AUGUST 29----08:50am
In a mild weary night
When mortals in final seek solace
With their earthly deeds upon them tight
to encounter a burden bound for see
Which apprise with unawares sneaks
In many vision the world in view
Then,range who in mystery pick
May mordant or mellow with few
Ascending instance as realm poke
And a shrewd with cognizance attain ray
Which those folly with volition smoke
And in reality realm their mordant hay
In a wild scary night;
When mortals in finals seek solace
And precious embraced in flight
By fierce angel subdue case
And mortals are all nature minded
Of any trifle or prime revelation
Destined,as of subdue minded
Then a dream is a theme of revelation.
Dream is another method of revelation which God choose to tell what is about to happen to a person or someone's people