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760 · Aug 2014
PK Wakefield Aug 2014
whose own body have i been
beyond myself to live?

some grey some black
tiny little box of tick
tock, little snap
little whir
and crank

over the engorged aperture
of girlflesh parted on spits
of young wanting-to-be beautiful;

snap snap
whir tick
tock film,

film over light
over film
over electric
sensor hot
at mouths

gush twaining

(1.8 60)
too bright
too light
not enough
when you're

"lick(ing) her ****"
759 · Jan 2012
19 years flowered
PK Wakefield Jan 2012
19 years flowered
(hips and ******* dear)
i took from them
salt i
plucked from them
their ripe pink promise
i pulled and
dug from them
soft neon covers
i pried and pulled


soft savagely
tore into(them)
i took and broke you
broached you i
bruised you 19
cute years
i ran you
   and gasping 19
white years
i coloured you
19 tidy years i
roughed you
sharply 19
touchedless years
in my hands
(i knew you)stinging


758 · Mar 2010
PK Wakefield Mar 2010
we were

in that

caught between
light and darkness

shimmering gently
757 · Jan 2011
a different sort of cells
PK Wakefield Jan 2011
a different sort of cells
i'm metastasizing
a cluttered profusion
of blundering paint
richly glowing veneer      (
                                                        the stars were saying just yesterday
                                                        ****** gnireviuq fo ! arrows tneluproc
             they gangled hard onto the
dense particular knowledge of the crisp earth
)              this was also never
      but always
                              or should so i say:
          dreamy steam
                                      puff of unquenchable haste

               time goes wiggling
               some ecstatic worms
                   in our soil bedded flesh
we soon marry
in prim and loveless clambering
756 · Jan 2014
PK Wakefield Jan 2014
think: what muscles
(the heart's
are stronger) often

they coil in distinct
perfume of girlness; soften

(fiber upon)

and weakness easily

756 · Apr 2013
PK Wakefield Apr 2013
all wide open big Spring mouth
the slather of your creeping

is clear its

full and

teeth are

white slick sharp

tumbling with
the smell of

                     (a dribble of


        the clamor of a boygirl
        too early
        in the sun
        eyes aching
        rubbing them from crisp
        sleep into ragged waking


and miles of it a car
warm too
much a stirring of dust(laughing next to me about suddenly how one time she broke a boy's heart
755 · Jun 2011
when i have been a rose
PK Wakefield Jun 2011
when i have been a rose
i was firstly of the soil
my glossy thorns were
from me out and on the
air they pricked it loose
and my petals bustled
round my bulb and
when i have been a rose

i slept with mountains
and i have been eaten
by fawns quickly in
dappled grasp of forests
slight and enormously

when i have been a rose
i green
and light
did creep
between the
creases in light
slutty and chaste
winds have been on me
when i have been a rose
754 · Jul 2013
PK Wakefield Jul 2013
i do not write a poem it
from "who knows where" comes
in its body
is some words
i think
some words

why       ?
and             i

"don't know" cuz
like lithe
from out of
sleeping hair it marches



invincibly fragile
it marches

its eyes are pretty too
and in the terse clutch of its stinging copse
i s
gleaming rind of life

foamed in sweat
it is nubile strong delicate


i do not write a poem
it from
"who knows"
754 · Dec 2013
PK Wakefield Dec 2013
say wide thy heart
(i shall enter it the sea)

i shall,
by armies of lips,
forge into its miles
deepest ruts of burning neatness.

i shall,
in it,
very softly sow
1 seed.

(which by shall erupt
thy paleset coffin
into the carefullest of stars; reeling


and shall,
it by erupting,
become the sea
(entering it)

                   of me.
753 · Oct 2010
PK Wakefield Oct 2010
    I bet its coldly octobering
shoting of the pale glazed soil stiff brown ******
                   steadily but
inside i
under crumpled polyester clumps
       a static heat
an arm
              overandunder    a the
                         casual habitat
752 · Dec 2012
give not a sound
PK Wakefield Dec 2012
give not a sound


the knees knocking crane
'oer a lathered thing rising

by mute unsound


the crook pierced open vane
by jeweled petal (a poppy smiling)

creeply warmth unbound


a flower blooms in sullied fane
inch by eater -- becomes silver stung
PK Wakefield Dec 2010
you're like barely lightning
stumbling angelically of that frosty womb
dangerously you are flakes of minute cold
crumbing deftly cheeks pale as
sleep. who is a club of kind
fantasy or sometimes a plush terror
reckoned in pleasing symmetry.
i know only your valleys and your pastures
the breathless yawning landscape
my lips are hithering or withering
about to imbue with every effort
of my love your perfect vessel my ardor
in lumping crunches of delicate
kisses,    ,          ,               ,                           , , ,  .
751 · May 2010
Tear the skin off your back
PK Wakefield May 2010
Tear the skin off your back
To make yourself wings
Jump off the edge
Cut all your strings

Float on the breeze
With pinions of flesh
Searching yourself
For demons to thresh
751 · Jan 2012
(spring come
PK Wakefield Jan 2012
(spring come

                       )come spring

                                    spring come wetly
                                        out the freezing serious
                                          hair o' winter come
         ­                                 thy greenest countenance
                                           come lathered
                                         (Spring in
                                         thy poppy and
                                           thy clovered
                                        divine thighs)
                                         O spring i,
                                       in thy many
                                        splendored love, in
                                                              ­            thy loose and carefree
                                                        ­                  shapely plush pocket
                                                          ­               ,will lay in heaped
                                                          ­              crushing wafts of
                                                              ­        june bugs and
                                                             apples and gods
                                                       (the wilting rind
                                                   of day will kiss
                                                     plummeting eve
                                                         upon the tousled
                                                         ­     breach of sky andEarth
                                                        ­     will sorely muster
                                                          ­  russet flecked charming
                                                        ­   slatterned trees about
                                                          m­y careful self
                                                            ­ )and your *****
                                                           ­     pleasant smell
                                                           ­    willto meander
                                                         ­    in the failing
                                                         ­  hues of
                                                              ­unsnowed languid
                                                         ­  hillocks
                                                        ­be most a riotous
                                                         ­ silent crudeness
                                                      a­nd i will love you most
                                                       roughly Spring
                                                         i'll tear away the careful
                                                     pretty clothing
                                                  flower­s and with
                                               your crudlovely
                                                  nake­d salt
                                                     i will
                                                           ­        .
                                                               ­        '
                                                               ­     .
                                                          ­    ,

                                                          ­        '
                                                       ­   ,


        ­                                           .
PK Wakefield Mar 2012
and at that miraculously perhaps that you should
be waiting by the right place when you were (and
i was right there too)
and that i told you i'm not a misogynist
  that and just
i'd like to *******


you said

i was just over

my own feet at how uncoy
        your mouth was
perfectly ***** and all covered
in hot
and your cheeks


i'd never heard a girl like that
say the most torrid **** of
decently blond hair and sharply
your waist met your hips
and that uselessly covering
skirt because baby you got
something and you shouldn't
ever have to wear so much ****
you should just and with me
only get all that **** off and

please baby
because your deep with firmer
and thighs absolutely
so soft and supple baby
they feel so good when they
touch my hands baby they

feel course with your stockings
your just bought and freshly
straight through sweat soaked
on a hot day stockings
and i hatelove that course
expecting feeling beneath my
fingers and i just want you to
please and baby
won't you with that hot covered
***** pristine set of lips mouth
baby just cut me all over
with your kisses baby

750 · Apr 2013
PK Wakefield Apr 2013
I feel the immediacy of things. The imminence of objects. I feel the keenness of a glass in my hands. The instantaneous dribble of condensation over a knuckle. The spontaneous aroma of a summer night. I am enthralled and enraptured by the crisp mint of toothpaste, after a barely slept night. I feel the rough twill of a garment and I am in love with it. I extend my hands into the rapid amber slats of the streetlamps on my dash, as I speed beneath them. I watch them wash over my hands and I feel somehow indescribable.

I am in love with beautiful women who pass me on the street. Every one them pretty. Every one of them a neat mystery. Every one of them in skin as lovely and soft as breath off the ocean. I know myself least when I kiss. I know myself best when I am kissed.

I feel myself in the world and I feel IT in me. I love my friends and my family. I love the rough smell of fire. I love the wisp of spring, grown into the verdant pulse of summer's heat. I love to sweat and feel the movement of my body through open space. I love the sharp itch of a tattooer's vibrant needle. The splay of colors. The tang of my blood.

I look at men and I see boys playing at what they think a man is supposed to be. I see excess, increase, and birth. I see leanness, erosion, and death. I somehow know that neither is life a beginning or death an ending. I know it as I know the tip of my finger. I know it as I know the taste of sweat and hairspray and sunscreen, distilled in the instant of a drunk kiss, in a tent just inside of Idaho.

I am for life. I am for pain as I am for pleasure. For I know that one is nothing without the either. I wish to be known and to say myself. I wish to know you and to hear yourself, said by, yourself. I am simply. I am a man. I am just what I am.

I may die tomorrow. I urge you to love those dear to you and to say it everyday. I only try to do that. I only try.
749 · May 2010
roar? went th,e collaPsing:
PK Wakefield May 2010
roar? went th,e collaPsing:
(a care)ful bellow e x p a n ding
in the divergence of


749 · Aug 2011
each instant breath
PK Wakefield Aug 2011
each instant breath (instantly breathing breath
from lungs so quick and slowly snuggles
every self of it between each new immutable
passing second eternally springing nubile moment
(between familiar newness) your voice was
pleasantly sticking into my ears the velvetest
caress(a fragile mostly caress. liked better and
more. failing lilting tears of) that lick incessantly
seemly unfaltering ravishes of minute fluttering
node­ of your (perfectly climbing your face) mouth
mine does. exponentially kissing yours
748 · Sep 2011
when i have gotten so deep
PK Wakefield Sep 2011
when i have gotten so deep
in things i've thought very fullest flowers
whom trundle out the earth
and to light they climb the air
and open they buds
softly kissing supple night
748 · May 2010
PK Wakefield May 2010
smooth home wet
collection palms
napes waxing
accurate devotions
      broach bearing
pink garden
       oracular bemoan
sudden winter spring
    erupts cold
reds glory on her neck
       the sad glimmer
of shimmerlips
                   i want

those they(soft oral)

***** spun dangerous captivation

     midnight dawns magic
748 · Apr 2011
the dew of some mornings
PK Wakefield Apr 2011
the dew of some mornings is a thing which is not unlike the kind nuisance of my lady's graceless feeble miraculous fingers. who are not unlike the starting end of day where **** and silent and hulking quiet tremble viscous muscles
of pure unlight, teeming with wondrous gleaming follicles, pimpling the
evenings tummy lapped with luna's rapid fortunate tongue. the chittering
globs of arms waxing ferocious. in climbing steeply valleys feet middle in
strange streams. the common streams. the unerring crooked and corpulent streams. in there, between between, 1and1 (you and i) our ventricles beat
insatiably voluminous leaves. from trees of amorous fruit bearing fronds
slapping silence(whileWeBeneathThemIntoEachOthersMe'sDepositSlushyViteWeWe­remore than god's unfound children returning into the cherished cherry red
steaming glue of our very and very clanGlorious howls repeatedly again angain andgain and gain: an earth wholly more to the liking of "which is not unlike us")
                          !    I:,.
746 · Feb 2011
PK Wakefield Feb 2011
if to when
i also shed my coils
of haughty senile life
afore your clumsy gallop
into immeasurable static darkness
take me every day
in the orchard of your thoughts
where, i,thoughfrozenstifflyrotteningfoil, am most unDEAD
746 · Jan 2014
PK Wakefield Jan 2014
o how easily your lips become me,
the burning crimp
of urging kiss,

to depart myself
and wander amongst
thy body holy and vile ridiculous winsome trivial spectacular,

(arm and thigh)
whose sweep and gait is love
made ready for tongue
to impart slowly tenacious,

whose comely hair is course tender difficulty splendrous,

whose moments are singeing exactly innumerably few
(and never enough)

who i have longed for in deepest valleys of untouching cruelty
(to cup thy whole mouth
in my mouth,
to carry it forward
thy kiss a burning standard

into inkset darkest darkness of night

that i might walk without stumbling;

that i might see           )
746 · May 2011
PK Wakefield May 2011
what is like the abrupt subtle cleavage of day and night
, a dale sloping downward sloping into a dale, a cool
and prim sleep, a crimp of foil aloof and serious with
the pale column of freshly failing light and the waxing
***** of the moon? the fluff of somber and livid
flesh, the notes of music that are your skinny ankles
catching the sallow still strips of slanting sorry
moon's ablest kiss. she kisses thee a flower forever.
a bed of teeming poppies. you are the sap of whom.
a venom of those soporific buds. you who are sleeping
like a lock death forever young and nubile, in the bed
of mine. in my very skull. your name is always at its lips.
i say it. and i eat it. it is mine. forever.
746 · Dec 2010
PK Wakefield Dec 2010
3 to 1 saidn't he,d never heard such calamity spit strangled text, the paper usually. usually saiding as i'm waltzing likely by the crumbled mortar stock of lewd disinterested coffee. dranking and snorting caffeine and toffy talking. scoffing at the daily bread, 3 and 1  and 3 to 2 wouldn't say at all any a thing. or nothing. crazy laugh "******" dissembled clothing a slightly ***** tramps. they're usually, 1,3,2. **** bucking minstrels in shambles of silence.
745 · Feb 2014
PK Wakefield Feb 2014
**** do not cover yourself
your arms across
your ******* are so
nice and do not
cover them across your
body is the curving
hush of perfectly
winsome beauty(not skinny
or exactly straight

but precisely wonderful;

concisely amorous to touch).
743 · Apr 2012
cool you
PK Wakefield Apr 2012
cool you
feel like drunk
with poppies air
and you crawl up
into fathomless miles
of Summer mornings you
creep with vine and thistle
you latticed with ivy groan
with young muscles tight against
bone and joint you ceaseless merry
golden and rough silken breaths of
dawn you are fine and pale and you
have nice shoulders and feel like Spring
inside you feel like wet and perfectly fits
me inside of you there is just enough room for me
743 · Jan 2013
PK Wakefield Jan 2013


                        white is girl talk


                                                              ­   l


  ­                                       vol




teeth opalescent silky

                                            ­                                             it's big

or small

immediately after

wetly (whose shoulders are star struck shining
             manifold upon manifold of dewy ******
             excellence of pearls straightly
             more fragile than
             the bulb of a wilting flower is fragile
             but whose body is strong beneath it
             tall with muscles
             and wears laughter like a coronet of thorns)

                                                         ­              by
                                                              ­             velveteen
                                                       ­                         breath
                                 ­                                                 the tightness
                                                       ­                            of closing eyes







742 · Dec 2012
PK Wakefield Dec 2012
"i like girls"each hole is something
easy nice and wet
in a sallow sheathe of skin
tight of sweat
after yoga class
in between their thighs
before not after
a shower
tasting like a parting
shale of acrid
bent over the washing machine
742 · Oct 2010
god spoke in unbent folding
PK Wakefield Oct 2010
      spoke in
              unbent folding
                      ***** tinder
                             from an inbetween
                              the heaving notch
                                           of cold
                                                   frosty magma
             pouch                            of       her

                    in       my            beat heavy

                                  her    monthly blood)rOAR!?
742 · May 2010
a cold day
PK Wakefield May 2010
did the sun visit the cold shores of some daughters shimmering eyelids that held her in such perfect contempt.

O, sweet child your arrogance is the flavor of god.

(but shall not those fearful minutes
;bleeding from times slashed wrist;
splashing hot seconds over a dusty yellow)

that dangerous womb of light
birthed a frigid nothing
as my fingers slip on my buttons
trying to shield my pink
edifice from chastising
breezes briskly beating
a lonely melody
on the loose weave
of times
river riven

protect thee
thy woolen
an article
741 · Oct 2012
PK Wakefield Oct 2012
how you feel in the dark( uneasy
imbalanced weirdly strong) feels

like ( coy unearthly howling) rain
feels deep with smelling after (
prickled millions of cold and hot )
mingling with the seaair and is
gently acrid salty wafts of gulls
crying scattered threading the
moonlight through their coarse
throats ( little tiny trillions of

kissing droplets slightly ) like
you feel in the dark ( imbalancing
coyly acrid howling ) feels like

740 · Feb 2014
PK Wakefield Feb 2014
does up what seems a little clumsily down snow?

White and
White and
White and

everywhere, perhaps?seems snow

seems no

edge or fay

where might Spring's lewd fingers fit?
lewd fingers fit fat
lewd fingers find fickle fair frayed a bit fay
where its fingers can fit?

(the sun)
whose thick fingers
between the quick thighs of night

       can. fit in)just Spring
738 · Jan 2014
PK Wakefield Jan 2014
life, i cannot begin you to describe beyond my dreaming self your how divine moments of simple nothing.

your body is not, and i love it the how it is not. it is

and not it's

some muscles firing with hurt
seething to ache
so horribly
wondrous. it's driving

to the beach

too early in morning and you're heads not clear the sky is so wide and the sun is barely. it is

the uncurling of your fingers between
and the winsome triteness
of the caving instant of your breath
caching in your throat
as you realize the dying
of your frail self,

clutching furiously the mundane heady song
of a coffee cup

(and in perfect silence emitting
the most enormous roar
of surging electric stillness)                                .    Life

you are half terribly
painful to. and life, you
are half splendorous to ****

sweating in the heap of your
car behind

the creeping sweep
of raging vein. Life

you are perhaps nothing. But lifE

you are the most,

and nothing hurriedly to slowly
take between the unutterably tiny *******
of snowgirls

their coldest song of closing lips,

and speak something hot

(something big).
734 · Jul 2012
health so clean
PK Wakefield Jul 2012
health so clean, nimbly bright, in pink
and florid skin
(pale in pieces)
                           tight of


a body completely the smoothest cotton
in an old pair of underwear
breathes so neatly small
and tastes like young neck sturdy washed
in newmorning's
734 · Apr 2011
with cords electric
PK Wakefield Apr 2011
with cords electric, you've strung me stinging, with them, me. your mouth
is an apple. your mouth is a fragrant cavern.
in which is my my mouth. mingling. from them springs a mountain

of wind. your hands are, on your wrists, pale spiders. on me slung. your web
of cool scuttling love. on my belly.
you go supple. into palms. they are a colour. your colour. the colour of death

just before you live. you are strenuous. a boundless taught moment. of unugly caffeine. i am a noise.
and you are a colour. you said it in me. big and tiny. in my tiny bigness.

and in the backyard. by the sleeping pile of forests. you draw the hammer
of your guns. and i wilt.
sprouting. effortlessly. infinitely. eating the gilt purse of your pinkest tiny.

and we are like wind. who grapples with leaves. and they touch like
lovers. we are like that.
like health. like sickness. freshly shearing. every molecule of our bodies

onto the indigo eaves of eve. quickly, carnivorously, slaughtering light.
let's then just be.
in quiet. and symmetry.
cords electric. strummed with fallen night.
734 · Nov 2010
PK Wakefield Nov 2010
grossly.fascinated of dense buttery light
  the streets is painted laughing amber       and whisper it
                                                              ­            to her fair buttress
                                                        ­                   this milky sity
                                                                ­          who's nigh detestable
                                                      ­                    glowing hair
                                                            ­                roils with turgid junk
                                                            ­              of cacophony drunk with

rusty little. we'll go waltzing a polite **** of youth in your tawny veins
734 · Oct 2010
you,re bone deep pleasure
PK Wakefield Oct 2010
you,re bone deep pleasure soaked carnival of and laughing cinders mucoused in the rampant hand of slick bloodless night by the bay
a and a

    follicle of dangerous sleep. pastinate is the brooding cobble
a womb secluded giggle

coughing bubbly mirth

         wrack the svelte ocean o

          we are three
    the bland coffer of the darkness
         plunging our stink
into each

733 · Dec 2012
PK Wakefield Dec 2012
on the steps of an old house sits a bright boy
(his hands are full of sleeping and flowers are)
he is in the summer a bit and there he is
sitting a bright boy on pale steps with his hands
full of sleeping and flowers are carefully and
he plucks each from and each from he plucks
their petals on the old steps of a house in
the hot pash of sunlight sits a bright boy, who
733 · Aug 2012
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
there is i have said pouring full of mountains


full and mountains

in the east of my heart they are

in the west of my heart you are

and between them soares nothing is
flat  for though rain

which falls and nurses barren dirt
a seed each drop
flutters into bloom
and love between
pouring mountains rains

733 · Sep 2010
PK Wakefield Sep 2010
& and of this swooping          twilight
i might say it
is it.                           one large enormity
  ,        small and tumbling
deftly clumsy                             and reposed
in succulent folds of mauve silence

'pon                                           the imminenthills

outside my window
732 · May 2010
for all my massed cords
PK Wakefield May 2010
for all my massedd cords.
youfrail, strength Are
supple olive toned perfection
the capacity of reckoning
warm oil
731 · Feb 2012
PK Wakefield Feb 2012
fists curled gently
i unfurl thee
i splay thee
and on your spans
i blow a cool color
from whence is
produced a whole
cuddling aroma
and about the
freckled *****
of thy noblest
raiment (the sun
and moon) i
coil it upon
and bless it with
the smarting dress
of my cheerful kiss
731 · Dec 2013
PK Wakefield Dec 2013
immortal is to die
it is
when arrives


out of jerking
lances of
mysterious night

kisses gargantuanly slender

(as the petals of a poppy are slender)

meet furiously with knowing
and becomes unknowing

(faster than a lips become
nothings easily)

eeking from brief impossible slumber
the crisp whiteness of its noose

to hang by all men
instantly into dying forever
728 · Jan 2011
PK Wakefield Jan 2011
which is to say i lashed in pink billows my farcical contrition a skinny
american **** punctuating exclamations in your furnace brightly gorgeous
727 · Aug 2012
because, "fuck you?"
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
because, "*******?" a black eyed
two tonguer
with: from svelte stoic lips
an ember(glowly softer)
on the ultimate
cigarette's girl
behind face stood

a pair of **** squirming
minutely gorgeous, their
body was "maybe," and, "in about an hour."
724 · Mar 2011
a night out
PK Wakefield Mar 2011
fresh stripping decay
delicate and voraciously succulent
(on the meager rectangles
  crammed with flaccid light
how grand thou art: pumping of the very stiffest asphalt garden
glinting relentlessly)
a comical filigree
spat by Mans most least clumsy
fingered mechanisms
  ;  cLipPing the common strip of cobalt languid sky
i'm in it's jowls
the rollicking neon punch
of ***
             and bricks
the addling conjure of moist trepidations
      in clear or amber juice
          of the fuddled *****
               the barman proffers;with his grimy note
and assertive beard lined vocal shunt
                  "what,ll you have                  ?
724 · Dec 2010
PK Wakefield Dec 2010
he seems a man particularly a man
particularly of a fat acne face splattered
erratic blemishes. to about the grunt
of his flaring nostrils long haired spouting
              , he's splunking waddlinglittlesteps
hithe r wi th e r (the bookstore's a most
quiet almost quiet almost noisy noisy quiet
steps fading rushing
the isles the aisles the offwhite ravished pages
noiselessly disheveled bang
724 · Aug 2010
PK Wakefield Aug 2010
she was the
nascent verdant        emerald
chips                     ,
brimming irises            A
virus of

her docile features  in-
the air swooning
at                                     her

and chomping at the bit        ;
my fingers
(swollen. desirous to limp
upon her plain

and                                           the
shifting of its curves

723 · Oct 2012
PK Wakefield Oct 2012
Legion, O the sleeping of your flower is October
many fewer than everyday fewer and many

O slumber, your October is a legion of flowers
hairless kissing bulbs that bend oh just bend
in the grey bluster steeply bend and oh just

O flower, your slumber is the legion October
who marches cruelly through miles of trees
picking of them each their every jounce and bobble

October, O the flower of your sleep is Legion
many always fewer and always fewer many

(grey cruel blustering and through miles of
trees picking bobbles and jouncing marches
hairless kissing bulbs that lean just bending)
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