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876 · Jan 2011
prolific bending
PK Wakefield Jan 2011
prolific bending( )you,re an over counter top
upper halfed
                                and i was tired knees
grousing with the unstable permanence of
weary laminate
with oral benedicting
a plush whip
                                                               of crashing plump

             on the alabaster cavalcade of your innerest thigh

i tend the heaving bloom
     of thy impossible salt
875 · Aug 2010
PK Wakefield Aug 2010
the legions of your
       laughter march
across the bread of dawn

eated of eyes the
        savory crumbs
ofthy disheveled breaths

trampling of thous sinuous
          colours broaching clasp of
sudden cannons of silence booming

the fair article of your poppies
(          bashful flocks of cords
.... sifting mercury of doves feathers

exploding against the dark
             i bastioned in thy infinite
plait, onyx detonating softly of
             thy pale scalp

glory my excellent lavender
              no sweeter scent
has sweated in the air as thou's ephemeral

dainty river cleaving the clean night
              in exact twain of pallor
wet seconds blushing on the purple cheeks of nocturne

she is a fair lady
               but homely against thy
                     .  O night
873 · Jun 2010
frail ivory wood
PK Wakefield Jun 2010
frail ivory wood stutter
yellow chirps brisk muttering
waxy apples;
count the numberless peels of laughter
obvious obscure

majestic white trial of ripple wrought collapsing
a copper roar embellished slick black death

litter the mossy path beads of dew
residing dangerously in the womb of day

but come residue of chaos. eat the organized

unmatchedloss y   ou          R tears shatter

872 · Jan 2011
in a biggest deepness
PK Wakefield Jan 2011
in a biggest deepness
there's was 1 golden chord
small and
                   ENORMOUSly a heart POUNDING NAKED extrapolating

harshly a beating volume of sOUnd! fat on the skinny darkness

this iSwill drunk of ragged ****** a caving silence in which is a scrap of

871 · Sep 2010
I,ve unclosed
PK Wakefield Sep 2010
I,ve unclosed
                             ­   i
                                  will speak
                                                               ­    trees

steeply uncrooked breathing 'gainst
the racing moon over the valley bending
swiftly thoughts of ungiant sprigs puckish
in the frailing summers wings

a wig of tender incandescent drops cavort
in silent wetness on petals the)

a cadence of caving murdered light
seamless fluid winsome dusting upon
the unserious lips of night flexing effortlessly
by their touch, and flaccid, upon mine
i am drugged
   of lilywhite tubes; crumbs of hushed love
a draught of limpid steam.    i

laced and foamy the jaw distends
870 · Mar 2010
PK Wakefield Mar 2010
your bruise
half heard
869 · Apr 2010
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
enormously tiny
white idea

you sat

in Cerulean
holding ephemeral

wield your cottony skin
868 · May 2010
sudden happy lily anthem
PK Wakefield May 2010
sudden happy lily anthem
   why spring you so?

do the secret hollows of your slender arms
hide the days wet ember cresting a wave of
mountain piles; sanctuary.

a puddle of luminous fibers stumble over
their rough shoulders sprawling up to the
bays lip.

a heart of pulseless phlorescents beats ready
to pour its wealth of light onto the stacks of
chimneys sprouted shingles.

a day born well,i,should like to think.
867 · Apr 2010
such a perfect
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
could there ever be
such a perfect
as this Breathing Stillness
caught )betwixt(
trembling shafts of luminosity
aching bars of dark
865 · Apr 2010
ferocious woman
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
ferocious woman
all ye
who hope to:

dip your tongue
in [my] honey

tasty pain
863 · May 2010
we were a certain
PK Wakefield May 2010
we were a certain
soaring on oblivious
pinions;in lonely plumes)blooming
accurate devotions
to AN azure benediction
riot whitely
                     steady disheveled
cumulus culmination
                              flap       flap
                       flap                   flap
863 · Jun 2010
PK Wakefield Jun 2010
it,s hot. the sun bubbled effervescent laughter
ringing star fortress. in their hands i hold
a key (choleric) and.

      so unlocked open closed. delicious. i couldn't
clasp the rhythm rainbow raining sweetly from
the singing cords contracting across the pale sheet.
and lost me my i try but can't fly.

     flicker little, as you fade into the organized disorder of
the crisp hills released on my eyes slicing your golden succulents.

                                    how can i be,without,you?in the darkness of
           my       em
PK Wakefield Oct 2010
                                           tongue is in the chattering molecule
of my dapper skull.
i hammer verbal clumsy spit into post nasal void
just likely
                  the stately emblem of young thoughts
and i'm new blood
     unwet tranquility
like the rain
       like the sun
           like the dry crevice
of clean filthy electricity
ramming carefully between my arms
the slight perfecting bodice of your
soft vehicle
and i placate it succinctly
by pink rinds
      slipperying on the wailing
             of you
most erratic brevity
858 · Jul 2014
PK Wakefield Jul 2014
a little raw beautiful you are the way.

                                            and ,ti evol I

the mouth that soft(that cruel) of teeth
and lips
is like it. thorn'd

and prim and

ringed in pinkness
of petals parting

on a pistil between.

such smoothness that rushes,
such skinness that prickles exactly
at the right arch
of its rising hips.

to meet with the riding
heartness of my surging taste:

blood and just
that tiny tang
of left behind from.

                                               (can i begin?)'(

and to fold you;
into my hands–as fists–
that unfold–inside you.
851 · Apr 2013
PK Wakefield Apr 2013
barking Marge was tight and wet
she took dem bois wit out regret
she let dem in, one-by-one
and let dem pump till they wa dun

but now dat galz a little loose
from all doze years of takin' goose
and all dem bois ha got dem lifes
and all dem bois ha got dem wifes

sa bawkin Marge went down da peer
out ta waare da air isss clear
she took er self a litl dip
neeth da roll o wave and shipp

not a teer na don yu foist
cu bawkin Magj is nice nd moistt
851 · Sep 2010
it was slowly hideous
PK Wakefield Sep 2010
it was slowly hideous and more. the vapid skull was fragile
mucous glistening ostensibly of nasal passage and a flagrant
gesture mounting swiftly every coming brief second and
fornicating methodically minute transmissions of air of repugnant
the heaving damsel broached or slippery tousled follicles limp
in arrogance foaled softly on her scalp. i maybe was and she
new. the sport of delicious fresh cluttered blood plump and
detestable in beneath the sallow rubber husk rubbing slickly
on the small walls particularly.
the. a(shade of yes(dribbles when the smacking rinds of lips
bubble sudden noise in. and a. a and. she smothers the babe
of silence in putrid vocal aberration fetid slop of words. temporarily
she is. speaking quickly and inviting me to the back little room
to weigh and measure large and pale the vestige of my i. take me sit
me in another waiting. another room of waiting. waiting. waiting

waitingwaitingwai"hello I'm Dr.Hanson"
851 · Oct 2013
PK Wakefield Oct 2013
oh the world
(smoothly electric)

which turns 'pon
a thread divisible

assumes such shapes magic
(hurling singly rotund)

to smash by impulsed fabric
with savagery so sublime

fists should
turn from bruises

                                          into wine
PK Wakefield Feb 2012
you look a little lost drunk toylike demure
stumbling doll pretty i peer you cutting
through gnashing heaped throats i spy
your gangling figure ungainly miniature
legs tottering deftly sensual upon your
        you slice stupidly through the tiny
hot music and you look so eatable you
look so nice and pristinely garbled perfect
unkempt ***** pleasant uneasy
i'll catch you by your languorous laxing
limbs i'll ****** you from falling hard
into the smarting wet floor i'll bring your
feverish nonsense Redder mouth
to mine and we'll do something perhaps
something, perhaps, louder
849 · Jan 2012
my topressdeeply lips
PK Wakefield Jan 2012
my topressdeeply lips
hunch kneading
on your lips love
(with the sun   ,
shearing invincible

marigold heart) who cares less
when feebly earth consumes
the rightly,
                    naked unfleshing
of i
is amorous to playlips
bunched folding
into unfinite heavens extending


the decreasing miracle of your
temporal furnace
(so lady unslowly dissolve
the uncouth packaging of
thy lustful canary
and admit the frivolous
**** splinter of inflaccid
847 · Sep 2010
PK Wakefield Sep 2010
iAmraptured. at the unyielding tumult of your smooth venom
   in the coughing elated cream of moon *****
a nothing perspiring in thee. a brash unday of staggering
sonorous starlight.
                           l two in between the vast smiling trench of your
thighs,by the unpermanent palms,a gallon of marching cylindric
                      pink. lavish incredibly dull spent muscular purring
vibrations. the first twitching violence of clean stroked chords a
plunge stupid majesty. the whole half of me and play in my immutable waves
the hard soft sharp nightmare of your glad steamy pain. you are pages
        of verbs

          you are sometimes. you are you. youa r e a giggl in gfloc k o ffast
pumping hips
                                        an almost never always split and crooning
by the chariot of my hammer soft blows of lips lips lips lipso hotly
  (pressing a nerve crackling electric nape
                     neon undeath blaring flesh ) i'll climb inside you

   're damp
PK Wakefield May 2011
like days these ours are in moments stilled
the steel of moments
in us them and them in us
their hair is ours
their bones are ours
they are cold and
quiet as a ship
on an ocean
so pale
and dreaming
its head a war of stars
the damp

light ****** in smoldering
they are the spades of digging
deeply purple blacking soil
on the fresh cut grave
of the small majesty
of last light
telling just behind the swollen bridle
telling the face of dreaming dusted
eaves, the coniferous blades,
of forest young and thick
845 · May 2010
PK Wakefield May 2010
flooding painful
into open infinite







(perfect golden blood)
843 · Nov 2012
open all the small things
PK Wakefield Nov 2012
ope n al l t h e smal lt hin gs (between)
th ei rmiddle s i swri th e ge n tl         y
m yst er y (that which tiny wanders
awe) brigh tfast bl indl ingly w i t h e r s


into dust stumbling minutely though
g   r   a    s  p in ga nd b    i   t  i n       g
so open all the small things (boys and
girls open them they have empty which
like you have and faster more colorful
nothing they) s                                        o
open all the small things boysandgirls
spilling from them running rivers of
poppies splayed out in raw pallid eve
rushing through cambered fragility
(that instantly with precise mess flair
with the curving orange of death       )
843 · Aug 2013
PK Wakefield Aug 2013
i will die.
the sun,
and by the way
did you know?
(i do)

in the summer it
leaps wholly freshness
into the sweating backs of knees

a yowl

a dream

a distinctly arousing

a corded and steeply ***** shyness.

it peters sharply
from girl cuts
into niceness
a cringing of night
to less darkly foil
the trees

(amongst 'em
where will sleep
me when i
cease my hands to try) roots

reachness of worms
and the rushing of oceans




coolly teasing
with teeth so
cruelly pleasing

(upon which rise
the curving hushness
of body's plummet
falling of darkness' lushness
PK Wakefield May 2010
12x went resonating careful din
of bells spilt a peeling tone
from the. once quIet.
mighty gray rise
towering cylinderic
face hands clutching
unclutchable liquid
pour over every little shingle
sprawled at your base
837 · Apr 2010
dichotomous rex
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
i may be maybe be
that which is
(and isn't)

both: that
or This

an i
and we

the center and th
e boundary

inseparately separate

physically meta

i wish i wish i
that thing that

PK Wakefield Dec 2010
with certain jesting apprehension
i entertain her moist ***** darting elocutions
she's splaying candidly 'pon ever
witless grunting foul vocular aberration
outside the roaring box of wet tinder
's a window slapping manacle
of steely girth. the sky's tongue
folds straightening air into the fat
oblong of the sea particularly
as probably i'm listening listlessly
to grand nothings plopping gently
from loose teeth grinding small
headed sally i'd could hardly say i                               care
836 · Apr 2010
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
There is a flavor in the air. It is a taste of the mundane. It pervades the senses.
Dripping down the throat. Coating the eyes. Lost though it is in the seemingly endless
ambiguous struggles of humanity there is no light for with which to guide it. It is
copper. Gold. Steel. Salamander. It takes nothing but gives all. In it's place is the
truth of the matter. But the matter itself is the unknown. Drug through the cornucopia of
texture the thing is lost amidst the rubble of thought. Cracked on the rocks of reality
still it flounders. The otherwise intricate handles with which we grasp are beholden to no
man. Though this does not exclude the aforementioned. A winding stair. A hateful glare.
Emotionless. Drugged. In the eclipsing of the grandeur the solace of a thousand remains.
PK Wakefield May 2011
have i, or letters, known so well
the knowing of your words when
so thick with verbs you jangle
meticulously raw spent kernels
of your swiftly lustful wings
     bursts ripe and halting smoothly
over shoulders fingers' hands
that ***** and flutter.
    right, suddenly, against winter,
slowly, you are colours and glowering
ductile arms snaring.
   a song of hours lifted from *******
where between lays me and my.
my elbows and my triceps,
  electric, you writhing sapling, you
sprig and blood, you are in their togetherness
you are rips flung deep and voluminous
with comely exacting fragrance
you are radiant. a star from heaven shorn
and wafts of gilt implacable violence
833 · Jan 2011
PK Wakefield Jan 2011
slippery trinket
all splayed a flavor welt
lacquer melted fuddle
the sun was snarling coquettish
as it fizzled frailty mightily
832 · Nov 2010
PK Wakefield Nov 2010
were it as rippling as the techno static shoveled obdurately
in the volume of this writhing pit i'd sonic cavalierly with the
fairy dusting eyelids fluttering. stripping accurately the moisture
of my minute organs churning salty crystal obliqueness at the
stunning lounge seriously unserious fractals micturiting. hey it's
youth. what else?
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
baby, someday you will be dead
you'll needlessly of nothing lustful

              bodyheart or

******* hardly be (notbe, infact)
the loving stupor of thy fragrant zone
or the unchaste familiar kissing *******
not sore, not felt (save for rushing of
wormsdirtroots) not beguilers, food
instead be you'll, baby: crush of soil
or finely whitish powder scattered to
mingle in puckish breezes sweeping
the grass in your onceexquisite piercing
waist(so notdead, baby, i wonder if your
green stem supple might slightly acute
chafed of thorn, baby might like my
hands rushing


unfleece you, and in your livid youthful
hipsspilll them full of
829 · Dec 2012
PK Wakefield Dec 2012
stoked lightening, does where your fur stroked unmeeting skin
a ribbon grow heating wetly (at fingers tightly coiling sin)?
does where from stocky steam ****** ***** effuse drunk blood,
a stagger of giggling ****** giddily unstoppably bud?
perhaps, or, does (i know) your unknowing skirt a mutter
a rill of sweetness (acrid) as like honey and butter?

A query, i think, your parting question answers.
At cherry pressing; at crimson lancer.
824 · Feb 2012
it's naked how in June
PK Wakefield Feb 2012
it's naked how in June
(hot uncluttered flesh)
by lips and parting

                                    do caress

with careful splitting
and agile mess
unsaintly contents

                       ,             wriggling
  ,       spilled adolescent
bodies filled
              in eager sating
                            days were killed
                  and the arcuate pleasure of
           thighs and *******
       tongues between
     cotton dress
    spiced and
  ******* fret
  at mangled balling
  upon lewd dashboard kept
821 · Dec 2011
i tonight heard
PK Wakefield Dec 2011
tonight he
ard t
whole increasing
churn of asleep
moon light
*******, a pair
of giggling
gorgeous effluent
skinny skin

and peaked mounting
each lush pale
drop of flesh
a pinkest isle
dithered and

cooed a string
of pleasant
sharp rasps
of whitish

   (the moon like
like honey drips
the whole sky fantastic
and carnal with
the imploding bulge
of her Winter
set ****
814 · Jul 2013
PK Wakefield Jul 2013
America is ******'
a bit its lips

America is
its tongue
the slippery
and sublime

so deeply feels
its throat
tight to fill pretty

her eyes
rolling wonderful
the whites
enervated pink

a bit of sharp
a bit
smoke and

her lipsfull
the meat
of "****"

when you
push between their parting
the frailest squeak

*** er
the she
wants to
please *** er
the fucc
er lips
the cooly mess
er cheeks
damson stained
and puckering to

813 · Apr 2010
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
hot to the touch
glowing metal

little bikes
tiny pedals

i'll smell your rose
eat the petals
812 · Sep 2010
i wait, horizontal,
PK Wakefield Sep 2010
i wait, horizontal, for this night and parallel
when of formidable masculine discharge
by knees and elbowsandfists. shins and
bones. i reposit into a muscled sack of
whom might think
they can stop me
o, pain
deftly serious and bright, your arms firstly singing
callouses and knuckles lucky
lift lucidity of skull and flesh
to murky shores unknown
and felt(when woken in your
plumes of soft purple speckled
of boney cages
i think you'll find i was better
812 · Aug 2010
PK Wakefield Aug 2010
there,s a stiff flower


she plays slightly, it like

a lute likea minstrellike a goddess a.she,s
twining curdled moans, my arms about. softly;

climb clamor clamor into the moist
   into the damps
into the wet architecture of her lips and the cusp
of endless pleasure erupting a basin of pale shoulders
and glittering eternal emeralds bust from the kind sockets

         the habitual tumors of her *******, the strong scent of her
health, and the

tongue of flavor of her melody strangling. night the night air the soft
     heat of her flesh. the morsels of her fingers dimple fastidiously chaotic
rumbling stupid majesty exploding
oblong jousts of sallow skin. my neck. onmyneck. her nails. onmyneck.
i'm this:i'myours
PK Wakefield May 2010
wallowing a slender: 'iwantyou'
on eager
i became raw
  as i
broke her chaste seal
relinquishing rusty islands
          in                                 A

809 · Mar 2012
at a fox mouth
PK Wakefield Mar 2012
at a fox mouth doe neck limp hangs broken
particularly distinct of living discernible
its red mouth slavors upon neat feminine
tidy meek destroyed foam and spittle flecked
in the deep of under trees a sliver of fast fur
'gainst darkest eaves protrudes its body sleek
again to amongst furtive gesture of motions
inclined to eating innocent girl things
808 · Mar 2011
mount baker
PK Wakefield Mar 2011
this poised indelible knot)

(of untranslucent lodging rock

that mets so eagerly




shorns the tousled bed of sky

a circlet of watching cobalt

supreme and rigidly manicured



the stormy lips of god

they(who;are,a,marvelous’girded.fauld:of gray)


with whitish freezing voice

to say upon the noble cap

                                         this organized heap

                 of lean sinuous


their icy tongue

which laps the bare skull

of the untremulous mountain

irrevocably spouting on the horizon
808 · Sep 2012
men, i've never met one
PK Wakefield Sep 2012

never met one

of those but


every             i

have         met
in some   nice

suits,       they

had and shoes
were polished
clean   leather
talking about
"how          one
time he ******  A
Girl and"   he's
sitting    across
from me Greek
his hair is white
a little and  his




               met one


PK Wakefield Mar 2011
spring. it's almost unsleeping
and stubbornly worn with
young feet in all her little parks
and her grassy and gluttonous
new flowers uncouple their
fragrant heads bumbling
a savage and stemmed arcuate
light that tumbles out the swaggering
mouths of upended winter.

the small and creviced
the hardy chapels of wood
and plastic and nails and wire
will burp to some agile fleece
some women and boys
into the delicious war of
new uncaking roses or the fine *******
that is this tide of bubbling heat
gnarling at the pale and loveless moon
who also is a *****
that plasters every skin with her lipsandfingers

she,TheSpring, will splay her plaintive thighs
and in their between, will march the strong
weak column of undead flesh
who are men and girls
and they will love her
the freckled empire of her *******
the fortress of her smooth impossible belly
the unquestionable meter of her hips
        and they will climb her naked ribs
with hands of innocent foolhardy clasping
to the magistrate of her tongue
the holy orifice she wears at the between of her cool cheeks
and smatter on it
grossly ardent spit
804 · Nov 2012
PK Wakefield Nov 2012
your mouth is a pale crescendo
about which mutters beauty
easy with crass eager nobility
and just a bit of intense fingers
culling fleetly every atom of
girl fleece into a singular punch
of lush dangerous silence

that caves when rushes your
neck into my mouth its crisp
foal (on awkward skinniness
suddenly) blisters engorged
with scarlet and strenuous rapid

PK Wakefield Aug 2012
"oof," i said,"what are you?" got nice

****                                             gotnice

calves backsofknees and       got nice

eyes "i bet" said i said eyes

i bet you taste real good

(between winter) and spring

i bet wet

petals split by wet petals split

you taste good

like salt and rain

next to the ocean(betweenWinterandSpring)
804 · May 2010
grinning(green clad)devil
PK Wakefield May 2010
grinning(green clad)devil
satted silent in
a sharp cafe
waiting eternal

in walks man
sighing sadly sits
across from greengrin devil
forked tongue river
roils implications

"thou art the skin of weak *******"
drips emerald

"this i know, yet unable to face its truth, i find my i"
ripples trite man

in this way satting
supping murky fluid
sin gestates
in celadonian
PK Wakefield May 2010
puckish decay bathing blossoms
scarlet fingers dripping sharp pearls

so why then  fear that scythe mErry?
galloping steady precision up over
stark horizons(come to claim your
smooth thought's body). hollow solid

it's better this way...) just
take me:        2
801 · May 2010
PK Wakefield May 2010
r i
very cognitive
runs in rivulets
into her
crevices from
the extracting of
my sanity
in splintered whole

l                   a                         y
hands on that
stiff minute
full with (brimming sensuality
a void of reason
opens in me my i
i beg her)

voiceless current: moan a gossamer delicate
800 · Apr 2010
that they
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
that they.
over where?
over there
don't you see?
those vibrating metaphors issuing auditory elocutions

she laughs whoreishly with that man
to catch his i

good thing
his i is preoccupied
with her *******
else he might hear her

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