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679 · Nov 2011
your body's heart
PK Wakefield Nov 2011
from where's bloods coming going

           (hearts to hands)

flowing clearly imagined
into letters crisp
and words immutable
they (blushing
and sundered) enamor
warmly gushing
rills and rivers consuming
the mind sharpest
and soul firmest set planted
roots down
into niggling deepness
they blossom
(those words febrile
and haught)
in my body's heart
(and i pluck
seeds from their small strong
buds blooming
and i plant them in your body's heart)
679 · Jan 2011
PK Wakefield Jan 2011
Winking doubled 3 and by 3
he was down by a the an at
the very steepness of the grocery
outlet's little outlet shunting
to passersby his handy vanity(and they liked his dog and saiding so they drooped a coined palm and flatulated giddy tinklings

     he later utilized to *****
678 · Dec 2012
PK Wakefield Dec 2012
by my face standing the next to upstairs window looks out (i can see) on the hot inch of a glowing city youth where and unyouth mingle (a cat) in a fat buzz of quiet freezing still air it looks so coyly diminutive (curls about eyes)(through next doors window) opaque and not breathing pallid sprawls tinly its tummy has groaning stretch marks(a paw)thick with amber nestled suddenly a car horn(and skitters away)
678 · Jan 2011
PK Wakefield Jan 2011
ere the vapid dolt of lengthy light
we writhed inexorably salacious
as serpents on our bones
in the passive leather
of extrapolating guilt
677 · Sep 2010
i had my feet on theair
PK Wakefield Sep 2010
i had my feet on theair and was gashing in the new
house of first violence
my hands were arranged in a patient painful shape
that laughed with speed
he's a dank specter of courage lilting in this valley
falling perspicuously quiet
of motion deadened, an apathetic figure stiffly
la petite mort
well spill sleeping wind on the face of night
and go into your head
a delicious sprawling valley, at the beckoning
of my fists
i made it for you, this dream, so dream it
677 · Nov 2010
she's a big flavor
PK Wakefield Nov 2010
she '
           s a bigflavor
stuffed with agile bones
and gracious stocky elated heat. winsome flush density: that to(o
which i'm merely malleable metal
some gold, palmed freshly
in the grove of supple magic
a boisterous thigh and i,m love



  ' m witless charming music i
                                              m '
clumsy lighting gnashing slow
at lewd digestible ****** of your swift
fiber shedding miracle or you
                                                     my quavering note
      of pure violence
                                         stabbing rightly my paunchy ego
    and bleding
          i steal into your absolute cherry and marvel
viciously the timber of your soul
which burns and freezes gratuitously like the sun and earth
who are lovers like we
677 · Jul 2012
PK Wakefield Jul 2012
the defined of nothing of chaste finite summer,
you of primrose heat
you of whitely stroked youth
you of pale and freckled dumb beauty
you of faultless poppied fields, sick with colour

you, Summer, neat of hands, sticky of lip
blunder sweetness: candied sighs of limp fragrant
earth, Summer, the deepest languor of thy supple
thighs, eat. laugh. die.
676 · Apr 2010
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
soft islands
in pale ocean

your pink trees


675 · Aug 2012
i have(foot brutally)
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
i have(foot brutally)

               in grass newly wet


the lick of



greeness('tween toes particularly futile blushed)at
beads of damson
                                slung eve,




            R into earth SWELLS
glassy summer night
crisply etched in sleeping trees

               FLOWERS!at whose

gentler fullness

                            the jagged suddenly


                             whispered the errant
                             predictable mountain
675 · Jan 2011
PK Wakefield Jan 2011
i'm not impressive
                                                      ­  (and i never will be.
                                                             ­                             .
                                  ­                                                         '
                                                               ­                            ,
                                                               ­                             '
                                  ­                                                        ,
                                                                ­                                      '
                         ­                                                          .
675 · Apr 2011
o, little star
PK Wakefield Apr 2011
little star
with fingers
  gowned nimble
    fickles numbly
     bickering the
night with
perhaps slamming
      bruises off white
         fast timidity
           simply dusting
             forever lovely
               without mortal
                 err ere the dull
                   mother of budding
                       -tupid unheavy
                            what slashes
                              night briefly
                                 darkness flaky
                                  flaking breaking
                                 in summer
                   ­           sorry ladies
                            who sleeping
                           fairies dote
                          'pon slick
                  whitely moors                                                            ­                                ,
               her softly
            and her
marvelous                                       ­                                                   ..............­..........
   4ever                                                            ­                   ,
     and 4                                                                ­     '
                  ever                                         ­        .   "
                                ever                           ­  ,  '
                                         ever                . '
                                                   eVEr : '
675 · Jan 2014
PK Wakefield Jan 2014
.                                                                ­                         Q
                                                               ­                        u
                                                               ­                             i
                                  ­                                                              e
 ­                                                                 ­                          t

                                    ­                                                        O,

     ­                                                                 ­                       though
                                                          ­                             woh
                                                             ­                                little
                                                          ­                          ylgnis
                                ­                                                             you
                                                             ­                            era

                                                            ­                                :
                               ­                                                   soft and crisp;

                                                         ­                    won't you enter me

                                                             ­                 the gentleness (your unsound)?

                                                                ­                             I
                                                               ­                                 n
                              ­                                                                 ­    c
                                                               ­                            r
                                                               ­                         e
                                      ­                                               a
                                                               ­                             S
                                  ­                                                           i
                                                               ­                             n
                                  ­                                                          g

    ­                                                                 ­      by voice and unvoice
                                                         ­                  the white song: living?

                                                 O Quiet and you are so i think you are beautiful
                                                       ­  in your shoulders and in your neck i think
                                                           ­      you are increasingly beautifuler
                                                     ­                      than doused in night
                                                           ­                     and stars earth.
674 · Feb 2012
i am sometimes am
PK Wakefield Feb 2012
i am sometimes am
and am and am
(like rain even)
my fingers or my
toes like drinking
the svelte mat polish
of hot wet asphalt
lingering in winter's
dying hands

sometimes i am like that
acrid and pleasant
i waft particularly
up steaming narrow
columns of wetish
light dappling suddenly
back alley ways
flitting with the mute
hulk of a monday

in town sometimes
down town sometimes
me and me together
alone go spilling
with the wind through
the unkempt smiles
of rough lonely folks

(and sometimes always
i split my cheeks
curling on there
cold bitten winter
rouge a warm
flowing crescent)
to each person
i pass and i love
everyone of them
674 · May 2010
1 feckless 2
PK Wakefield May 2010
1 feckless 2 dabbled breathless charming
rose smattered garden. 3 came a forward
prancing chill prose tongue hewn cool 6ing.
scattering all the correct petals precisely.
a   d   an:
   n                   abderian 4 chuckled loose
                 woven laughing leafs. yon 7 corpulent
                locks keyless secret green. dig deep soiled
          fingers. find the beating source pulse bearing
       seed. if so ever you loved the summer golden complexion
of sun folly songs trembling kiss. here now be 9 musky calf.


674 · Jun 2010
PK Wakefield Jun 2010
to the moon  i went skimming all the
puddles piling!on the trunks o
floral ocean bending passionately waxy
devotions     to      a        silken     sphere
dazzling pearl  sharp littles

        O, how cleanly stubborn the ridge concussed
              velvety brushes salt the earth iridescent,
dreamy sky cream pillow the brows of all the upturned
       lashless lids craving your milk blood

                                 silver                it                    like                   a:


672 · Jan 2012
Summer foolish
PK Wakefield Jan 2012
Summer foolish
  your stupidest fists
         mangle in wet
                      by the
                       lake rifled
                      by the
               e r s
             of hefty
                                           mer purring
                                                     you bulge
                                                             the kissed
                                                            lovely forms
                                                          of sungirls
                                                                     by the golden
                                                                  hewing untrembling
                                                               husk of laughing days you
                                                                                                                     steadily increasing
                                                                                                                           on bodies
                                                                                                                                 some stinging redness
                                                                                                     in the soft
                                                                                                  belly of your nights
                                                                                                i'll stand by open drinking
                                                                                                  seawind windows
                                                                                               and i'll rub
                                                                                                       into the back
                                                                                                    (the startled raw back)
                                                                                                   of my silly girl
                                                                                                 some aloe
                                                                                                                   and i'll kiss
672 · Jul 2013
PK Wakefield Jul 2013
this dyin' out which
the fay of sleeping trundles



stings deeply

very drab
and doesn't

its shoulders

its muscles


sloping crease
of its hips eat

the timid easy fingers of dawn
672 · Feb 2013
PK Wakefield Feb 2013
little                                                           ­                                                                 ­                                     bird



                                                       ­                             tinly

                           ­                                                         kissing

                                                             ­                         of your wings

                                                         ­                             in the always

                                                    ­                                   stooping to kiss

                                                      ­                                  brightly morning are

                                                   ­                                   a perhaps song

                                                 ­                                                                 ­                                                    like
        ­                                                                 ­                                                                 ­                   (little bird)
                                                           ­                                                                 ­                                  the velvet
                                                          ­                                                                 ­                                 pocket of a
                                                               ­                                                                 ­                           violin

                                       ­                                   rising

                                                                ­     chord

                                   ­                                 'pon

    ­                                                                 ­             chord

                     ­                                                             to the

                                        ­                                         slender fragile aching

                                ­                                                        immeasura­ble pretty

                       ­                                                                 ­    of sky

                                             ­                                                forever
671 · May 2012
PK Wakefield May 2012
I come a robin's egg blue sky
With a sun and a night
Lean, dank, and innumerably
Looms with magic
Just at the nape's of
Street lights
671 · Oct 2010
she is beauty
PK Wakefield Oct 2010
she is beauty
a violent pulsing *****
   sweetly of sinew or nerves
     gasping skeleton writhing
       naked olive livery screaming
                  i like her
         garden. with my tongue. a folding
scent of poesy in small poems i cannot write
      in 2 hearts scratching painful din of
cringing light. on her ventricles enameled my enormous
healthy blood; she rages quietly; an ocean scalping
   the coalesced lips i shatter on her belly
and her clergy of ***. i am dumb my naked perfect blade
    so put in me
PK Wakefield Sep 2011
i swiftly, will into casually skies, wade fire into them and they alight on me cut like
sharp little eyes those heavens got such brusquely painted vaults all blue and slightly
they swim with whiteness in them are so puffed and drifting lazily on copper swooping
twilight they become a bit usual. but i comfortable and dauntless sleep in their heart, my blood ,
crinkles on the waxing moon's lustrous ***** (and it does roll crimson beads down through
each marvelous breast to upon her belly and becomes a singing bird of autumn and it dies
670 · Jun 2012
PK Wakefield Jun 2012
palest inch of human health
who fringed at the edges with
hurting and raw pink a little
like a tulip on the faintly
murdered hush of caving night
is slick with wetness
                   (petals, stem, and earth)

digs a root into breathless miles
of rich, wanting,

670 · Nov 2010
my light
PK Wakefield Nov 2010
     my light
my lithe light
                           my lithe lady
daily devotions: i attend with my lips
your marriage of heat and (callous sensuality
unerringly lavished a spit of phlorescent marrow.    .        .    To the salt

       of sunlight light majestically freckled your shoulders

who's so pale hands are grippless plums juice bursting off you're onyx hair

         who i'm enamored a foolish

                                                  of my rib

solitary pumping scarlet

                                                carve my amorphousness to
                                                 of lavender
669 · Jul 2010
PK Wakefield Jul 2010
& what are you?
                         you; are

                      naked saturday
sweaty hills neatly on your
skin. thou art:

        the rain

damply kissing a thousand times
my neck. you are the supple stocks

         the roots               ;                  the petals

you are a fountain of stunning music lashing
crimson fists on my and you are a flock
of                            muscles            rightly.


you are the splinter of *** in a nocturne moon plated
demurely akimbo. you are thee. you are the
contraction of my fibers in the ecstasy of
                                     lips) the crescent of heaven
and you are
. fragility of life in a manifesto of pleasure.
                        are you are the lucid abstraction of
beauty. aphrodite Fleshed in the sinew of reality. cambered in the
pasture    my hands.
      you                             are

arE.             m



669 · May 2011
thoughts of spring
PK Wakefield May 2011
how deeply flowers
in spring's warm fist
(between whose fingers)
, , , , ,mumble lithe plumes
of cherry cotton
and sugar virile
(the candy of sweaty days
waters in the clamor of
my mouth) monumentally
perfusing rills
(trickling out Morpheus' ear
and into thy own))
669 · Mar 2010
PK Wakefield Mar 2010
drizzled with beads
of shimmering light
you cry like a god
as you writhe
in the night
669 · May 2010
comes what of this
PK Wakefield May 2010
comes what of this:

          pink exhaustion
some shallow tract of nicks
neck scratched clean
& puddles of symmetry
line the frame still

           breathe flexing tiny
freckles shoulder wrought silk;
(a chalice so well tuned. blood song

repose exanimate former pleasure cutter

668 · May 2010
this was how
PK Wakefield May 2010
this was how
liked her best:

pallid roots
some soft wet
in their twain
an oral sepulcher
to dine
on hertenderleaves

(i bent my lips
in grinning countenance
that infliction
i did
visit upon              a
lovely sundrenched
PK Wakefield Dec 2011
beautiful explicit female thing
you're so
                             and so
you do pretty little painful
noises(and glad noises too)
when i pluck you darling
(your roundest strings perfectly)
and i engender a moist electric
current burst writhing from
the casual promenade of
your lascivious betweenknees
my hands glide smoothly
into cresting heaps of heaven
667 · Jun 2011
PK Wakefield Jun 2011
a thing is often fuzz on the blankness
foisting up to resonate superlative
most facets of itself into thy glossy
marble roundness fray of inconstant
666 · Dec 2011
Miss Dickinson
PK Wakefield Dec 2011
i mean slight difficult slant ways
rhyming friction
(between 2 almost verses)
that impossibly beautiful err
when it just won't Miss Dickinson's
brain funerals
fabulously feel
like a church bell
struck trembling painful resonating
notes in my skull pleasantly
666 · Apr 2014
PK Wakefield Apr 2014
do not go there are trees and how many who knows the world is round in Spring and fat in Spring is the far wonder of somewhere the chickadees of smooth sweltering dolls with their dulleyed limp mouths and they don't say a "******* word"
666 · May 2010
loose shadow skir.t
PK Wakefield May 2010
loose shadow skir.t
bough broken light


hide our crafty finger
painted cheeks

            (lilting grooves reposit
             shady bones rolling
             grave bound)

we won't be for much longer
so just giveth thy. in verdant
dark flecked chastity
666 · May 2010
so lovely a
PK Wakefield May 2010
every tinyenormous
partial whole
the dawns tide
as night's
fornication(with day)
made a crimson
screaming a vermilion
puddle on
my perception



666 · Feb 2011
PK Wakefield Feb 2011
ere to for i go
verily as am i
amongst the root of flesh
where layeth dust and soot
in a pleasing rectangle
of symmetry and wood
666 · Dec 2011
if i know a strength
PK Wakefield Dec 2011
if i know a strength then i know a weakness
(and i know it)
                     right  over
                      here and i'll
                    ­       what
                     ­                   i  s
                                         ­     (i'll whisper it to you)
                                                    and it is you!
                                           it is in your slightest body's
                                           cavities that is where it is
                                           the 2 immeasurable heaps
                                           of your *******(who between
                                           them hold that flittering stutter
                                           of your love muscle)over your
                                           tummy they distend perfectly
                                           roundest and nubile
                                           and over what a belly
                                           that patient field of softest dermis
                                           (but it's not perfect(and that's why i love it)
                                           )it's besmirched by some little coarse darlings
                                           who meander down its sloping palisade
                                           into the impolite swarm of your hips
                                           those dears creep down into a sturdy
                                           copse of sharply culled(by little pretty pink
                                           razors when you took a shower last night)
                                           filaments(and those prickle babes poke and
                                           tickle my nostrils as i build into your strongest
                                           smallness a leaping vociferous erosion,
                                                        ­                                                         '
                                                               ­                                               '
                ­                                                                 ­                                ,
                                                               ­                                            .
666 · Dec 2012
PK Wakefield Dec 2012
there is an old man who is dying inside me
he lies by a pale ocean
his eyes are and mouth mouth crawls with
ladybugs Spring is there
her lips are full of chafe and brightness hangs
about a flower less
petals each into the wind next to a pale ocean
where there is an
old man who inside of me is dying
PK Wakefield Dec 2011
from passions full and writhing
is born a mostly fragile flower

    (a whole garden of them)

they sprout and bud
in your light lady

(and in your
soil sweating
i'll plant their

push them
down into you deeply
and from your ivory throat
there will come a Spring
ing sharp growl
(and it will
be a
665 · Apr 2010
superior flavor
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
superior flavor mingles with arrogant aromas cascading into perception consuming all conscious thought as wet struggles to find its phlorescent strength you bleed every color dripping red/blue/green/violet streams upon the cold linoleum your pale shell the most beautiful thing my i has ever beheld and i want you so badly that every electron in my physical metaphor trembles with such aching desire that i want to tear off all my notions and become a something that isn't
665 · Dec 2012
PK Wakefield Dec 2012
sleepgirl don't

                               the world

                           hands to
                     find it
                   kindly nestled unfisted gracefully held
                   A round word of unspeaking lips
                  berried in love of colours inumerable
                  cupped in the stomach of the ocean complains
                  against the night

                                                          ­       A LIGHT

                   which in your carefullest heart eternally
                   quakes for letting
                   so uncarefully more divide thy palms
                   admitting a fragile infinity of kissing)andsleepinggirldon't
664 · Apr 2010
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
in time's unblemished flesh
this silver sliver of bliss
played delicate vibrations
over my sanity
nuzzling my conscience
with it's tempting
violet kisssssssss

reposed in shade
'neath quavering branches
in lucid confusion
they sing the sighing song
of winds splendorous caress

we don't speak
our silence says enough
our oral instruments
were occupied with each others tongues
663 · Apr 2010
the night
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
my i
listens t( 2)o
the night
w his per

wh is
perwhisperwhisperwhisperwhisperwhisper w
h is

663 · Feb 2012
soAndSo with yesterday went
PK Wakefield Feb 2012
soAndso with yesterday went
down to Emerald and spit
went down to see the particular
jeer of howsome comely girl
things parading elephantine

the promise of whose wet
unwinter's courser hairless
                 in february even
call stupider the boy war
cringing aggressive sound

i thoughtlessly and also
going weren't less than
a toy but to their agreeable
*** flung shivers and
dainty pinks atoped
with tighter neon growling

              (so i've felt like (with full and engorged membranous) never less a fool
               than when a shortly cropped fairy haired tousled perfectly bob
               slipping me her number snugly in my hands i called her 3 times
               without an answer)
PK Wakefield Mar 2011
a stopping sort of started ending newing knewing sort of ended stopped and beganed sort of yesing sort of wooing newing
    ­    i
         nd of stopped starting begunning
like well gee the summer was a nasal laughing roughness kind of sort of.
            i'd like to kind of
  or else to maybe
                                              with autumn who was distinctly haired
        in rich arresting dead
               that kind of starting stopping started
                                                                ­                    or well i'd like to think
     it,swellwhynotanywaybecause noone never didn't atall even in the big gabled church of dawn that strung the sky with gelatinous heaving fibers
all rabidly gesticulating puffy sansfinger hands grimaced on the slender naked
blue and black and bursting sort of kind of because sinewed fluffy hammers on because wrists because
                                               when you get all ***** in the mucky sterile daughters little pink little rose bud climbing open little rose bud up open big blooming like pink little sort of big sort of small sort of rose bud
        you kind ofwell you clean kind of your you you clean kind of clean it straight razor cleaning your you
          you cleaned with her big sharp little ******* all sharp and little and big under her shirts under her skirts kind of sort of because
                            she keeps it she
                            keepsitin there

                                                             ­                                                          summer:
she was unfreezing fresh squeezed lemon wedges sugar hilltops sweaty laughing nightmares in the big in the pale in the cordial surly pillow thick skinny heaps of gobbled luscious hot raining balmy slow quaking deaths every day i stood on that hill and i looked out over the city and she was really well gee sort of because.... . . . .               .                ,       ;       '                "
663 · Jan 2012
PK Wakefield Jan 2012
                                                                 what like pale
                                                                 towers ascend
                                                                 nights to heaven
                                                                 in which sleeping
                                                                 winds ma
                                                                 t       e
                                                                 the lewd buds
                                                                 of lilacs and
                                                                 poppies un
                                                                                                   buds nudely
                                                                                                                    between 2
                                                                                                                          sheets of
                                                                                                                                     the innocent
                                                                                                                               sugar petals
                                                                                                                                      of their bulbs cleanly
                                                                                                                              is sundered
662 · Feb 2011
PK Wakefield Feb 2011
it came about i graced higgly piggly (to saunter, generally, my flayed marble in the gross determined light( winter specially came upon all the arbor straights slatting it correctly,
PK Wakefield May 2011
deeply so, have ever you thought, on a moment that you thought you knew
it? have you ever thought of
     Summer with her flush
     amber skin just bursting
     almost apricot thick
     colours professing
      out her richly thatched
      mouth in between the
      lips of seraphs
      oceans of wind that
in which a frond is bending, just almost breaking bending, in the
immense touching blood of blades of sand and grains of grass
who slough from brows of aching partings
and sore graftings.

                                                                        in  yourself  think ever you Did
                                                                        the arms of your lover
                                                                 against stiffly you clutched who
                                                                      lean ribs, who in them beats
                                                                      mornings of song little a
                                                                      filled with drifting fuzzy
                                                                 daughters lazy wood's cotton

  in summer i went to seattle and down to its neck i drew my hands
and around them i was a sweating magic light full and a blister
of smiling residue; my grin was like a girl put my tongue in her mouth
and she pulled me real close and her bumps rumpled on my bumps
and we were real slow and hot and she was gross and perfect and long
and i remember how she's scalp was like a small black jungle
that my fingers (as her teeth were like little ****** of tingling all over
my scent) marauded around the profusion of her dazzling locks
which mocked the night who was contumelious at how they made love
with,andMurdered, whate'er foolish lance or drape of light was foolish
enough to touch with them. her hair was a serious fierce laughter. and
it filled right me up. right up to my pooling blood foolishly her face
was a goddess and i was a lamb.
662 · Mar 2010
wetly i
PK Wakefield Mar 2010
shed a
but not so
they appear
661 · Jan 2011
a class i had
PK Wakefield Jan 2011
twice as grace
the earth in molded flames
it spake with candor drunk with poppies
bursting unanimously
from his mouth
660 · Jun 2011
PK Wakefield Jun 2011
a day is the moment i gulp to risen falling
Night O', chiefly last, you disease first
of each clay tough with light dressing you

                      its spank

on the rouged teeter of enclosing most
day. swelling are you ripe and sensual
silence behind silence. your withoutsound
womb is tethers creeped up the spine of me
to in you pulled me enclosed an instant
forever an instant. unlearning myself,
i go to where i am touched exactly
more and better than the instant light
of day. too so we all say, "hello"
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