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Heather Mirassou
California    I may be over Forty But my Bosom Swings And Skips To a Funky beat With a tip-toe Skip, Hop & dance That only I …
The mind is more creative than we are lead to believe. Writing is a way that I like to express emotion, whether it is directly …
Writing is how I cope with life and view it with my eyes and heart. On the outside I'm aloof and gentle, but internally another …
My poetry is never finished. I hope to one day change people for the better,. I want to make people happy.
Haven Collie
bitter like lemonade.
An internationally recorded songwriter, guitarist and flutist, Guy spent seven years in Nashville where he honed his songwriting skills. He has had four songs in …
"The struggle to free myself from restraints becomes my very shackles" --Meshuggah
I came here to social network, but discovered much talent. Hi, My name is Winnie, I am an author, blogger and love twitter. I believe …
I am Clara Lauraine McAdam. I have two brothers and live in a flat with my mum and siblings. I have blue eyes and brown …
I like experimenting
Rachel Strowbridge
Expressing - Growing - Flowing
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