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May 2018 · 231
Phantom May 2018
I hope to be free one day
like the birds that dwell in the sky
and fly high
as the sky is where freedom lies
just as is peace, which also dwells
in our hearts.
Sep 2017 · 224
Phantom Sep 2017
My blade is my soul.
We are bonded as one
Without it i am nothing
But with it i am something.
So please do not get into my way
or else you will be my prey
and will die in an pitiful way.
Apr 2016 · 387
Phantom Apr 2016
Hate is for
the weak minded
who cannot
truly 'move on'.
Sadly, you
need to accept
the unacceptable
Apr 2016 · 230
Phantom Apr 2016
when you dream
do you ever think of why?
Why do we see these images
Have you ever thought of a purpose?
What do we gain from this 'story'
Have you ever thought why we get
bad dreams and good dreams?
Have you ever thought why some
are clear and some are not
Sadly, we mortals cannot comprehend
Mar 2016 · 250
Phantom Mar 2016
you say you love
but really you lust
you say you need
but really you want
Mar 2016 · 237
Phantom Mar 2016
a cut may not be deep
But the pain that comes
with it, may just be ceaseless.
Or maybe the words you use,
they say "sticks and stones may break your bones, but words hurt more"
As the words
enter your soul
and break your...mentality
you feel hopelessly lost
in a so called bitter-sweet world.
But when you get consumed by
depression and pain
you give up
and allow your pain to devour you
never knowing, life can always
Feb 2016 · 214
Phantom Feb 2016
You could ask yourself
what does that mean?
Why does it mean that?
When did it mean that?
How does it mean that?
Who said?

Stupid questions you tell yourself,
But you still hope for an answer,
A   Purpose, a meaning, a way,
you truly understand.
Dec 2015 · 210
Phantom Dec 2015
As i said, you never know
when the phantom
will appear but
yet we remember
that empty feeling
In the corner
of all the blackness
And when we struggle
to remember,
The feeling
makes you wonder
If you should even try.
Oct 2015 · 229
Phantom Oct 2015
They say
    fight for your
fight for peace
But as they fight
for peace they
Sep 2015 · 296
Phantom Sep 2015
      never know
when the
might appear
           or vanish
but everything has a meaning
and everything has a purpose
  so the exsistence of you
is the meaning of me
   without people
phantoms cannot be born
May 2015 · 241
Phantom May 2015
Who is the true enemy to soceity

and where are they hiding
May 2015 · 328
Phantom May 2015
May 2015 · 396
Phantom May 2015
I was a kid
           filled with hatred
enraged with anger
              hated this world
I never had anyone
         to tell me the good from the bad
So i left it
         became a pest to society
No one to hold me back
                 i was an outcast
or maybe even a renegade
And i had a goal to change this world
by force if i had to
          so i became the phantom
in everyones dream
but came to reality
May 2015 · 911
Phantom May 2015
We, the children of today
and the adults of tomorrow
will guide this world
enhance and refine it
we, the generation of miracles
will go forth
and destroy the word impossible
the destined ones
who will know all
blessed my god
May 2015 · 347
chosen one
Phantom May 2015
I may not be the chosen one
but i chose myself
to lead the path
either good or bad
The only one
even infinite space and time
couldn't touch me
The chosen one
May 2015 · 275
Maybe i was wrong
Phantom May 2015
Maybe i was wrong to leave you
Maybe i was wrong to walk that path
Maybe i was wrong to misjudge you for the things i did
Maybe i was wrong to let my emotions take over
Maybe people who do not try are not worthy to recieve

May 2015 · 242
Phantom May 2015
What is the reason im on this earth
what is my purpose
i did not choose to be here
but i was anyway
this world is hell
Its corrupted to the point where i dont care
Now im just a phantom
who watches people
a phantom that wants to know the truth

Maybe it's a pardaox

who am I
May 2015 · 262
Phantom May 2015
You cannot be deep without pain
Pain comes and goes
its not that easy to forget
You can't patch it up and say,'its okay'
You may choose to resist
But emotions don't work that way
You can try but pressure and lonliness will break you untill you fall into an empty abyss.

— The End —