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Here we are
one by one
never reached far
we help each other
to grab a piece of a cloud
a piece of the sky
and be proud

Bonded by darkness
we are misfits in our own home

They said you cannot seen colours in darkness
they were wrong
blue, shining
through you,
and I believe god has perfect timing
No matter how hard you're trying
You always feel out of place
outcast with no grace
a person without a face

A human puppet with no feelings
no one really cares
they just care
about themselves

A ring of outcasts
forms a new social circle
a social circle of outcasts out casts
people like you.

How does it feel?
hypocrisy's a cruel deal.
a social circle of outcasts out casts
people exactly, like, you.
My eyes sewn shut
I just can't handle this anymore
I'm so sorry, there is no purpose
to live for.

A mouth is screaming
everyone is hearing
no one is listening
the lights are on but
no one is in the house

we live for
we sacrifice for
we suffer for
we die for
is so overlooked
Honesty aswell
but people wouldn't notice them
even if they fell
right in their arms.

People chase a stupid fantasy
dive into a virtual world
and drown in imaginary expectations
I hope your bubble pops
life is here in front of you
I've been there too
I understand, but it's no excuse.

No one is perfect
no one really has tact
sense, perception
Or any idea how to deal with life
It's all an act.
It's all an act.

the words you said to me are engraved on my arms
carved the words
into my skin
your judgement is my cold, sweet breakfast.
I have nothing to offer anybody
except my own confusion
stuck in nowhere
a plague stricken country
a small town
locked down
and a massive explosion
of emotion
running wild in the streets

You'll forget this when it's over
But the words and the images
engraved in my mind
sanity is tough to find
in these hard times
the bell tolls for me
it's time to end my misery

the noose
twas a good time
bye bye
this is killing me this is killing me this is killing me
trapped between
four walls

I can't feel a thing besides
im such a leech
i deserve this

going back to the army tomorrow
all i feel, thinking about that
is sorrow
down there
down there
sights from above
sights from above

they seem tall
they seem strong
and the frail little child that I am

Orange and red
could be
a nice mix up
i think
it should be

down there
sights from above
I'll look at them with inspiration
and a lot of love
How can a person suffocate from the simple act of breathing?
How can a person in a "free democracy" get killed by the simple act freedom of speech?

How can we as a society reach different cultures and remain racist and violent?
You call this culture?
Living like vultures, stray dogs with no ideologies

We are not destroying Mother Nature
We're destroying ourselves
And alone she will remain
Knowing that we were the worst

— The End —