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Francis Scudellari
A sometimes solitary poet and writer living, breathing and working in Baltimore, at least for the moment.
Writing since she was but a tiny nugget of a person, Kathleen Mavourneen gradually matured into a small-medium sized woman full of rage, adventure, and …
California    I'll see you in my dreams.
Zachary Devitt
I have tossed a rock through the glass wall. I have thrown myself through behind it. Now here I am. I know you could see …
young and bored with a mind bigger than my brain
Sean is like a zombie, everyday is the same. His girlfriend dumps him since he won't change. People start turning into zombies. Sean sets out …
I use poetry as a creative and healthy way to express my feelings. All of my poems are real life experiences. Enjoy.
I'm Ben. I play piano and write, sing and listen to beautiful music. I will make a difference one day. My best friend in the …
San Francisco    i tell jokes and write poems and sometimes blur those lines.
in production
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