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266 · Aug 2014
PK Wakefield Aug 2014
how who


new what


of uncouth
****** glass:

                           BUILDINGS!                                                     (awholecity

suddenly of unerupting stillness
leaps by
slick courage of burning liquor
a slightly old

               )a slightly stupid(

boyness of incorrigible grinning
arms of hands by body youth sick

a girlnesss about

entwining into steep darkness of hard love:

      some mouth open.

      some mouth eager.
265 · Jun 2012
PK Wakefield Jun 2012
i would, perhaps, a 1,000 folded lips
crease into 1

the venom of thy cheeks
a smooth immolation


with white beneath
neatly in rows
                                   that sharp

feel good

nice and



265 · Oct 2016
PK Wakefield Oct 2016
"It's like, I know you love god, but I
just want to bend you over a table and
*******–and I think you want it too.

I know you believe in all these things
and far be it from me to say they are
wrong, but under your skin I can
tell there is something else.

You pulse with something raw,
painful, and violent.

You seem to tremble with palpable aggression.

Give me the pain–give me the Valkyrie
I know you are.

I want you to hurt me, and I want to hurt you. Your neck is so pretty.
All I can think of is what it would
feel like in my hand.

We could be something so ugly and
beautiful. I can feel it within you.

It seems barely contained within you.

But maybe we shouldn't.

Maybe you shouldn't.

I don't want you to do something you don't want to.

But I want you. I want you to want it."
265 · Oct 2014
PK Wakefield Oct 2014


big                                                                                                          chattering




brutal                                                                                                          autumn



leaning                                                                            into

pockets                       of

                                                              cold  cold    cold     cold       cold      cold

teeming with
suddenly sky cutting
***** life,




endless mound
of always needing


always                                                                                                                  be




265 · Sep 2015
PK Wakefield Sep 2015

                          "We have a very unhealthy relationship."

265 · Oct 2013
PK Wakefield Oct 2013
of what is there,
the making of dreams?

                     some ***** perhapsness

                                              the maybe of seem?
264 · Jul 2012
PK Wakefield Jul 2012
a heart completes, by preferred effort of word, vague love
over sea (many boys always) teeming
yearning with lust


uncoy, notshy, approach, baby, to ask you darling
might you also like to

263 · Nov 2014
PK Wakefield Nov 2014
you the
con is ce


          ab of

hurt *****
put inside


thick fingers scarlet

(in a petite lake
of white white white )

you moan
you churn
over your belly
onto your face
263 · Nov 2014
PK Wakefield Nov 2014
from somewhere nearby a lark is suddenly
the whole dancing mess of humanity
even louder
than is to be the screech honking
of voices car engines
into cringing violence of
increasingly silent manifolds
around the white body
of that birds cracking majesty
it opens its throat and the entire world shuts the **** up
263 · Nov 2015
PK Wakefield Nov 2015
"Maybe someday I'll find someone that actually cares about me."
263 · Apr 2015
PK Wakefield Apr 2015
there is nothing. And the wide night seems to toil outward into dark space of cut with just a strand of light it peers gauntly through rain up climbing with difficult precise silence seems to wander into the nooks and crooks its deep blanket of void stirs from which not a whisker or a claw of the fast cat sleep into nighting with deep purring of smooth body.

(how many more totally unimportant ultimately priceless nights will pass like from me out of lips and fingers into nothing without random seeming jounce of colorless minutes?

i can't know wouldn't want to even if tomorrow was the last sublime gasping of complete mundanity.

washing a dish is like that.

flush with hot hands in water drinks around fingers and lather coils in blossoms of vibrant tininess.

i cannot say i love Anyone or Anything perhaps i can love the rust of an old dying city the gable of a church girl and the collapsed rushing of immanent life.

or maybe i'll press into days and nights my body to be of some excellent stuff most economic.

nots now the time to think of such a thing two hours to wake from going work in a boring old amazing flash of perhaps the last moment you will live.

a poem doesn't mean a **** thing and
262 · Oct 2015
PK Wakefield Oct 2015

the raw and beautifully dumb

      (i want to hurt you)

    .A flower that's
a lot like
your mouth
and throat
choking on me;

my pistil and thread
pulling into
which heart tries to make
love from–
                     hips and head.
262 · Nov 2013
PK Wakefield Nov 2013
Oh this were if only it were if
it might
be more possibly

to wantingly be.

                                    (but only)

not if
or could.

Or if
it were

                       it might



pleasantly so.
262 · Nov 2016
PK Wakefield Nov 2016






261 · Nov 2014
PK Wakefield Nov 2014
i love whose swift wonder is the barely day at absolute neatness of death
bones the soil
ribs of shadow softly,


pounces by lean irrevocable muscles of serene nonsense
a forest that
melts as cool toffee,


slick easy between frigid bars of darkness leaping
(that where girls are always laughter
and health is never keeping   )
261 · Sep 2017
PK Wakefield Sep 2017
who again is this place?

(i see you there--alive and sleeping;
amongst white flowers)

i kiss you lightly.

i am sorry for all the things i have done.

i will love you always.

261 · Feb 2014
PK Wakefield Feb 2014
not matter does whatever this world thinks(i

will go by flights of angels

their breath

i will go by florid gasping of soundless immutable
waters into

              waters of. i

will pass my little ship its sails may bend
i will go o'

i will go shall not by the whatever the world thinks

despite angels (on whose breath shall carry me

261 · May 2014
PK Wakefield May 2014
.    my soul effuses, and things even drunker than Spring have emerged   .


261 · May 2012
PK Wakefield May 2012
at a turn down slopes into
slender night
                          a path

i know through a forest
where, lovely, though
and dark and deep

but for promises to keep
i shall not sleep
260 · Jan 2014
PK Wakefield Jan 2014

                                                       Your body is a word that I am mad to say.

260 · Jul 2014
PK Wakefield Jul 2014
your way the who the body
swells the
lifts the

of my thoughts
the niggling
wafer of
your thighs

feel better than
my cheeks
can feel the air
(and i can only breath when)
they are untogether together.

feeling–and your back does–how
do you feel
about how
feelingly it

musters razors
in my skin when
your *** also?      (and how can i
                                describe how it
                                feels like joy
                                made some
                                supple real of
                                realness in two
                                halves of a broken
                                perfect?                      )

it defies words.

there is no cheap no word no sentence
made that by does not at describing it

i am myself, and can i say how much
that is a better thing when i am between you? are

And how can describe it?

the way it turns so deeply into creases
of divinest flesh;

half feet
half knees

upon who hurts to pray inside you
my love fist?

it cannot be said nor sung nor anything
but tasted into one swoon of many tongues
upon it–

my mouth has lived whole years not so pleasant as five minutes between your hips.
260 · Oct 2016
PK Wakefield Oct 2016

          lot of the time I feel like I'm
               in love with someone
                    I've never met

260 · Nov 2015
PK Wakefield Nov 2015
"There's nothing wrong with a ****–
just don't fall in love with one."
260 · May 2015
PK Wakefield May 2015
this new
the slim body of
thorough unbroken




like as like
coils of
brute laughter
the languid burst
after *******


serene pitches of
in the winter when
first grows
first fingers
into tense coldness
of taught muscles

the love fist


through stark air,

A rose.
260 · Feb 2012
PK Wakefield Feb 2012
with love often
i am more than
with you
more than nearly
love i'm only
more devoted
than to you
even i'm with
only love
259 · Feb 2014
PK Wakefield Feb 2014
which have felt.

the night sleepily in white dressing gown

and grinning

with the **** sliver of its moon a bit
wide luminous and softly(                        .

a dream that teeters
briefly with infinite stupid self

I) the ridiculous me
that with five fingers says some wan curling;

there is a fan blowing, i can just hear it vaguely

its rapid cheeks somewhere; silverly.

And) can anyone describe
why laying is pleasant when dying is to lay forever?

(i think
and i don't
and it's so cold outside winter the trees are creaking but inside it's so warm i pull the covers over my head and begin some divine fantasy of girls.   .      .

Unfeeling girls
259 · Sep 2014
PK Wakefield Sep 2014
um um um um

    (wut wut)

the *** yer


on slender tragedy
of girl lips breaths)

sum uhv ****
,way down    ,
yer throat

)    that    (

i of

nerves exactly
body more

dither with
precise warness
of boy fingers

into tingling *****
coyness of unshy

–thigh and bone–                                                                                              )


swallow-allow teethteeth




of instant

                     SPRING  ,  )
259 · Jul 2015
PK Wakefield Jul 2015
blue inside feels:
rough from the
groove up shaven
closely to fresh
air stings over cool

–skull and neck;

where i wish
my hand could become

a certain smoke
of tense opaqueness

unfolding a flower
in sharp city nights

the enormous groan
of my soul;

and sleep in your dark forest
a tactile brace of slender light  .

(   i               love                  you              will           never                know      )
259 · Jul 2013
PK Wakefield Jul 2013

         ­                                                           this is not a poem


                               ­                                                                 ­                                                                 ­             /
259 · Aug 2014
PK Wakefield Aug 2014

           "Seems a little ***** to me."

258 · Jan 2012
PK Wakefield Jan 2012
i'm going to love you(and you're going to hurt)

i'm going to hurt you(and you're going to love it)
257 · Mar 2014
PK Wakefield Mar 2014
to what unthing new do i impossibly owe my hands to touch?
(its face perhaps its lips or
the body beneath when

it parts beyond darkness

,and some fat drunkard
howls at the moon)?
257 · Feb 2014
PK Wakefield Feb 2014
let's say begin me the you way

more slightly
the closed fist of my petals,

than opens me the light fingers
of in may Spring. than

the rain does,
in autumn when
dies the trees to neatly wonderful,

(and i come into their black bodies
the sliver of my mute flesh;
stopping on brief immutable desolation
my awe to wander enormously)

the dew is fast and quietly begins me
when: like that you

are like you are

like my to unfist (and with bright colours

                gold, suddenly,

256 · Aug 2015
PK Wakefield Aug 2015

the uneven the
folding of into


between tickles
and niggling
of thigh

sweated and
hot through
muscle of wine,

over the lips


a dash of
                     light ;

(and not sound too) –––

there is a doe
a starling
and a
thick beam

of golden wheat

parts the sun
into white manifolds
of burning health:

(wither which,
into each should go

all those summers
afore the snow) .
256 · Nov 2012
PK Wakefield Nov 2012
on the ***** of pin rests the whole breathing and dying finite ugly world

cast in minute wearing

)she is fair and frail and far and far

Ffall, she shrugs shoulders and from
there stumbles gold in delicate smash
in aching sigh, in verdant crash
                                                                                      (the sun small i see through my window out there

somewhere a girl is probably sitting who almost)
255 · Jan 2011
PK Wakefield Jan 2011
break all the rules
255 · Sep 2014
PK Wakefield Sep 2014

being you
being sheathed in


purports between

two wet ribbons of
speckled with


darling: ****** of light

            (grey and gray)


A city is suddenly.
255 · Jun 2014
PK Wakefield Jun 2014
some girls are like
the uncoming together
of deep mountains

(there are where

occaissionly it's been

flowers.          ) their hips

that part

at the parting

of boy ribs—

254 · Oct 2015
PK Wakefield Oct 2015
flower the hands and lips cannot
contain the pistil always running
red over the cusp of your budding

Even in notSpring,
when it shouldn't be full of pollen;
but little bee by mind of flesh
reminds your pricking to always
burn a little needling with
incessant urge to fill the
dark space between thigh:

(there is something slendersmooth
and easy to be inside of–

                    (like the earth)––

                             ( like death)–––
254 · Nov 2015
PK Wakefield Nov 2015
who forgot a word their lips trying to
find stumble stiffly up into the mouth
of a gun's barrel saying,

"Someday you'll see it."
254 · Jul 2012
PK Wakefield Jul 2012
give me a day. i'll know you in the grass.
coming to a heart, press and sip of it.
sleep in the hour of a girl and lay a finger.
all things many. one thing never.

the earth.

                    a smile.

254 · Dec 2015
PK Wakefield Dec 2015
mirror me
this softly

where two and
three girlthings

the soul of boy
wars         rings;

hair in shortly
which some
*** wears

her mouth without
lipstick saying,

"kiss me–

       (i am soft)"
253 · Apr 2014
PK Wakefield Apr 2014
the ******* are i love the way it's.
the and it
the does way
(forked dolllike riven).

                                                                                                     ?suppose ouy od

                             why not some let's the?


                           (and maybe even harder)
253 · Oct 2014
PK Wakefield Oct 2014

i wish it could

contained within

the body
(of 1 body)

253 · Feb 2012
PK Wakefield Feb 2012
Red short lips hair
you're so cute
and you got so
in my joints
and i'm
so let me
just hurt on you
              let me

252 · Mar 2012
PK Wakefield Mar 2012
a lot of times after the sun
and the lilies and next to
to the rain is a window
and i'm sitting waiting
looking and sitting
and waiting
next to the
rain a
251 · Feb 2011
PK Wakefield Feb 2011
A between
                  (these crumpled breaths of light

is a              where
a there
                              a where there
                                , i
s                                                     SUGARsexMAGIC
251 · Oct 2015
PK Wakefield Oct 2015

(i am alive)there are three
thick fingers of dawn
pushing into the throat of
dawn gags on the spending
of a stream



251 · May 2012
PK Wakefield May 2012
grows nothing thicker than
the tip of a thorn
in the softness of your palm
with a minute coronet
of scarlet
                     doesn't hurt

                     almost looks pretty

                     and won't stop till pressed

                                                 with a finger
251 · Dec 2014
PK Wakefield Dec 2014
to live which what life beyond being

   (is there some I

stagger up with moonlight
the cool instant breath
of standing hot between
nothing and nothing                            )

vast and vast and vast

that enormous when of feeling the wind
around drunk drinking of the texture of a breath:

collapsing the condescended body of the moon stars laughter just inside the house outside which dreams the world of rain darkness and the impossible languor of health–

the need

the urge

the rush

to quietly pursue books of open girlness;

pages terribly comfortable to grasp and fill within letters of self.

how which we desire what to be perfectly exact of easy being:

the frond which stands strong without tending of hand–

the garden filled with the immense flower of youth.

And never to die,
never to grow old
or weak inside.

(what an impossible thing it is to know; to love; to live                    )

what an impossible thing it is to laugh
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