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This is a weird time
The never ending pain of my broken heart left by a careless soul is beginning to reside
I no longer am forcing myself to do things but am remembering the beauty of being swept up in such deep passion that my love for life energizes me through the day
I am laughing more than crying, smiling more than wiping away tears, and chasing the world rather than being crushed by its weight

And there days where I still miss you
And there are nights where I have to go on drives and listen to our songs to feel you in the way my heart yearns
But these moments are few
And now every one ends with a smile
Because while I am thankful for who you were,
I am most thankful for the heartbreak you caused that has made me who I am

It's a weird time
Because I read old poems that perfectly describe the hurricane the last year of my life has been
And my heart sighs in unison with their words
But I also am writing new poems about a new man
And they are full of hope and promise and maybe a happy ending

It's weird
Because I'm watching the end of you
Fade into someone who is more than I could ever imagine
And looking at him
It's not hard to let you go
 May 2017 freya c
 May 2017 freya c
its funny
how we take refuge at night
stuck between
lingering and lurking
when everything and nothing
is wrong and right
all at once

thoughts deep enough
to drown us
drip dry overhead
staining our bodies black
as the sky outside our lazily cracked windows

every sound is amplified
limited eyesight
heightening our sense of hearing
encouraging us to remain
but never asleep
sleep dark night quiet thoughts late
 May 2017 freya c
galaxy of myths
And I am left gasping, exhausted.
How can a love so strong felt by one person,
and the other not at all?

How can you give and give and give
and the other would take and take and take;
but runs with it all?

How is it happening everywhere;
the pain and hurt alone,
while the other moves on through it all?

 May 2017 freya c
galaxy of myths
The weight of you
     sitting upon me.

My fingers rake
     your thick mop of hair.

My fingertips graze
     your porcelain skin.

Inhaling your scent*
     like a breath of fresh air.

And I miss it.
     I miss it all.

The words better naked,
  the song better clothed

My feelings stripped bare,
  my lyrics exposed

I flash and I streak,
  the melody warms

Now fully unrobed,
—my song to adorn

(Villanova Pennsylvania: May, 2017)
 May 2017 freya c
Denise Writes
 May 2017 freya c
Denise Writes
roses are red
violence is blue

silence in bed
maim you too
CW : domestic abuse/****

— The End —