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660 · Jun 2011
PK Wakefield Jun 2011
a day is the moment i gulp to risen falling
Night O', chiefly last, you disease first
of each clay tough with light dressing you

                      its spank

on the rouged teeter of enclosing most
day. swelling are you ripe and sensual
silence behind silence. your withoutsound
womb is tethers creeped up the spine of me
to in you pulled me enclosed an instant
forever an instant. unlearning myself,
i go to where i am touched exactly
more and better than the instant light
of day. too so we all say, "hello"
659 · Oct 2012
PK Wakefield Oct 2012
autumn your neck is ivory straight unfleecing goldly
and brownly thousands neat, flutter
each gorgeous beneath each
piling drifts swiftly sets
on edge
crisp morning

(who is unstrange gentle and has hair thicker than)
659 · Oct 2013
PK Wakefield Oct 2013
dying's like
(hot between swift thighs)

a gush
of wires cloven

(wit' fingers cloaked in)

the *** of youth's wet sublime
659 · Nov 2013
PK Wakefield Nov 2013
first love,
in whose body
my soul is made,

                                  the whiteness:
                                  your crisply
                      ­        scent
                            is like
                      the long
                        the crimson
           the edged back
           thinness of
           mountain hair

(growing fairly towerish
it sprouts
as sprouts the sea
the freshest breath of life
to take by inimitable quavering
the softness of mind to depart

                      and kiss into

           the sweetness of darkness      (

            ­                     h

              sleep is
  ­                  comely wilting snow
                    on the blade of heat
658 · Oct 2012
PK Wakefield Oct 2012
sitting pale breasted
lipped in certain
opaque girlness
hangs by mortal
froth hair darkly
a thousand thick
and brutal firm

(a table usually
hangs over) thighs
brushed gently
akimbo lengths
of drooling ***
unmeet slowly
(while you
pretend to eat)
and laughing
divides rapidly
your cheeks
blundering with
crimson by wetly
fingers consumed
658 · Dec 2011
curl upon my words lady
PK Wakefield Dec 2011
curl upon my words lady
your fragile strongness

     firm and quaking ultimate mouth

(the hottest slash o' pleasure
          a    n     dcheekbe
                                                s A strand o' lace
                                                       and i dig my
                                                       fingers into them
                                                       and pry, by naked
                                                       furious hands, that
                                                       last trace of unnudity
                                                       (and i pull you up to my face(your startled perfect ***)a     n             dd ie,

657 · Jan 2013
PK Wakefield Jan 2013
that last who goodbye says too quickly is your demure petal in the wind amongst the trees at night
there is sound like living and beetles rustling there is a doe in speckled whiteness comely mounting
the no sound of darkness with a chirp of starlings in the eaves shake a branch from leaves flutter
and magic as thick as girl thighs suddenly.

                                                      ­                   ,



                                                                ­      '
657 · Apr 2010
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
i love
(the feel of)
657 · Oct 2010
i liked the night
PK Wakefield Oct 2010
i liked the night
         a morsel of arguing light
     with the morose chimney stacks
and gratuitous roofs
they wetted with creamy distilled lunar ****
and whisper beveled nothings
at the screaming silence

656 · Jul 2011
if a came summer
PK Wakefield Jul 2011
if a came summer
                          (over the beaches
                           in ribbons
                       or rivulets
                    binding the sand
                            with *******
                   and ****
                     fleshy rumples
i'd be gladly giddy in its shall on me
its lazy hands on me
   to draw me to it in
    to it drawn a manacled surly
      bead of magic
        burning ***
          on loose footing
            the unreasonable grains
               of sloughing seconds
came a summer
                   livid unmanageable moments
             where myself and myself
            used our stuff of soft and pink
           to drizzle drugged blatant
          skin on a beach somewhere i have been with you in the fall but then it was not so
          like the hot testing nerve (the bar of crimson branding light) instead a pale and
          frail limpet gruffly muscular light was all over it and it was cold and i pulled you
          really in my arms stabbing the youth of you slender able promise of corded
          elation hotly sudored morsels of.
656 · Mar 2012
PK Wakefield Mar 2012
magic surly blood dank
gold flecked and musty
shimmer set alight burning
you're some copper and some
dark brown sugar

                 like you taste like rust

against night dear a skull
sockets brimming with ladybugs

          behind a knoll

in forest deep and green sleeping
magic forests

  (         where fairies are still really

       nice fairies with

            great hair
   and they play diminutive

                         with light
                         and dancing)

magic stirring from firmest and
unyielding repose


and meet me in Summer in
forests sleeping greenly and
festering with holly crimson
you're some
thing i don't know
but i'll try to say you
anyway and i know you
love me 'cause i felt you in
between the sweltering balm
of girls thighs pliant and annihilators

(Magic surly blood dank
and glittering a bit of rough
you are like baking cake just
for yourself and a friend arrives
unexpectedly and you sit down
delighted and instead of alone
you eat and talk all afternoon
about nothing at all)                      

                                                           you are
                                                           like that
655 · Jun 2010
riding goes a pale hors!3
PK Wakefield Jun 2010
riding     goes      a       pale     hors!3


wriggling splendidly orange on her withers
              muscle              nerves
crackle specifically shocking writhing

     and turn around to face the frilly sanctuary
of the frailing light whisper.  he y ou gritty
hoof string be impossibly galloping fleet.
    i argue with the dead methodically
           but                                             ;                         comes

        f                            that  tangled grin
654 · Aug 2013
PK Wakefield Aug 2013
i like you dyin'
your blissfully crisp
lucious pulled
tightly dyin'. your

bursting thinness the

skinny your arms

the(bytheway) your eyes

which(shining)gleam faultless eternal

your whynot perfectly hips
which carry like the burning of my cut
(with your cut)to

                                ;  as ships

i and think do you
like dyin'

and you i like
(and like you i) a girl that
likes girls


654 · Sep 2010
PK Wakefield Sep 2010
the deep easy mountains are a supple apparatus
in indigo talking rain, they plead for small quiet
sounds who have no bones but skin that wears
the day. a fleeting gilded crest it rolls and chocolate
muttering trunks in the forest standing against
the callous lily supremely piercing the azure
lock of sky. and the amorphous gray gullet smeared
upon it's cobalt heat is gently vomiting wetness
653 · Mar 2010
endless sea
PK Wakefield Mar 2010
your soul
show me
your heart

i'm gasping
for air
as i
in your art
653 · Oct 2012
PK Wakefield Oct 2012
i by nothing invincible life steal
and steal again

into unearthly frigid sleeping night

crux and crux 'pon,

and strange furious tumult of lust
whorled ear strains to catch

lifting my finger to scratch her
opaque stomach one frail sliver
of light, stop that murmuring
never endlessly mutters beauty
impossibly amorous careful wind

tugs sepals into the mute kisss
of dawn: colour more blindlingly supple
653 · Apr 2010
darkness kiss
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
on the (tender)
tips of
soft pink
aching kiss


653 · Mar 2011
PK Wakefield Mar 2011
i went about the down and cleand own b yth ec l ea n
lithe bony bay ribbing the asphalt skin chuckTaylors'
and by and by the astute angle of the seas daunting
tailored skinny notch a grommet of sun ****** through
the scaly tremble of wispy ***** clouds spunting and breatheing
casual volumes of aromatic fluid bumbling out their tired
mouths and ******* on the lax pavement some of the heavy
drops "sPloosh!' wenting the ocean did and going "
whOosh ! "     the waves are munificently scrambling all about the rough timber
of the agile dock sitting sorely all alonesome and fickle
    so i gave it my feet
and wattled to its precocious face
and slid into the big
       blatant crumble
:      THE WATER
652 · May 2011
i have said mountains
PK Wakefield May 2011
i have said mountains
lazy clumps of clumsy
mountains, i have  said
them, arching oceans of gasping
instant sleep. I have crumbled
perspiring cheeks loose with
bulging moonest light. torn
flaky moonest nights. i have
halved twains and quartered
thirds. yet.
.     .
                   i could not say thee
i could not say thy lavish cup of shoulders
       thy prism of corrupting
sensible insane ***
                                 thy baffling and hoary flecks
of burning frost. scattered smoothing rapidly.
      i could not say thy instant muscles gradually.

you said
"                 ME
652 · Jan 2011
PK Wakefield Jan 2011
prancing ludicrous slick skinny muscles, the america opened small, gobbling bubbly musical. they were satiating in another room. and i was a wanting to burst up foetid partially digestion. this housed party **** is gross
651 · May 2013
PK Wakefield May 2013
there is the world so much i think i have felt it

have felt by it
and by it felt

so much it
(the world)

who in droves presses ugly Spring against me
who in heards comes dying and immortal
who in sleeping flowers laughs most
(the world

by sting invisible
impulses each rotund death
of lungs upon heaps of dying
to go out and wear more gladly it

it girls laughing
it boys sweating to be first
it arcuate of hips
it thundering of industry
it of millions tinly each

each pointless
each fathomless
each more than last
each next than other
each the other than the next

i think and i have seen by it
and have i?
way north over the barn where goes the winter
when in neatish crimson hulking ****** comes

first small coming

then steadily gargantuan


in deep veins of failing gold
only to brittle
only to fold and tousle
only to rubble and quake


and i have thought


and i have read


and i have felt so proud to get at the meanings of poems

) but ever have i known it?


i have not been my feet to push of it a million splendors

i have not been my throat to scream so loud my body shook

i have not been amongst its people

i have not tasted

i have not been by the skinny bank of a winding stream in the middle of Summer when the cool water tickles across the span of each toe the wholeness of being

i have not kissed so long to love

i have not breathed so long to speak

what then can i say?
but do i say it?
of course

i say it by hands between quick thighs
uncurling hurting bruises of hot sharpness

i say it in the hunched play of a girl's wetness

i say it in the calm stroke of a withered dog's scalp

i say in quiet moments as in loud moments

i speak(and i always speak)

and i think i have the world so much by it felt as to know it

and i think i do not know it

and i think it is not so much

and i think i have not felt it
650 · Apr 2011
PK Wakefield Apr 2011
everyday i'm discussing with everyday, myself as i make out to the glamouring
the inches and dashes of every self i have
and stitches of sinew here in which lies the me that is this i, i that am

i walked in leaves of grass, of wriggling splendor's summers of shoulders
and achy crimsoned necks by the suns meters of light
measuring the stints of our crawling opaque days and suns of many sons

it's very that is that even when sun should repose his ***** of uncadenced
carefully miraculous shimmering blood
like orange and ardent flesh he'd go on us it, giving his very stuff our bodies

to wear on our wheres and whens and whys. is night not also beautiful?
it is naked beautiful. **** and beautiful
plenteous and beautiful with all its hearts in tinder palely igniting every

atom of copious earth. bowls of copious illuminant children, the things
which will become after us
the us that we were before their coming. but they are gorgeous and neither

would i weep if in my going they should take that space where were was
i. resting the shouts of my self
in the orchards of youth, i am now so but it's quickly running, flitting

eagerly from my this. in vines and plurals i am single and many. neither
none nor many. but many ones,
little bubbles of tranquil vile fluid guttering the songs of wind.

i go to streams and they are me. i go to mountains and they are me. i go
to valleys and they are me.
can i be streams and mountains and valleys? can i not be streams and

mountains and valleys? they are weeds and i am a ****. a **** is a rose.
i am rose.
i am blossomed in full spring. able of petals. i am turned to the sun, with my

root between the lips of earth. who is my lover. the earth is woman.
she is a ****.
a **** is a rose.

by another name. they smell just as sweet.
650 · Apr 2010
perfectly abstract
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
let let let
me be

if you understand
thinking thusly
shall never
649 · Mar 2011
PK Wakefield Mar 2011
how came we
to god
           laid in ruby sand
a reticent meadow
of unyielding flowers
where walked i and You
in crisp vagrant unwinteR   . at complete crepitus
                            of illustrious tumors gritty
                            golden loose punish
                            of tawny excelling light
                            so for what to it slinks
                  atthe root of poppies striking fumble
a smell careening
                              of accurate stemming plunk(the stout muscle of dawn crept stupidly
                up      the
                                   ******* fat
                                            the mountains bridle
                                               with rigid imposing flint
                                gray skin
             slowly naked
                            the full and bashful earth
649 · Jul 2012
PK Wakefield Jul 2012
terrible. O fleck, downy gusseted
sharpness keenly hidden, cruel
barbed softness coddled sweet
blade of permitting lips, allowed
hurtness of ivory shoulders,
                                                                                        : you wanted (you didn't) didn't you?)
                                                                                          my roughness, Dear, my words
                                                                                          hard(handharder,)Dear: snownecked
                                                                                          doe(white)the neatness of your
                                                                                          body wrecked?the pen dipped?ink
                                                                                          blot spreading?Dear for pain, you



                                                                                                                                               ,want me


                                                                                                            hurt?said you,

PK Wakefield Apr 2012
one time there was a last night
of stars moistly spilt by sabled
cheeks of eve there was a starling
immediately two maybe yes 2
starlings perhaps there were
raucous cruel and winged starlings
that stood briefly against the sky
trees and a small path twained
them there was clovers and a whole
field of them looked so nice in
that last night they looked peaceful
and i almost laid right down in them
and slept
649 · Mar 2013
PK Wakefield Mar 2013
there is not

                        )i have tread(where hours in you have died


                 and rushing fields of them

                 where cotton and thorn


twitched a cat's eye
behind the town(

caught between hips)quickly sleeping in fur(and the tousle of its catching)

and silver moonlight grumbled stirring

(ran crimson in its thread


as leaping the city came to my cheeks coldly stinging with March(and remembering our body

                                                          i recall thinking:

                                                          is there more a perfect thing?
PK Wakefield Mar 2012
i think when i die i will be a forest
in who shall be does and fauns
pretty and glad in sunshine oh
yes sunshine will be there and
it will always smell like right after it
rains cooly on hot asphalt like
it smells like when you come into
a room i think when i die i shall
be a star flecked with innumerable
other stars on slick neat necked
night's pursed lips all pinched and
sticky with unyoung youth and
anciently when i die i think i will
be an ocean where will sleep mermaids
in pearl white skin and fishes and
a somehow little city in a nice little
dome where they will play music
such music as you would want to
listen to when you're sad because it
will always cheer you up and like
ee said to me one night when i was
reading him in my bed he said "it is
funny that you will be dead someday."
and i knew it right then that i think
when i die i will be a forest
648 · Jan 2013
PK Wakefield Jan 2013
i'm going to wake up tomorrow.
i'm going to wake up and i'm going to go into my bathroom and shave. i am going to look in the mirror. i'm going to look in the mirror and i'm going to tell myself a story about who i am.

i'm going to say, "i am Patrick Wakefield. i am 25 years old. i am Patrick Wakefield, i am 25 years old, in the winter my hands get dry and crack around the knuckles and bleed. i am 25 years old, and one summer i fell in love. one summer i spent a hot week in a small room. it was hot, and i was in love. and i don't drink normally but i got drunk on plum wine. i got drunk on plum wine, it was hot, and i am 25 years old. in the winter my hands get dry and crack around the knuckles, and bleed."
648 · Jun 2010
listless golden child
PK Wakefield Jun 2010
listless golden child
release sweet vibrations from thy
frail lungs to crisp the air with their slender elegance

i know     th  e    loose; puRple, scream
       splattered rent
a vessel bent to sleepy hammers C;rA,sHing

            but in so it was

worn weary thin hipped goddess. A
PK Wakefield Jun 2011
Neck totally lips hot continuously over
                         the splash
                  ,great and yellowly gargantuan,
                coming invulnerably the earth o'er
             (I kindle mightily snoring lungs with
               tightly wrapped binding skin burs
                ting simmering glaciers topped
                 moistly with me,) under you
                  when i have been
                   i liked my body more
                    with muscles snaking
                       the body of you
                        lady Night
                         ;you lake of bumping fire
                          hideously i'm a plunging
                           into thee
                            , thy into
                               thighs totally
                                 d with mine
                                                   h e n
                                                    have been
                                                i li(c)ked
                                             your body more
                                          precociously than
                                         Dulcet electric buzz
                                            your crown of moans
                                               lungs from erratically sprouted
                                                 gilding splendidly
PK Wakefield Jul 2011
you(')r(e) every lips totally are perfumed
in aggressive love making fullness
they (so sweet sickly) cavort lovely
enveloping quickly cushions of saliva
wracked envelopes (right between them
snarling serpents pinkly) writhing upon
forests of **** youth stupidly wings
open ascending an hour of bliss

                      )a heart so full of hands
                       clutching each others
                       our bodies align
                       to driven into fairy snow
                       a lazy distinct smell
                       of your voice filled with
                       shuddering muscles
                       kissed over by me
                   ­                        again
647 · Aug 2010
of me
PK Wakefield Aug 2010
of me is constituted some muscles and some. Nerves tingle coolly and
about my waist is her arms and the coffee is ready and vivaldi won't shut
up and

her breathe is a dangerous serpent and my nape is she touches it. a grooming my skin and "ouch" this coffee is too hot


she,s kissing my and the mug is cold (i love its skin with) and my fingers
hold a lock of steaming minutes or she is her hands are a carnival of laughing gypsies(in my jeans) and...

what was i doing?
646 · Jan 2014
PK Wakefield Jan 2014
who amongst dirt
suddenly moments

steeply through drunk summer

rain upon lips
(fluttering dismissively):

memory to imp
(by blind words)

such wings, heart


become. (my dear that i have loved beyond poems to say)
646 · Mar 2013
PK Wakefield Mar 2013
when admits into me the splendor

           ;(your heart)

by quick immutable prancing cloven love
a shall star

                        (within dumb lips contained)

                         revolt against darkness

                                  A brightness

                              more sweet than
                              bitter less
                              and without limit


                              Dissolving completely
                              the whole of your breast
                              into livid Spring
                              a bruise

                               and become

                               again whole

                               again young




645 · Sep 2010
hey i don't you
PK Wakefield Sep 2010
hey i don't you
remember the sea    ?
it was speaking little wet enormous. a tooth
         hey!don't i you?re a massive collapsing
ocean deep perfect. the waves crack back
an oblique smell of crying swollen.
                     it,s a god's face; a bruise blushing on his cheeks

                we taste the shore. it's gray enunciated sky impinging the
dry with damp teeth. or the mountains thinking on the horizon:

                blotting truculence

                        they stand  so still
645 · Jul 2013
PK Wakefield Jul 2013
i speak let's say i speak and let's say i sing
whatthen?i sing; i say
whitely of your lips
i sing by them
i am lifted by them

they come beneath each foot
they come their strongness leaping
they come, and Dear, you
by them you charge

and Dear

against them Summer's dull

it shines not
it heats not
it feels not sudden or serene

for though it golden rushing thunders
your lips are far more perfect wonders
644 · Aug 2013
PK Wakefield Aug 2013
i you the world


'pon the wind

      lightly we

dash across deeply curving hushness
our lips to kiss

every blade o' grass sweating
somewhat demurely to ****
by the flutter of breath
and the sting of hulking Summer

to liven slumber
and stir darkness into light

(we should go to Paris where i will
with my not always hands
pierce your youth
and wear you on my fingers singing

singing i



go to the neck of everything
and die so hotly crushing
our bodies on bodies

we'll die in the rain

we'll die

we'll die

we'll die(kiss
643 · Jun 2013
PK Wakefield Jun 2013
sleep now
do not you
worry i'll

lift the tremble

Dear,                     you so

and your
skinny heart
i will


impulse its beating to leap
clear your chest
and upon the night


by feathers of such kisses
as unknown by any
lady's lips



                 the yours
                 pink fantastic

cloaked in youth wild
and the rich sable
of lusting dankness

to be warmly moist with tender you

its eating body
of your nubile coffin full
its muscles sore
at your plaintive tug and pull

(the blanket your
shift of fayed
thighs the
bury hands
your head shortly
haired in a small
***** of my
gaped briefly
fluttering mouth

and a SQUEAK you
emit at my kiss i
can feel your ribs
'gainst my ribs i can
and snare more deeply
their sharpness
to my breast                  )

and Dear

sleep now
do not you
worry i'll
642 · Jan 2014
PK Wakefield Jan 2014
i love you and i'm sorry because.
i do not love you the way
you are perfect(andyouare),
i love you the way you are not perfect. i love


the way

you are. i love you

the way you have felt sharpness
(between certain dark things).

And i love you the way
you are uncertain darkness
(between sharp things).

and i love you the way your strength is pain.

(and i love you the way i am sorry because).

And i'm sorry.

and i love you.
641 · Dec 2010
PK Wakefield Dec 2010
violent You are like a biggest sound
cloyingly honeyed on my mound of massed
and singing chords
                                         (you are a rose most thorned and beautiful
    i clutch idiosyncratically
strangled scarlet petals bursting
                     a foal i;ve nursed with tremoring pits of bold
gangling and accurate stench

             violent you're a tedium
a lush and decaying growth
         so lightly cancering my cell
and I breath your daily blood                and i whimper first glowering fist

      my hand to take that penitent shape

                and i"ll whisper it

to their chins:
                                   they who art most a mortal folly
as to wade in my
                                        quaking presence



     sleeep               them                           quickly rushing rushing

641 · May 2011
PK Wakefield May 2011
down the ups of the very backs of streets
just skirting the very edges of napes
the cities slightly tickled little hairs rushing
up it's thighs, colluding thickly bushy
barely about it's "ooch!" it's "ow!"
it's youth rimmed slouching pocket
hollow fully bursting. empty so crowding
tightly packed cheeks, clumps of giddy
gurgling songs pumped lazy chords
they sickly punch the nooks and crannied
edges flourishing the rainbow bright
chatter of lungs that taste the air so
healthy and so long. "Tonight, as the day
goes 'Wee!' over the ******* wallop
we"ll higgle wiggle in it's corpse
our skulls and merry bones to
frothing jowls overwhelmed with boisterous
young hearts supping it's crudlicious
pillow, supple and rotting gums
the large lit teeth of whom bust
right to heaven while we fling about
their oblong towers our shales
of *** and magic;
640 · Sep 2010
OF this I,m sure:
PK Wakefield Sep 2010
OF this I,m sure:       my hands


little hammers pontificating on your head
a hard oval split and ******* of your tender blood
i wonder maybe why you don't try(atleast)to move
a bit. shift maybe slightly. but i don't think you can
so i guess

    i    will maybe

          keep maybe


               keep gently

PK Wakefield Dec 2011
in the twain o' nite and morn
stirs the bright crepitus
o' your illuminate
joints and
the arcuate
motes of sleeping
curves enter my body
the smallest and loveliest
fingers painting silence
shivering 'neath the
loaded quiver o'
your mouth's
prime jewel,
those lashes
startling the
organized clot
of stifled air in
the certain pocket
of my uglywithoutyou
room, and the beauty drunk
and darkness fleeced marble
of your kisslonging head peaks
out suddenly crawling the lonely
chasm between our lips and crushes
absolute sexluscious ribbons pink set
onto my own vein penultimate lips and,
                                                            ­       '
                                                               ­       '
                                                        ­           '
                                                               ­        '
                                                               ­    '
                                                               ­        '
                                                               ­ ,
639 · May 2010
try to
PK Wakefield May 2010
try to
even though
my voice
638 · Aug 2012
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
dear i came 1 hour north
you were waiting in blond
skin you had pale eyes
caramel and you tasted like

         sugar *** magic

the lithe dish of your face
caught my face drank my
lips in your soft and tiny
supple waist, from where
lust is sloping eagerly
shaven pink and paired
by 1 (hour north you wait
eyes hips waist hands caramel
637 · May 2010
midnight past
PK Wakefield May 2010
p i
t    erp     at
      pit       t  e      r
p   i t t  e     rp a     t        ter
minute feet
                  a s
       l                  h)

in dappling puddlespuddling
half lit
as grandfather's clock coruscates deep
vibrations through this midnight hour
frameless translucent notion of thought
the pasture of this my memory

637 · Aug 2012
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
come pretty quickly out of air incised
precisely with your hips skinny waist:

636 · Mar 2012
up against moon chimney
PK Wakefield Mar 2012
up against moon chimney
a city newly fragranced


like quickness sputtering
with young lean night
sinuous with boysandgirls
                  with each other
at how nice the sun was
by the lake and little crests
of smiles imp their cheeks
(and my cheeks
                            at how
lovely they are and against
springnight young with
them seems even warmer)
636 · Mar 2012
PK Wakefield Mar 2012
vexes sharp looks intriguing blond of hair
tightly of thighs mutters a pair
that i think might sound nice like
a nighttime sounds
pretty pushing a pin

between them
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