
So she would lay out her doll's outfits
And bring her dolls forward to buy clothes
She would haggle over the price (and win)
And pay me in cardboard coins

"Let's watch a video, Grand-dad!
Let's watch Barny!" (Again)
I hate that ****** purple dinosaur
And Katie thinks he's wonderful
That smarmy voice of his
"I love you and you love me,"
I bleeding don't you know
I wouldn't let him within a hundred miles
Of any kids of mine.

In the course of the day
I would be called upon
To play multiple parts in
Everything from The Three Bears
To Little Red Riding Hood
In which I memorably became
Big Bad Wolf and Grandma
And presumably ate myself

But the highlight of the day
Was the last thing before she went home
The weekly show
"Introduce me, Grand-dad!"
In my best showman's voice
"Ladies and gentlemen...!"
To my wife and dog
"...The moment you've been waiting for.
Fresh from her recent tour
Of our back garden.....
Miss Katie......."
"Katie Spice, Grand-dad."
"Miss Katie SPICE!"

Into some popular ditty of the day
Issuing from her at full volume
Then she would stop mid-line
While she did a little dance step
All greeted by thunderous applause
In her head it was Carnegie Hall
Rather than my wife, my dog and me
So, a happy end to a happy day
Then Katie went home
And I slipped into an exhausted coma

                                           By Phil Roberts
 Jun 2016 Pia
Paul Gilhooley
Life may not have gone the way you planned,
It's not bad luck, mere lie of land,
Wherever you look, woe's all you see,
Discerning faces suggest "It's meant to be",
Ignorant to events, even on the next street,
Concerned only about the world at their feet,
If you believe that this isn't right,
Then now's the time to stand and fight,
To make a difference,
You have to be the difference.*

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