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I know it's hard to touch the clouds
when memories
hold you down
I know you cry a lot inside
when no one is
I know it is hard to wake up
when breathing cuts so deep.

and the birds, they sing
you cannot hear
and the sun, it shines
you cannot see
and there's a lot of warmth around
you cannot feel.

I know it feels so hard
to live
with so many scars


light will shine and you will
and birds will sing and
you will hear

It's just a dark path
you have to walk
and I will be there
to walk along
don't hold your breath
don't give up yet
keep your hope
and you'll find one day
that you can fly again
for you deserve
the highest clouds
the purest air
the deepest love.

and I'll be here for you,
you, dear soul,
the sweetest lyric
of them all.
for lyric, <3
red moon,
deep & sacred
giver of life

rain falling
on the moon
rain falling
on great ape mother

great mother ape
washes beneath
the crimson moon

raindrops flowing
down her massive
shoulders and back
great ape mother

eyes wet with rain
tears from the sky
mixing with
tears from the heart
her heart
Great Mother Ape
love  that  Great Mother Ape
and worship the Crimson Ape Moon
the moon kept on calling me
but i wasn’t answering

i miss you my sweet love,
my dear sweet friend
and our long soft moonlight chats

the moon kept on calling me
but i wasn’t answering

why have you forsaken me?
where fore did thou go?

the moon kept on calling me
but i wasn’t answering

i kept her waiting,
waiting through many a night
so long, so lonely for she

just one more moment
then i will be out, be out to join you
my dear sweet and loyal moon, my moon light friend

the moon kept on calling me
but i wasn’t answering

patiently as ever, for eons and more
she kept whispering to me
but i wasn’t answering......

as she slid quietly away
the moon kept on calling me
but i wasn’t answering…...

would i ever answer her,
ever again?
written on this magical & deliciously cool night of September,
after this kind Pope has now departed & the crickets keep singing...
i shall return soon, for i miss them too.

kind readers, any education you can give on how to use the languge attempted in the 4th pair of lines, would be graciously accepted with utmost thanks.

and i would have formatted the entire poem in italics, but i don't know how to do that in one swell swift move or two clicks, so i leave her this way... for i am too lazy to go in line by line... dear sweet Elliot, perhaps you will send an angel to whisper to me how to do this in my ear?

as a writer, i would like to be able to do this and just now i thought of trying to move it out, then back from another program, but i am not sure if that will work here and i'd rather keep on writing than get into a fight between software.
I'm tired of days where I just laugh,
and sit so still and contemplate,
an inner peace and where it's from.
I always end with the same refrain.
How I can see with endless clarity:
they're nothing but guests in my reality.
But then this thought can drown me,
breed recklessness, not rationality.
So having peaked an immortal mountain,
and taken a while at dizzying heights,
I stop to look down at the road not taken,
and see before me the phase I begin.
From the other side on the hard road down,
the summit was ephemeral, I naive,
and the whole thing a pattern,
just another routine.
I'm tired of an utter lack of hope,
a nonexistence, a complete retraction.
I'm sick
of endless ups and downs,
Being battered forth,
and carried back again,
amongst the arms of no control.
I am right now in the terrible deep.
I'm so very tired of everything.
Yet still I cannot sleep.
 Aug 2015 Phoebe Thomasson
Closeness of wind
and loss of breath
freedom of mountain-top
lurching under liberated soles
the span of sky
lingering around;
one soul alone
set free
let go
prison left
and trap escaped.
Kiss of breeze
and earth
and wind
and life
and all that is held good
all that was has now broken
from enforced captivity,
lies here,
at the feet
of a want-less wanderer
lies here in the eyes
of a fear-less traveler.

Not lost for long
a calmer beat
cannot stop the thrum
of unending humanity
of immortal prosperity
yet still,
I gulp the alpine air,
and long for whats to come.
I sit along in the dark bamboo grove,
Playing the zither and whistling long.
In this deep wood no one would know -
Only the bright moon comes to shine.

— The End —