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799 · May 2013
PK Wakefield May 2013
new was sitting across from me
her skinny was wider hips waist
hair by face was precisely framed
in the neatest skin of comely youth
i was talking my kept my mouth was
to slaver words dear as quickly heaving
as to her ears i might impulse the livid inch
of her pristine lips to defeat my useless sound
798 · Mar 2011
PK Wakefield Mar 2011
barely it was swaying terrifically in cotton wind of sharp niggling wafers that flummox specially the growling infant sea, this lake, where i am by and satting with my soft particular femme who's metal slithers from her very roundest nostrils glinting rather unobtrusive and stubbornly silver. and jousting by in meager dollops college children blatantly. a basic scent of nonsense huddles on the 2's and 3's (or mayhaps more) they slant upon the dappled lazy soil reticent and uncouthly tread upon with flats little souls. their heads are fat with gullible churning knowledge. they farted from the dusted books. that stately chord of mugging music. that lays in bricks and mortared sighs. on the hillest of tops over looking the cordial bay.
797 · Dec 2010
PK Wakefield Dec 2010
hearken this expanding glow
                                                  echo bravely stuttering oblivion
i'll uncouple and deep serenely
      my closest peptides bonding
an amiable tempestuous amino             your lines are rigid soft
                            hot carving dreams    ins upple   diffusion
i digital
                       and sequence innumerable limits
   of bowel infinite s
                                              receding light
   to inky exile
                                THE NIGHT
794 · May 2010
& shattered cloak of light
PK Wakefield May 2010
& shattered cloak of light
           l     in
      p                  t
embeds gaspingglowing sharps
dawn caked oblivion boil
penumbral encumbrance
feasting on cusp of day.

i did think this was a pleasant

794 · Mar 2011
cheeks came heavy
PK Wakefield Mar 2011
cheeks came heavy
resolute of cherry blotches
some rough candy
between their blossomed chunks
sugary sourly
imbued so cleaving mine own
with that writhing
miraculously specific tongue
794 · Nov 2010
i am rare arrogance
PK Wakefield Nov 2010
i         am        rare                arrogance        brilliantly
caked in sinuous batter inexorably fluid taught
grime, as the invited breath  of salt pillars in my
nostrils. like god, like christ's woefully placarded
woody drizzled body  the autumn is also every sign
of poesy and the imminent closure of flaming stodgy
his season is waiting at the fore. ready to mass swiftly
white exuberance snowly at the behest of gray freckled heavens
long and talking paleness, in tiniest majority, flakes

flakes abounding footing the asphalt gardens and the naked
arbor flesh by the lakes. by the lakes
    says some trees, "we are and justly so shall be, for a time longer than
thou who are more temporary than we. like grass, wither succulently
afore the mounding **** of time; eroding assuredly thy pink
sack of viscous organisms in unnoticeable obvious certainty."
and they said so, the trees, they said life
and i said
i said "axe"
PK Wakefield Apr 2012
deep with kissing easy trees Spring
wells like blood between the imminent
corpse of day where pennyeyed kittens
and ladybugs mingle with the deliberate
breath of the earth a flower meagerly strives
fragile homely limp and flush Spring languishes
an instant collected warmly into the salient brush
of ******* tingling abruptly pricking a loose cotton
with marble hard ******* round rosey cheecked apple
blossoms in Spring hang briefly like youth without youth
Spring i draw your quivering uglywonderful mouth to my
mouth and creep into your winsome shrill maw my blood
792 · Dec 2010
it fondles
PK Wakefield Dec 2010
it fondles
                   the marble rubber
of tissue sublime
                   a marked indifference
to tempts of sighing inclement
                    vociferous ******
comes a bastion of mortal tempest
                     anon thou only quickest
792 · May 2013
PK Wakefield May 2013
Dear are you)your mouth is
and softly when feels
your throat full
hard and me of(
you wet

                        sweetheart baby darling

i can and do you want
you do and want
me to
do you?

my fingers, baby?

sweety i can.

eating to fill with gagging
your mouth nose eyes
like starlings
chirp so

and like incessantly
a straling's chirp
your lips hang
hard open to

and Sugar Darling Honey
i can fill so tightly it
my with flower

until its blossom do
like you want
to sap so sticky

Honey Baby Darling Sweety
i can and fill you
my fingers
and can
can i

792 · Jan 2013
PK Wakefield Jan 2013

                                                   ­                                                     run



                                          ­                                       feet


                                                 ­                                                                 ­                     wind

                                      o'er cheeks

                                             ­                                               o'er earth

                                    green stuff cloven

                                        ­                                                                 ­         run


                                            ­                                       crushing

                                         hulking silence

                                        ­                                                           run

                                                ­      feet

                                         ­                                                       leaving


                                                   ­   the

                                             ­                                                            air

                                        to­ breathless hours shorn

                              ­                                                                 ­                to fetless hours worn

                                 by treading sunlight

                 ­                                                                 ­                        in loose warmth

                        ­       of muscles extremely

                 ­                                                                 ­      run
789 · Oct 2012
PK Wakefield Oct 2012
i(by 2or3)simple fingers untighten


quickly into rills of gushing and
lips slickly shine grinning violently


a­lso by ribbon of quaking genially
oral fumbling deftly shiver)bring

lewd SPRING into chaste WINTER
between hairless trees making flowers
789 · Jan 2015
PK Wakefield Jan 2015



                  Who are

    light dapples o' fingertips
between curling pillars of tight breath

(parting trees;
parting light;
parting chasms

o' touchless yearning space–


(always light;
always warmth;

  within every brilliant fold of forest–



                            coil o' resilience,




your lips;   your eyes;   your hair.
788 · Apr 2012
PK Wakefield Apr 2012
shoulderBlades meekly scrunched, hard, together shoulder blades.
Before me shoulderBlades and spine curved up to head, raven coiffed,
hair pulled, lipbiting, shoulder blades: you've got monsters inside you


got pain, cuts, and bruises inside you


got pretty eyes and dimples and you like to wear flats, tanktops, and skirts.
But i like how your monsters taste like molasses and sulfur, they taste like
fingernails(turquoise)rending. And your cuts feel like lace and razors they
feel like your waist in hands thick with me deeply in you: shoulderblades.
787 · Feb 2011
PK Wakefield Feb 2011
without a singular hesitant droplet i briefly stole
absolutely a thrush ungulping soft little ****** of phonetic
laughing caressing the dew preeminently dangling of
youthful sprigs and ferns playfully tugging my hands
dumbly morsels of fleshed bone that which are my first language
and winter
   winter is my first language
i burp it strongly oral
and it gods like the sun ****** cool the immaculate silence just afore
it peaketh about the limber mountain skulking drunken
snow on it's capped and permanent scalp of freezing crystalline beauty
  and she is my second language
                she is tawny
an ember singing ecstatically her moisture the habitual tumor
she graces and fans with her feathers
of long naked
tremors                     like a crosier of limp emphatic ***
to which tremble mostly also
and am surely fated to still unfinite in her *****
of rapid illucidity
a symptom of her pale perfect cheeks
as they (with light pink bulbs) press on mine
         between they    

                                    :                     Writhing

!       !                                         !                           ?
786 · May 2010
hot seconds rollick
PK Wakefield May 2010
h                o                   t
seconds rollick on the
s   e     m  ng
  t     a     i
placenta of this hithering
brimming over an indolent now
                       (coursing minutes flow into puddling hours;
dripping onto: the-yet-to-come)
                      "moist becoming, be A kind happening. for i am not"
came the slippery
PK Wakefield May 2011
a soft is just as sharp as hard is tawny
fragile fingers o'er the premise
of the swelling maze of branches
up on the wind; o'er my sill
the delicious fresh breath
of the lamb of god
who put under the skirt of cobalt
(who now is wearing little
shafts of golden;
little grunts of oblong light
prattling through tufts of
whitish thoughts)
all the air in lungs
teetering past my lips
to feed the choir of blades
'gainst the mooning pallor
784 · Oct 2010
PK Wakefield Oct 2010
you,'re are an pale sweeping pliant loosely club
        bashing softness
  upon my cobbled unsplendid
                    and smashing
     viscously the poppies
          stubborn lungs
                                                          a you lovely supple fire
                                                        the opened closeness
                                                                of cotton treasure
                                                                                and the you

smell like razors          cluttering
                        the knelling
                       soft     hardness

you are a majesty .wholly

783 · Nov 2010
sheathe thee still earth
PK Wakefield Nov 2010
sheathe thee
still earth         in thy raiment so pale and daunting
a face i cup and hew with lips as cool as the wind
i've broken slander and maleficence that droops
so witless of the boorish plucking youth
do so i, kiss with excellent flavor, this season dewed in frost
meandering carefully my soul in a bolt of fluffing flakes
PK Wakefield Apr 2012
streets feel like (with youth crisp faces
dotting them and dainty hands splayed
round tea cups sitting 'neath umbrellas
or walking gently peels with abrupt
naked unlank thighs in Spring(thank
goodness for; who draws from tightly
foiled skin the needing for freshness
air and luminous colours))Girls who
on trim agile calves

                                awkwardly noble

uncoil languorous legions of flesh
783 · Apr 2010
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
you are: so
quivering to my touch


(when i put my fingers in your wet)
your damp skin

783 · Sep 2012
PK Wakefield Sep 2012
I have been too long from love
which is warm sand 'tween
my toes, the sun, and the shore
'gainst the infinite murmur
is slender, full, and thick with
people and people and people

skins many some golden others
pale as snow, but not that let's
recall your short dark and olive


teeth imperfect perfect and above
splayed the wide umber of thy nose
and above pierced twin pools of jade

           and below)

lean firm
distilled youth easy
******* effortless
stomach soft marvelous

(now from sand up)

feet pleasing colours
toes chips
calves diamonds
on bones
thighs unmerciful
and inward folding
hungrily 'tween they

a small stubble


782 · Jun 2013
PK Wakefield Jun 2013
her it
the soporific
very dreaming
split of
easy night
falls so lovely
brushed of balmy
hair short
in tender heap
of girlness heat

it the deftness
of a wrist
softly loose
lightly the fingers

her such steeply wonderful brain
a song is me
by love's lips it
the earth the
echo primly

so a fancy
is all the world
to her in lovely slumber's keep

such as i would like to enter
and of its beauty reap

a flower on who would rise
all youth in me to crown

and lay my *******
in crimson parting's drown
780 · Nov 2010
my fathers
PK Wakefield Nov 2010
i ladle and belch the **** of my manure cloud sphere clad with
serious hair up to the lip of 2nd speaking red and receding in naked
i growly split tenderly aching muck and i open my mouth and
procreate assuredly my twin vibrations of love and death and i'm
also as they. or who is the bursa inflamed digital crunching sapphire

only my fathers know also what. they are only old. but took me
in their ink and gave me blood and gave me words and they are Eliot
or cummings OR hobbes or deScartes and plAto   or Nietzsche'
and they showed me. and they showered me. and they make me
or only(itseems) they do: are likened unto me and the machine of my
thought making grayness...
                                                     and only my fathers
they know only like me and we are 1
778 · Nov 2012
PK Wakefield Nov 2012
i have like tress stood piercingly between slick sheets of darkness


pressed with lips full of burning pollen(a sting)

whispered in ***** bold dreaming

unloose cruel love


778 · May 2010
PK Wakefield May 2010
what beautifications
can i bestow
on this : thy earthly
it does not already


your gentle shoulders
curve a lovely arc
as my greedy tongue
bends on collared bone
enshrined in
your most unbearably
i call
you paint my
face with
lilting fingertips
778 · Apr 2012
PK Wakefield Apr 2012
a rose, a rose, this morning grows
'tween hollyhocks and ***** boughs
a tightest bud whence crimson flows
a rose, a rose, this morning grows
the body of the earth
the eatage of crows
a rose, a rose, this morning goes
777 · Apr 2010
the rugged
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
the rugged (brought
savage flavors
flooding oral



silent chosen
***** shapeless sounds
777 · Jan 2011
PK Wakefield Jan 2011
2 & 4, we're forested as soil drinking solids our knees benting smell nosing a lolling gaggle of riotous pink dangles a careless droop over spilling pearly
sharps and crunch!y, cr!unchy; crunc!hy."' the minute deaths rankle or the cool common ground's a sun draped bulging acute beige you heave chesting and spit mouthing the gentle corpse of oxygen
776 · Aug 2012
little throttle
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
little throttle, the impulsed danger of
your noose is slung my neck 'round
tighter firmly, the string is bound
hungry: i slobber at liquorice glove

tangy sweet, its dew, fragrant shoves
blue jeans through luscious seep
its serious caffeine on which unsleeps
i, sup at pink split cotton white as dove

feverish the kitten wet shudders love
shaken flutter, it's fur shortly cropped
exactly few my cheeks roughly slop
pressed hurting, skin flakes removed of

still i(andpressharderdo)my face eagerly trips

            their between open wanting

little throttle's impulsed dangerous hurter
776 · Mar 2011
PK Wakefield Mar 2011
impromptu heaven
your sudden ample petal
drove clean straight wicked
a gnarling sodden wistful considerate
inconstant unpermanent rising golden bobble
(a really big wet
said on my heathen brow
the somewhat between
of your delectabley furnished hips)
775 · Oct 2012
19 pretty likes
PK Wakefield Oct 2012









                                                 and a breath of fingers



775 · Jun 2011
PK Wakefield Jun 2011
i got tumbled over creeks over mountains and even over
the stroke of roots like "have you ever been a permanent
walking sound?"the earth was raised in meek hillocks
distending the asphalt like lovely thronging arteries
of full and with gilt split pavement just up over them
,gilt with the song of a dying star, crusted on them
as they split the yoke of the hard scramble of tightly packed
firm loosing."a tree is sound that i have tasted when i
was just young struck moments of flesh as thin as
the instants that i was then when i was in forests and
in ponds and the silk of water drowned the heat of
long suffering summer drawn cheeks(we called them
days but really they were just the paneless leaves of
glass i spun myself through as like a stretch of damped
slightly fingers, sticky slightly, i picked up some
flecks of seconds shorn and fluttering to my skin
they stuck)tanned and brushed with the rosy tattoo
of my heart down a little just a bit in my chest.
I was in the golden state and i had heard my mother
call me as the twill of friscalating nice illuminant
brushes played against my ***** blond hair and i was
pulled from them the moments of youth stabbed
instants and i was pulled right up back to now
where i am sitting just another second dead.
775 · Apr 2012
PK Wakefield Apr 2012
occurs that should a day Spring wet
nubile prim laughing with tulips
geraniums roughed sorely heads
bobble in a light breeze jouncing
some buds opened unopened
tightly shut petals a fist of colour
like a girl golden brown texture
like sun for whom both day and
night long to touch ineffable
shoulders wrought gossamer
unpale quaffed of morning
brightest hot Springwet and laughing with tulips
PK Wakefield Dec 2011
the mountains stand with thickness
they stand out behind my house
i hear them thinking out there
thinking just summer or winter
they think on them flowers and
rivers and i think them purest
magic with whom i collude with
on hoary frosted eves i plunk
through the neat lips of trees
about the mountains hard mouth
i trundle and mutter with the
naked boughs of them those
straight moon piercing oafs
they cut her pretty waxing *****
into finite lovely ribbons
and i fold them 1x1 into my
soul, i gather up the loose
strength of the moon's hair into
my palm and sticking it in my
pocket i heft my sturdy frame
back to where i left my car sleeping
773 · Apr 2010
i watch
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
i watch
vaporous uncoilings
elegantly exit
my oral
lungs breaking
the winds
soft grimace
as every second
bifurcates over
the striding grandeur
of that shining moment
when your ruby
lips shimmer
their electric
whisper over my
fleshy little
pink pushings
772 · Feb 2011
PK Wakefield Feb 2011
they're flouncing girth
it jiggles less like rocks
the hard barrel
a great and hulking steed
billows on the hillside(
m y lady jouncing like mercury(
f r o m   GODS mouth
)on their withers )
liquid thick as glasss
772 · May 2010
few can understand
PK Wakefield May 2010
few can understand
the way the sun shifts
its eager bones
under the touch of night
painting his collar
with soft purples

rapt in this twaining
betwixt illumination
a sultry nightmare
made a whoreish
769 · Oct 2010
there was drooping violet
PK Wakefield Oct 2010
there was drooping violet
  spate generally on the still noble sky
    by who ridiculous punctuation slammed
      unsleeping winds all about this lean laughing
        hound of plural singulars bounding intaglio rivulets
         slightly rosy chunks of love
              and love  was
                                           punching  gradually
       every lips
                            and lightly whorish
     bruises slapped the pavements
          by the
                         B!r.Ea     k     I,N;g'     surf
768 · Jul 2010
PK Wakefield Jul 2010
well what am? a muscular innovation
strapped cords blistering the skin
bones wrapped in sinew,and aboutmy
hands the cords sing softly stroked. the boughs
splay and a forest gasps fronds detonate the
the strands of courageous sun hair.  an apparition
of glory sits fouling my shoulders and i am heavy.

so come the needle stem. peaceful riot veins blue
snakes. enchanting scent dump flow under and over or.

                  a fragment of violence.

Mr. Eliot;mr cummings,am i amongst) you?are my fathers.
768 · Oct 2013
PK Wakefield Oct 2013
of all the world there writes beyond poems love.

in whose lips the dust o' fairies wafts half-sharp.

half sharp it wafts hard as girl hips.

fitting between easily hands(andthekissingofperhapsboys)

to each go singing
'pon the blithe dawn.

)for not is a word spoken more easily than Spring.

When beyond all poems writes
by the cherry heat of petaled fawns,

768 · Oct 2010
you were firstly
PK Wakefield Oct 2010
you were
       erew f
                    y an unbroken softness. of tight soil. and was i was
a seed first pushing into the smart crevice of your light
by which guided the water of my soul
            and nurtured the second flower of my heat. burning in the
snarling rapture of your trembling thighs
           between they
spouting a tyrant of imperfect friction
                   and i laid in the velour of your heaving

                              and tickled

the slight arch of your spine
with errant lashings of my foolish mortal hand
           passive and boiling
under the searing fire
           of the delicious sensual crumbs
of your

                           ey  e   ,    s
768 · Jun 2010
cup the rouge loaded cheeks
PK Wakefield Jun 2010
cup the rouge loaded cheeks

           in perfect stillness
marry her lips a soft pink lash

767 · Apr 2010
akaii te
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
crimson bubbles on hands
taught how to hurt
move with perspicuous
languid violence
gently kissing cheeks

its claret kin erupts
from nasal voids

sheathed in perspiration's caress
i shimmer like a dying god
my sinew writhes in unflinching
horror as my edifice
delivers gossamer destruction

we sudored monsters
766 · May 2010
accurate exact
PK Wakefield May 2010
accurate exact
daughter of clean confusion
pull all the littles
in straight sounds
arch your back
as you cry a dream from
spent lips

sweet sister you make
my skin ache
so aware of the lack
of your touch

i wish i could be
the canvas of your
hot little nails
slashing delicious
splendor round rough
a nape like no other

you mother of my desire
766 · May 2010
PK Wakefield May 2010
escalating adolescents made
babbeling streams                             (of
tongues spitty salivations
a lovely home for love
in her hall
i wander

to find a bit:
      of useful
    in all this
my beautiful nonsense
764 · Nov 2013
PK Wakefield Nov 2013
of the knit of life let's say there is something.

something so wonderfully to touch.

so beautifully easy.

Let's say of it fingers,
between its hair,

Let's say of it,
with minute teasing brutality,
a slendering of being. instantly

which shudders
steeply into breathtaking darkness. let's

say wide our mouths to eat it.

(each morsel turgidly serene)

let's say dying(and let's).

die easily into it our bodies
as wan incredibly infinite destroying.
763 · Dec 2010
a soft quiet afore
PK Wakefield Dec 2010
                                 B OO   M!
grunting swirl. the speakers speak intangible friction
who's so slightly an empirical fever
nursing gratuitously the male flavors encumbering
the ego flecked freckles *** lisping
    elegantly cambered waists                shrines of molten ecstasy
but my lady niggles sporadic splinters in my sheath
and i
             splay the courageous night
                                                               and penetrate her plaintive giggle
to her supreme station
                                        and palm her credibly
with every effect of my huddled fibers

                where she is gently wet      
a winsome hollow
                                  in where

                           springhotlycaked     light boisterously exploding
and a pink breaking every other colour
   i slave mightily to it's hairless stubble and i stumble
rightly dumb
                            at her close cut whisper
slanting ardently a moist bolt of night
                     aggressively passive
                                                               and patient
she cups my puddle
                   purely dirt
                 she scrapes me   perfect
763 · Apr 2010
abstractions 6
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
dripply wet
moonly sweat
your breast-s
fingers met
mingled breath-s
762 · Dec 2011
it must be a whore
PK Wakefield Dec 2011
it must be a *****
(waiting on Railroad
  )for a candy and some
sugar waiting
for the
elated drop of sublime
queasy night
to squeeze her cold
*** between the eyes
of men
(who might like socks
                                       wear her for while
                                                           ­               and grin doing) they might deliver
                                                         ­                                              a little jangle and
                                                             ­                                          noose to hang her
                                                             ­                                          mind dangling
                                                        ­                                               between the buds
                                                            ­                                           of poppies or a
                                                               ­                                        a hot oblong glass rock ******>                                                             ­                                                                 ­                           K
                                                               ­                                                                 ­                              i
                                 ­                                                                 ­                                                         n
                                                               ­                                                                 ­                                g
761 · Dec 2011
PK Wakefield Dec 2011
           1 somnambulant princess
              heaven dearly
                                    leaking flashes
                                    in Paris
                                    U have a wry lipless smile
                                    struck leaning
                                    against a church playground
                                                        in you child dying
                                                        Ur a playful
                                                        hair seriously
                                                        sets the dirt on edge
                                                        and all trees
                                                                                   are nudest
                                                                                         by bell ringing
                                                                                                                  in a church yard
                                                                                                                                             leans the fair
                                                                                                                                                         body of
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