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 Dec 2014 Pau Basa
Roberta Day
why try anymore
why stand from the floor
why speak over a roar
why commence action
why repeat interaction
why sentence construct
when I'm interrupted
why decide when time
keeps on--why contemplate
why this apathy
why this grim mask
life moves so fast
brain's slowing down
mouth stops speaking
thoughts flicker away
no memories today
feeling sedated
 Dec 2014 Pau Basa
Ellis Reyes
Blood red tears streamed…
Coloring her face
Then yellow.

Looking forward she saw primates
Behind her screaming
to no one in particular.

Listening carefully
she felt the chill
of a raging fire,
down the gravel path.

Out of nowhere
Blinding light
Covered her in darkness.
Tossing her wildly against
a thousand razor quills,
soft against her skin.

Grasping the cacophony
the sweet smell of anger
glowed green upon her tongue.
Would radishes grow here?

Disoriented by the pedestrian world
swirling about
She consumed mind-altering substances.
And returned to the unreal events
everyday life.
 Dec 2014 Pau Basa
Uncommitted as ever
Yet I convinced myself this is better
Better than the cold I feel
Inside my head nothing is real
Eaten alive by my own demons
Yet I still thrive for no reason
Given no proof that you'll stay
Settling with just pushing it all away
I've decided I won't care
I don't want to be made aware
So let me forget how to live
We both know I've got nothing to give
Everything's been taken from me
And I just don't want to be....

— The End —