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We were over when we started
That was plain for all to see
The only one who didn't see it
From what I know, was me

The signs were there to show me
That we just would never last
I always talked about our future
You only talked about your past

I couldn't see the forest
The trees were just too thick
But, there hidden in the woodlot
What I'd find would make me sick

Everyone around me
told me I should be aware
That the love I held in my heart
In yours, just wasn't there

Compromise was missing
It's always yours or not at all
I was never ready for the breakup
I wasn't ready for the fall

I learned to look around me
Not to fall so hard and fast
To take my time and maybe
I'd find something that would last

We were no good together
I seem to know that now
But you taught me what to look for
So, stand up and take a bow

I'm a better person for it
Even though you broke my heart
We were no good together
I should have seen it from the start....
Failure is my own fault,
What else can I say?
I don't do the work,
I try to get away.
I'm a leaf on a tree,
Clinging on to a false,
Hope ridden branch
And falling on impulse.
The wind carries me for a little ways,
catching me as I fall,
But the wind will run out,
And I will lose it all.
I feel as if I've failed myself,
I mean, my grades where never great,
But a parents wrath is never good,
But I guess they'll have to wait..............
                                              ­                And wait...............
                                             ­                                                And wait..................
 Mar 2013 Peyton Smith
His skin is a canvas,
New lines of art carved into it every day
He has a needle wrapped in thread and dipped in ink on his dresser
And he's sleeping between blood stained sheets
His calves are warm, resting over mine
His eyes are crimson and they're burning holes straight through my collar bones
He's self medicated and sedated,
Staring at his walls like he's never slept between them...
Touching my legs like he's never slept between them...
I worry about him when he closes the door
A thick red pool is forming under his nose every time I find him unconscious on the bathroom floor
He paints over the wearing scar of my name on his forearm every day
And I've stopped asking why
Because the question escaping my throat feels like a death sentence
And every word he uses to respond coats the room in this eerie pain, that feels like a funeral
I've grown weary of the lasting sting as he pulls his hand away
I don't know how many seasons have changed while we've been this way
But if he doesn't open the blinds today, I really can't stay
The sun came up today
A different sun to yesterday
It felt warm and strong
Warmth through my flesh to my bones
Like a summer sun at noon
Yet it's spring and snow abounds
Last night I stared at stars amidst frost
Twinkling bright like messengers
Evening now approaches
Yet I still feel the sun
In all  its parallels
Your lips are a permanent marker.
Inscribing your love for me over every inch of my body.
They have written your name on my collar bones.
Covered my hands in your fantasies.
Left adjectives of affection on my stomach and thighs,
and turned my back into a portrait of your lungs.
Promising to spend every breath you have left with me.
You laid out our someday's, and sealed them with a kiss.
Not sure about the title. As always xP
Today I feel like winter.
Weighed down by layer after layer of powdery silence.
Beautiful in theory, but quickly grown tired of.
I love this, but I can't think of a title!
 Mar 2013 Peyton Smith
I'd been trying to do something with my life,
Any ******* thing
But i've always been too easily distracted,
especially with the promise of tangible experiences,
Like the seeing of sounds and the tasting of love.
He said just come round, what's it matter anyway?
And as I could give no answer to the meaning of life,
Here i stand again.

Nineteen it is now,
Nineteen small white pills,
And they won't do much if i swallow them,
I've tried that one before.
But if i didn't know better i may well try again.
Prehaps at the end of the year,
when it will be twenty glistening childs teeth,
I could try again,
Double the dose,
Triple the dose.
Slot them into a double scoop ice cream,
Eat up all my desert,
Then allow my soul to desert my body,
Once more, on a one way flight.

I'll postpone the inevitable for now,
Its what we're all busy doing anyhow.
But i've seen more in my short life
than hollow headed women baring their *******
for just one more drink that might help forget their boredom,
And sporting young men, desperate for attention in any form it may come,
Some form of reassurance,
We're glad you're alive son, we sure are.

He sat there in an oversized jersey,
and i wished he'd let me crawl up inside it,
To sit there in his lap and cry myself to sleep,
No, No! I've had quite enough of such foolish business.
It's in the past.
But isn't it all?
The past is never really gone,
I don't trust it for a minute.
I don't trust much.
 Mar 2013 Peyton Smith
I **** & it's okay because
I **** for my country

Wait no, that was a father
that was a son
I watched the life ebb from
the body of an uncle
whose favorite color was green
who loved old music.
I turned this husband,
this pro stone-skipper
into less than a corpse;
into a statistic
a number.

I **** for my country
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