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Jun 2017 · 542
Stretching the rubber band
Peter Kiggin Jun 2017
Stretching the rubber band

People all with different faces in my memory reflections of empty spaces
I look back and you're not their forever I sit and think of you as water runs down empty stairs
A white dress you've worn on a summers day while gazing through that which still remains
The long days with bright sunshine and glasses filled with cheap red wine whilst kissing you underneath the ripe grape vines
Words don't come easily as everything is and was and could been and if you did I didn't agree completely
That is why my long love lasts as I forget the present and hold dear the past but then was then and now is now that is why life is one long ask.
Jun 2017 · 403
Peter Kiggin Jun 2017

Tomorrow will be pleasant and the flowers will rise to the Sun but never quite reaches
Tomorrow I'll play with my dog because he's fun and we never argue but glad to be with
Tomorrow I'll walk were the factories hum to hear the wheels of the cogs as it screeches
Tomorrow I'll dig a big hole then my work will be done and only one thing I know what it teaches
Tomorrow I'll put on my shoes and go for a run because no one can stop me and all that it impeaches.
Jun 2017 · 572
Born this way
Peter Kiggin Jun 2017
Born this way

Born this way and always knowing
Born this way time is owing
Born this way darkness floating
Born this way beautiful stunning
Born this way subtle calling
Born this way lion snoring
Born this way holding falling
Jun 2017 · 278
Don't Leave
Peter Kiggin Jun 2017
Don't Leave
Please sleep soundly my only son
I,ll watch over you until my dying breath and your a man then I'll be gone
As I see you grow I look at you and proud am I of what you've become
No one knows how much I love you except my woman the only woman whose love freely comes
It's easy to think that people believe in a world and a place to where our souls live living on
Maybe the world is just a place that our bodies have to experience life before the soul leaves for new beginnings and so the circle turns and the universe lives from
Jun 2017 · 356
Walking in a certain way
Peter Kiggin Jun 2017
Walking in a certain way.

The birds aren't singing today
It's raining so kids stay in instead of going out to play
I walk up town and see there's nothing to see but alley ways
I sit on a bench in the gardens so pretty in all colours but they are crying for sunshine I would say
I walk over a bridge far from home and stop to watch as the water runs never stays
Something amongst the trees watches me and I start to pray
Alone in a forest I shouted hey
He ran like the water from the brook gone astray on this rainy day
Water trickles down my back and I shiver and think of home but it sounds very grey
I always walk by the nurses quarters to see if I can glimpse the nurse with the long red hair and then I walk away always dismay
Jun 2017 · 629
Black Stockings
Peter Kiggin Jun 2017
Black stocking she's in black stockings
Candles burning dark night calling
Candles burning dark night calling
Hard grinding we're hard grinding
Hard grinding we're hard grinding
***** talking sweet ***** talking
***** talking sweet ***** talking
The floor boards rocking
The floor boards are rocking
she's moaning yeah she is moaning
I'm ******* I'm really deep *******
She's coming I feel her when she's coming
Black stockings yeah black stockings
interlocking body knocking for more.
Jun 2017 · 416
To be Free
Peter Kiggin Jun 2017
To be Free

We come to be
We come to see
We come through the night to the morning light
We come from trees
We come from the sea
We come to understand we have to work the land just to feed
We all need we all agreed
We hunted for meat
We come to see
We come to be
We have found that something found is not necessarily free
May 2017 · 290
System error
Peter Kiggin May 2017
system error

We are born into ******* my friends
until you wake up it will be to the very ends
Imprinted pictures or words the mind bends
I want true freedom in body and in spirit to cleanse
To be part of another star system across many whens
Like so many others I feel a certain resemblance to history trends
Burnt out old bridges never will mend
Waiting for a train then waiting to get off again
May 2017 · 1.3k
Ford escorts
Peter Kiggin May 2017
In a Ford escort you can get on the motorway and let your self free
In a Ford escort you can paint it black or red or even blue like the sea
In a Ford escort travelling to Wales is a whole different country
In a Ford escort my dad drives it like it's a Capri
In a Ford escort it's easy to get parts for you and for me
In a Ford escort you can fit a big stereo and wake up the street
In a Ford escort you can go to Blackpool and drive on the beach
In a Ford escort you can smoke a cigarette because we have a smelly that looks like a tree
In a Ford escort when you've had enough of the mark 2 you can save up and get the mark 3.
May 2017 · 247
Peter Kiggin May 2017

The wind on high blows and branches bow on the tallest of trees and together they lean in shades of the brightest greens,

walk with me along the high heath and gather flowers that spray all around your knees as your face feels the warm summer breeze and you forget for a moment your wants and your needs and you transcend life it seems,

but always the greens come back to me in my imagination as if on a canvas a painting I,ve dreamed were the tallest of trees leaning together to make all of the shades of the brightest of greens.
May 2017 · 282
Fool for love
Peter Kiggin May 2017
Fool for love

I'd like to watch you more closely
I'd like to see inside your head
The woman I loved once is lonely
I can tell by her face it's so sad
No one understands she dreams mostly
Perhaps she's gone dancing instead
Or maybe she is in her bedroom crying softly
I'm sure she's fine now as she will never be alone in her bed.
May 2017 · 227
Peter Kiggin May 2017

Shake hands with the devil
know this is your path
Take advantage of people
Make confusing so others to take wrath
Force all around you to do bidding
Without catching you an invisible photograph
Soulless and yet pleasing but only to attract
A masquerade of a charlatan except to a wizard with a staff
Notices on lamp posts of missing are signs to find them and some have been tracked
Knowing only of the selfish pleasure never the victim an incidental cross pass.
May 2017 · 236
Peter Kiggin May 2017

There are so many things wrong
I can't see because the light is too strong
When I walk it's not like when I was young
I can't hear because I'm too highly strung
The window is of my past as the edges are torn
The daylight dims and the night comes along
I started to sing a simple little song to remember and what always comes
The bird flew away and there was a terrible storm I just stayed and watched the sea rolling on
Eventually I realised the stars in the night sky had all but gone
I shed a tear then flew to a place were my body could lay right down then suddenly the morning light came and shone
I can see quite clearly and hear the waves back where it begun.
The circles had reached fulcrum.
Peter Kiggin May 2017
A great golden bell hangs in the middle of a piece of sacred ground
Under a large temple far from civilisation as we know only the sound
There are walls made from boulders of the mountains that surround
They keep the secrets of their people safe and outside is a ghost of empty promises never to be found
The people know to live and keep healthy as only others can destroy and have no bounds
I travelled such a long way to find this place and hear for my self the Bell astound
When I am taken to be washed clean in petals of orange ,yellow, red and white for purity of discovery all around
I am painted black like a empty vessel with eyes yet to see and hear the sound of the bell pound
The time was midnight and the bell was struck , all of it's knowledge came right through me and the flowers smiled floating along a brook,I know of peace and tranquillity and became a faith healer always to wear black and hold dear to me the time I was found.
May 2017 · 289
Peter Kiggin May 2017

So many things have changed mostly not for better
Still aching inside with pain because I'll love inside forever
Like a lion stuck in his small cage dying every day but never
I see the sparkle in your eyes like blue diamonds cut and clever
You are the one I hold to in my dreams as I endeavour
For a thousand years I'd run for you until the bridge I cross is our river
Tonight I look at the full moon and it's still you I write this letter
May 2017 · 262
Peter Kiggin May 2017

Soften the edges of light and you will see
All that I am is all I'll ever be
A beast of burden waiting for the sun to set me free
What a waste of a life when men can not be men and the law mocks me
When I was born I didn't see a tag fastened to me saying conditions may apply or not for a fee.
May 2017 · 528
Beyond the Universe
Peter Kiggin May 2017
Beyond the universe

The affirmation caused by a single moment is time
Pacification is a defence mechanism when crossing the line
To control the mind you must ****** suffer and make sublime
The face of the monster is just a fiction to what really defines
With out the creation there would be no points from which to measure dreams to find.
Apr 2017 · 1.5k
The Midnight Room
Peter Kiggin Apr 2017
In the midnight room

In the midnight room you can take off your socks and shoes
In the midnight room you can drift to a land that you only snooze
In the midnight room you can be who you want to be on a ship you may cruise
In the midnight room all is what you want it to be behind the curtains behind what you will lose
In the midnight room you feel indestructible and you have an angel for a muse
In the midnight room forget you may be nobody but sunlight will surely come like the newest news
In the midnight room you can listen to the music that drowns out the sound I love the best inevitability proves
Apr 2017 · 192
Forget never
Peter Kiggin Apr 2017
Forget never

Tenderness is all I can give to you
A touch of my hand to stop the blues
A sympathetic look knows I have felt that way too
I want to hold you in my arms all night through
I wandered out in the world and listened to voices new
I was a child but now a man of simple wants it's true
I opened my eyes and cried a tear for the child that grew
What a white cloud that covers the faults inside me and the morning dew.
Apr 2017 · 273
Fear not what you seek
Peter Kiggin Apr 2017
Fear not what you seek.

The sound of the rattlesnake faintly becomes the night
I lit a fire and keep close for it will protect me with it's warmth and ever shadowing light
Rocks are gathered here upon this sand near the edge of civilisation and it feels so right
I am waiting for the changing of the seasons while the world is barely a white canvas by looking by sight
Living in the sea must be the dead mans eyes that are closed and yet ghostly figures gather when the four winds twist tight
Sleep amongst the stars like an innocent child not knowing all that would **** him if instincts didn't blaze so bright
This bridge I walk on carries me over silence and loneliness to a land I do not know then the rattlesnake pounces to strike.
Apr 2017 · 233
The Clarity
Peter Kiggin Apr 2017
The Clarity

There were a billion stars out for you girl
I could have played with celestial time
One bright star that was you girl
All the worlds were spinning aligned
I just wish you weren't so bright girl
Then I could have everything defined
I love all the faults in you girl
Why couldn't you live with mine
A window is all I need to see you girl
A place on the harbour is a ship called The Clarity of Peace and Mind.
Apr 2017 · 218
Your Eyes
Peter Kiggin Apr 2017
Your Eyes

It looks like I never knew you but only for the best
A cloak of a lover who's heart beats beneath his chest
My eyes could barely see you only beauty purchase left
A soul in total turmoil and in nature I am blessed
I couldn't have picked another from a thousand trees I guessed
I would have only ruined another and fate leaves fallen on your breast
Every day my eyes worsen with all the colour but your eyes I'll keep in my heart for best.
Apr 2017 · 291
I have the Key
Peter Kiggin Apr 2017
I have the Key

Where there is no sense of responsibility then there is no meaning
To not understand how another human feels is inhumane
To live a life without knowing something so fundamental is parental mis treating
People today are only worth what they mean to others which sickens me to disdain
The world is evolving into a society of law makers and law breakers and you have to ask your self everyday which are winning
Conditioning to a way of life is the norm and doors being closed and locked for the dis respected and poor can only complain
cost of living
Apr 2017 · 545
Words are all I have
Peter Kiggin Apr 2017
Words are all I have

I see mirrors everywhere I look
Are they reflections of a book

In ancient times what is written shall be
I believe too in the power literary

It brings people together to discuss
It is clear as day for some lustrous

People live and die but words will never ever rust
So I put to you the words in trust

I bring chaos were I feel I must
I am forever a poem to remember not just
Peter Kiggin Apr 2017
Live by the Sword and die by the Sword

Is n't the world filled with remorse while silently your going insane in your head
A new way of living is to work with your anger and ****** some one important instead
A sinister calling is preferred and the next morning you read a note from your son that says he is glad that he's dead
The fact is that it's everyone's fault but no one will admit it for dread
Even the most intelligent people in the world are ignorant of some things like not making bombs that can **** the human race and a sword has a double edge
Apr 2017 · 237
Ritual beings
Peter Kiggin Apr 2017
Ritual beings

My brain had worked out what my eyes could fail to see
The truth was you would never give your self to me
I fell in love with you the first time and I could not even breathe
I heard your voice on the telephone the next day and I could not believe
We soon got together as the boat moved up the stream
The river got much larger and liars watched me take a dream
I looked at her for the final time as I knew it was never meant to be
I stayed on my boat for a thousand years seeing things I wished I'd never seen
When it was time for me to face the music I had forgotten where I'd been
As the boats came and went I would bow my head down because I felt a failure although later my fever had gone it seemed.
Not a mystery
Apr 2017 · 230
Only silence Brings
Peter Kiggin Apr 2017
Only silence Brings

My yearning is to be a bird on a wing
Go to different places and do interesting things
Learning about other birds with similar markings
Maybe a bird that isn't bothered by any man then maybe I could call myself King of Kings
Something so beautiful was never meant to be caged like the tears that I shed that make my eyes sting
The trouble is that you have my heart and without it I will never ever sing.
Only silence Brings
Apr 2017 · 269
Peter Kiggin Apr 2017

You've taken everything from inside of this man
All that's left are bottle tops and an old tin can
I'm sad and lonely like a kitten without it's mam
I guess after all these years I still don't know who I am
What is it I was supposed to plan
Will I just turn to dust or is there one last stand.
The ineptitude
Apr 2017 · 336
Society declines
Peter Kiggin Apr 2017
Society declines

The green frog wears his bowler hat and carries an umberella while he's waiting for the train that takes him to Kings Cross
A Zebra reads the paper turning over pages as a badger sits on a bench smoking a cigarette for his health he doesn't really give a toss
The dragon fly is floating and it's colour seems to be blue and green shining in the morning as he checks the time and the train is late so now we're running at a loss
Two mice are still yawning because they stayed up last night to watch the boxing and they had to paint the house in matt or gloss
The train arrives and they all bundle on and no one sits beside the wasps in case they feel like stinging but lives are lost and the snails with their hair so long are going to uni to study slow motion as I guess anything else would be just a doss

The train arrives at it's destination and all the animals go their separate ways as another rat race starts at 8.08am and two ferrets drink their decaffs because they are so rich and they are  boss
The Zoo
Apr 2017 · 264
Heart and Soul
Peter Kiggin Apr 2017
Heart and soul

I just want to get away for a few days a few days
Walk along the beach and watch the skies turning into blue let the sun blaze the sun blaze
Maybe a meal as the sun goes down I sail adrift on the ocean sound of the waves the waves
Look up now the night just shrouds like a blanket and the people crowd then the music plays the music plays
It begins to get a little cold so I sail my ship to another coast and these are the best nights sleeping under the stars where today turns into tomorrow we all just dream away we all just dream in different ways.
Peter Kiggin Apr 2017
Wishes and Rainbows will solve it all

Wishes of you in my arms as my love was true
Soft are your lips woman but I can't get next to you
If I thought another man could love you as much as I do
I am the only fox left that the hounds and their horses will never deny me of your eyes so blue
When you look at the moon tonight think of me kissing your neck so long and smooth
I stand under electric lights in the streets so cold just to see you walk into a liars arms through and through
You see the future is looking bright as a hundred rainbows will cover me and you and come morning orange and lemon grass will be the dew
I can see it in my minds sight like a sign that changes will make things right and you will see it too
Mar 2017 · 440
Peter Kiggin Mar 2017

Red smoke is rising
confusing all I can see
Brain cells igniting
Tumbling rocks for debris
All the children are fighting
Teach them not to believe
All the birds are flying
Because we've burned down the trees
Hollow caves are frightening
Shelter what we retrieve
The ships in the sea are capsizing
The sky is black like the cloak of a thief
There is no returning
The new world is forming and the mind calms as I watch in relief.
Mar 2017 · 298
Burden so Bright
Peter Kiggin Mar 2017
Burden so Bright

Do any of us know where we are sleeping respite
Underneath the black they call the night
Strangers roam the streets when you're looking for a fight
Awake sweating for the dream maker has been by unconscious sight
Light divides us from them and when will they go so everything is alright
Build a fire and feed by is warmth as we are a mere satellite defended by a star so bright if you look too long it will blind you and your memories will be your only flying kite
I have cruised along this life I hate with all my might and yet I can't destroy it because of hope that I will dance with you under the moonlight.
Mar 2017 · 242
Peter Kiggin Mar 2017

Burning bones blood settles upon the ashes
Don't you cry girl it's life that passes
Bullets shot in defense of masses
One day child they'll take their chances
There's a new voice that whispers power for fascists
England is a target ripe for clashes
Mistaken messages Ethnics gather to earn their passage
Fools who follow tread the path of ancient rampage
You make the laws then face back lashes
Freedom is a word once meant to fool the different classes
It's transition that confuses and change of chances the new era that has no colour because the world proves altogether the earth enhances.
Change before radicalization
Mar 2017 · 270
Peter Kiggin Mar 2017

Still silence heart pumping blood circulating around the body and mind
No movement trapped in a dream of a magical kind
Colours are so clear they fill up my senses so many you'll find
I watch Chinese movies because I like to look at eloquence written with a single stroke you can change what is in front of you and also behind
Fluidity wends and winds not to confuse but to mimic your life full of destiny untold limits of incredible signs
The philosopher would say learned but I say intelligence breeds people to link building blocks which combines
When dreaming something somewhere is influencing and to influence is to rule so create as many choices possible and be the monkey who climbed
Monkey high in the tree
Mar 2017 · 290
Peter Kiggin Mar 2017

Let the birds sing out loud
Let the sun just cover over me
Let the rivers be so proud
Let the land give honest work for me
Let the children laugh out loud
Let the flowers blossom in gold to green
Let us live without the lost and the lost never found in a crowd.
Property is theft
Mar 2017 · 252
Seen it in the Movies
Peter Kiggin Mar 2017
Seen it in the Movies.

I've seen it at the movies were the girlfriend goes off with another man
Living in the movies isn't like being just a person whose heart doesn't understand
I was only another victim not being the obvious type as the timer dripped down with sand
The cruel fate of a lover who just needed someone to hold his hand
I've seen it in the movies were the lover dies because the world he doesn't understand
I wonder what really happens maybe he finds another woman who makes him happy and loves him because his heart is good and will never brake her heart would n,t that be grand.
Mar 2017 · 712
Peter Kiggin Mar 2017

The fire rises the timber burns creating power of light and heat
Energy flowing in colours so that we know it's real and complete
Feed the fire for eternity and lose the magic of the source a spark that now roars in the wind my heart so sweet
Caught like a moth to the flame nothing else matters accept the consequences of want and hope as the defeat
Such power had the flame it killed it's self for such energy you cannot sustain and all that is left are ashes which is the truth and never again a light shined to compare to meet.
Mar 2017 · 228
Peter Kiggin Mar 2017

Situations change from red to blue then yellow and finally green
I wash my hands yet they are still ***** never ever clean
A memory of you is disturbing me because now and then I think that life is so very mean
The Sun shines in from the window and I can't help but think of the beauty of the rain I've seen
Taking snap shots of my performance in the middle of a conversation that my life is a dream
Someone wake me up because I have to say that reality is just a tantamount to death's final scene
Shame is on your shoulders and forever your knife is deep within the very same spleen.
Mar 2017 · 275
The devil approach
Peter Kiggin Mar 2017
The devil approach

All day I slept long and the whisper of the devil spoke
I lay down with the only sound of evil as he laughed and told me about hope
Every day he mocked me and every night I watched him as he collected dead souls around town in a black cloak
He knows there's nothing God can do about him because the devil is in your mind as you live you also die and that's why circles have no point they just evoke
The secret is to stretch life to it's limits and see what you can find but unless you are a spirit soul you cannot pass the lines of reality so tired and provoked
You cannot be born again until the soul has left the comfort of the human body and accept the never ending spirit to guide you to cope
Believe what you will because every body does but the devil will creep and encroach your mind when the hands of the clock stops he will approach.
A tap running
Mar 2017 · 338
Save your tears
Peter Kiggin Mar 2017
Save your tears

Words don't dry your eyes
You live until you die
You might see things and sigh
You wander and wander why
We are our own contradictions because we lie
Suffer in silence but always looking for somebody to ask to try
It's a complicated world and complicated people ask questions whether to sell or buy
Trillions of pounds filter through a computer system to keep float the hopes and dreams of why many look up to the sky
Orange Sun keeps us alive but the reason for this is not reason enough to make people feel free to do what they want to do and that is cut and dry
Half of the world lives in glory and half are just getting by but when judgement day comes we will all have a home living on clouds so high
I guess all I can say is it's been the most interesting life I have ever lived but it's time to say goodbye.
Rivers run wild
Mar 2017 · 333
I found Hope
Peter Kiggin Mar 2017
I found hope

This was the last letter I wrote
Swimming in the sea or floating on a boat
In the frozen wilderness wearing a big coat
sacrifice your self do not **** the goat
Red and gold silk sheets under which I spoke
I said yes and a woman looked for me with hope
Where are you now probably on your knees thinking you can cope
I'm still sailing across the ocean to tropical climates Island anchor tie the rope
Sitting drinking coconut and *** sends me to sleep and dream of yellow fish making bubbles as my toes float
I'm playing my guitar hoping that something makes the right notes
I can see monkeys on the rocks dancing  and I laugh and carry on playing as drums start and parrots clear their throats
An Elephant starts to rap and it sounds dope
Feb 2017 · 214
Peter Kiggin Feb 2017

A fire lit in a cave along way from me
That's  where I want to be
Instead I'm here always wanting but never being truly free
Watching the moon circle the Earth forever linked to human history
A sacred man of thought and meaning picks only what he needs from a tree
Forever friends inside each other replenishing for the tree fruit would surely rot can't you see
Another circle within a circle one needs the other to exist like the direction that lends for journey's you may surely agree
Or are we all lost children just pretending we know when really it's life's mystery.
Peter Kiggin Feb 2017
I saw heaven and it tasted like honey from the bees.

A snow capped mountain trickles down and makes a river and travels to the Sea
My eyes are caught by a fountain that makes a rainbow and I wash myself because I never have been so ***** and yet I'm clean
Clouds wrapped around me like a curtain and I'm as high as a man can be
Do you feel it right because I've been searching for him and God knows he found me
If you can see the light well let the light shine into me please
I have travelled miles and miles and miles to taste the honey from the Bumble Bees
You girls know what I'm talking about so don't pretend and let me be teased.
Feb 2017 · 228
Peter Kiggin Feb 2017

I bring you my thoughts and you can hear them on the page
I want to sit with you for a while and talk about all my rage
I let you see inside me as I sit inside my shiny cage
They won't let me out because I once stood on an empty stage
Let myself bleed and people watched as I thought it was a dying age
Nobody wants what they can't have unless it's your heart and soul that's plagued
I thought life was fun until I knew life was real and the fire burns too close sometimes and leave scars so ugly you can't show or engage
Thanks for the chat I hope my words make a change?
Feb 2017 · 299
Peter Kiggin Feb 2017

Gently float upon your cloud that the light and sky may cover
I know that all around you life you must see all the wonder of colour
Don't be confused that they are chosen for any particular reason brother
It's you they want to change inside your heart and soul one father one mother
Listen to the sea as it follows and ebbs like a baby cradled by the moons power
We are little matter to nature as generations after us will re discover
For when you wake and it's all a dream what mysteries you can share with one another.
Basic human rights
Feb 2017 · 205
Peter Kiggin Feb 2017

The Sun still shines until the clouds blow in
I can't see the colours quite the same as light grows very dim
I feel pain within
I have cared for people all of my life but now it's time to sink or swim
My dream is to be someone who never fakes life and tries to stop evil begin
I feel pain within
We believe in many things through out our lives but the one thing I'm sure of is the light is inside everyone as long as we have the courage to let it in
I submerge myself with thoughts of things that will happen and have already begun but we know no one will win
All that I know is that pain is within.
Feb 2017 · 229
A Letter to you
Peter Kiggin Feb 2017
A Letter to You

The where and whys and when will all come together in the end
Discuss the days events civilised and with intelligence to find a friend
I will always think of now as the back when as I grow older and put down my pen
Maybe I'll die in my sleep tonight and I will take my soul to the celestial to ascend
Or I'll be thinking of you sitting reading a love story with a bad man who comes to whisk you off your feet then again
Take a drink and forget all the mistakes you have made and everything has painted smiles to get you through the day like pretend
Often the days are short and nights so long as time hurriedly marches on a new wasteful endless trend
In the beginning wouldn't it be good to see a note just to know how life does bend.
Peter Kiggin Feb 2017
Ghosts that have lived and now become just an open window to the past.

I could hear the voices talking to me inside my head
Telling me of things that I didn't notice while I slept in bed
The clock alarms at the same time and lights go on in bathrooms just like in any others house instead
The children are still dreaming of fantasies that the day before the sun was shining and children go where angels fear to tread
I remember the boy next door it must be 35 years or more when we would play together on our patch of land as pirates on ships or soldiers in tanks we drove our Tonka trucks till tea time and our mothers called out and we'd go in to eat our daily bread
I lived in a house above another house which made my house an upstairs flat and I remember a big room with a fire place and couches and a big window that could see all the other houses then eating my tea I would drink some orange pop then it was getting dark and in my bedroom the corridor lead
I would stay up late and watch the woods across the back of our flat as the noise of birds settled down and cats and dogs chased each other and the pillow gently hit me on the head.
Special,days gone by
Feb 2017 · 266
Peter Kiggin Feb 2017
To be honest this poem has no meaning
I can't feel it breathing
I want to let it come out screaming
Like a child waking from dreaming
I see myself bleeding
There's something I'm not seeing
Demons are so domineering
Red Dragon forces are wielding
A Drumlack bashing and hacking
Freedom laughing
No escaping
Only living in a forest called four winds
I met a goat called Snowing
To be honest I'm going to just wander around here for a while till it gets boring.
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