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 Apr 2014 Phoebe
Andrew Durst
What's the
point of having
a life when
your every thought
is for
someone else?
It sickens me to see kids spend every second of every day devoting everything they have just to support an ******* or someone who just isn't worth it.
 Mar 2014 Phoebe
Dolores L Day
If I responded with "I'm doing good."
You'd say "You're doing well."

If I said "Oh! The king from Thor was-"
You'd say "Odin. His name is Odin."

If I asked "What did you think of the movie?
You'd say "It was terrible. The dialogue was atrocious, the plot was  sloppy, the actors were bellow par and I hated the fact that they both survived"

If I told you "I love you."
You'd say "I know"

You're just so Vulcan...
But I've always liked Vulcans.
 Feb 2014 Phoebe
James Jarrett
I would have been
A stalker
But she loved me
 Feb 2014 Phoebe
Jonny Angel
I dream about silence,
the kind of silence with her,
as we lie together in our comforts.
There's no need for speech or
constructed words between us,
sensuous fragrances, tastes
& hot-visuals will do.

Pheromones spin around us
in a heavy cloud,
I trace her with my tongue,
run her entire length,
she begs me for more
with the way she moves
her awesome body,
not too loud.

It's so much fun
to up the tempo staring
into her pretty eyes
as she coyly smiles,
I inhale her musk &
she relinquishes
her healthy thighs,
sighs so sweetly
when I touch her there.

She guides me into her
& we transcend the Earthly,
explode into a fireball,
without spoken words,
just our primal language,
the silence of pure love.
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