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250 · Mar 2014
PK Wakefield Mar 2014
Spring's little fingers hurt
(pink at the blood)and
push through the lips
of every branch, its pistil.
250 · Sep 2015
PK Wakefield Sep 2015
you speak
says the rain
very heavy
out of the north
over the tops of
trees into the
forest becomes
the soil filled
with nostril
of pine,

and the street goes
merry outside
the classroom
the wind and pane
groaning with

a single tiny
figure crosses quickly
into the warm
hands of laughter
coat filled with

and outside
Autumn is constantly
dying constantly
pushing into
glade and fen

her colorful
mouth and
long thinness
of day.
250 · May 2012
PK Wakefield May 2012
won't ever a star fall
briefly with light
from where a comes a leaf
(no. not a leaf. a tree)
                                     yes, a tree

       out of its throat
       that sounds like a girl sounds
       the first time her heartbreaks
       like rain
       from her eyes
250 · Feb 2014
PK Wakefield Feb 2014
it's dark a cat shifts
springing the sheets
stir you the cat
and a branch outside
the window taps taps
taps the window outside
a branch it's dark the cat
stirs the sheets spring
and it's dark you roll
over and somewhere
a dog is barking
250 · Jun 2014
PK Wakefield Jun 2014
all the body is perhaps.
is some is; is a some

times occasionally girl of breathless apart.
who's a do you think why not in a
bit of sweating skinny.

(Her mouth is-andherhands-sometimes-a God)
of men let's say who cannot
how much they'd like to be between.)

What's more absurd than that? jazz
and it feels like to be: in her lips exploding

the quick lean of a grin through 26 years of loving girls her body who's some in a piece of unapart i'd like to make unun legs smiling and she laughs, "what do you think of that?"
249 · Oct 2015
PK Wakefield Oct 2015
this moment is drunk
and occasionally says
dark things of remembering

about pushed apart legs
in April when it was alive
and something loved it more
than living–cooing even

into its soft ear vaguely
promises of forever and
keeping through death
its hands and lips and feet


but goes through the mouth
and nose hot dollops of dreamless
wine occluding speech, taking

tightness and smashing it over
the head with a memory of
a coy poem that tasted like the
sea in your mouth when

it sat on your face and
it was the only time it was ever

249 · Mar 2019
PK Wakefield Mar 2019
cool this
finger over

             the world)

and beneath
the hair the
slick stuff
of love:

F L O W E R S  .    

the quick cloth
of trees a stag

(twining tine)

‘tween root and sea

. And the taste of everything

perhaps is
the last
breath of (almost) Spring

when neck and kissing
each smoothness of skin arrives.

Opening all doors—
fills all hallways:

the laughing of children
and the whispers of mothers
249 · Jan 2015
PK Wakefield Jan 2015
it's time

       to sleep

i guess


i'll love you


249 · Oct 2015
PK Wakefield Oct 2015
i shall love you
that you have been
after my own heart
as the tatse of the sea:

easy and deep beyond words;

laughing in shoals and
turgid in memory.

you are light
and beyond most things
you are the smooth
disaster of 23 years
of screaming girlness.

you are my own,
and my flesh–
you make me.
249 · Mar 2015
PK Wakefield Mar 2015

                                       ­                                          t
                                                               ­                as
                                                              ­               t
                                                               ­                 EE
                                             ­                              a
                                                               ­                 C
                                              ­                         h
                                                               ­  feels as shape
                                                           ­    like shape does:
                                                           ­  as like winter fist;
                                                           a juniper wi' holly kisst
                                                                ­         Acurled
                                                         ­                w
                                                               ­               i
                                                ­                    th
                                          ­                                i
                               ­                                              n
                                                               ­ a    curl'd   sphere
                                                          ­                   t
                                                               ­          he
                                                              ­   locke o' love
                                                            ­            an'
                                                 ­                         f
                                      ­                                       u

                                                              ­           r
                                                               ­             l
                                                  ­                      e
                                         ­                                       d
                        ­                                                            fear

                                                               ­                        et, un deux du pleure fus

                                                            ­ that hands should hurt
                                  where love is new

249 · Oct 2011
PK Wakefield Oct 2011
.                                                                ­                                                                 ­                                                           s
    ­                                                                 ­                                                                 ­                                                     o
                                                               ­                                                                 ­                                                             m
                                                               ­                                                                 ­                                                          e

                                                               ­                                                                 ­                                                                n­
                                                                ­                                                                 ­                                                             i
  ­                                                                 ­                                                                 ­                                                            g
   ­                                                                 ­                                                                 ­                                                       h
        ­                                                                 ­                                                                 ­                                                   t
                                                               ­                                                                 ­                                                     s
248 · May 2015
PK Wakefield May 2015
that winter kills a flower
(there is a song bird
                ) it  

loves(somewhere in the
darkness ) only

purer only fleeter with
(whose beak snares upon)
snowfingers pressed with              (silence)

white lips around
the thick pistil                                                    (and calls Spring)

                                              To Die

                                           (               )
248 · Apr 2014
PK Wakefield Apr 2014
I've never written a good poem.
248 · Oct 2015
PK Wakefield Oct 2015
waiting for listens to hear,
for her quick feet–a doe
in white skin

thinks it's
pretty to be
choked and

t   o
sw al l o w
248 · Apr 2012
PK Wakefield Apr 2012
in you let
                                   sing colours

say colours
                      of thy body
                                            of thy throat

sing and let colours of thy body and thy throat
loose them and become a whole thing more
perfect than human thing only; becoming more
let and let and let
                                 till they are exhausted

till you are spent of them
                                               till rages nothing in thee




the colours of thy body and thy throat
248 · Aug 2015
PK Wakefield Aug 2015
where your lips meet



there is day ;

there is night    .
247 · May 2015
PK Wakefield May 2015
"Because nobody really loves anyone.

       We love the idea of the person.

                        The actual person

                                  just gets

                                     in the



247 · Nov 2010
PK Wakefield Nov 2010
be without

               d e
     i ,    N    

   T                     o


247 · May 2014
PK Wakefield May 2014
i loved you so much


247 · Feb 2014
PK Wakefield Feb 2014

do you know?

have you been?

have you been by the slant ways behind the hills there is store and have you
wandered much in it?

have you gone down the little rows and counted them?

have you looked into the tired eyes of weary mothers and fathers?

have you seen in them your mother and your father?

have you kissed with them your thoughts and wondered on the small
mystery of their being?

have you wondered at them looking at you(and what do they see)?

have you thought to reach out and touch them and ask them how they are doing?

have you wanted to look in their eyes and tell them that you know they are tired but there isn't much left to go and you know how hard it is and that you are sorry and that they are as soft and as infinite as your own self?

have you dreamt much?

have you gone out from the store, into the nice mouth of the city, and have you seen the same tired look in the same weary bodies?


where have you been in the Summer?

have you been by the bank of a river?

did you let your toes in it, and did it feel so cool as to rush across them you suddenly want to pull them out?

and how did it feel, the first time you were kissed, and sweaty between the arms, you pushed in even tighter?

have you laughed much?

when was the last time you laughed?

did it feel as if it was the last time?

did you watch your laughter curl away into nothing like a vine of fume from a smoker's mouth?

did you watch it curl away and wonder if you might be lucky enough to laugh tomorrow(and did you wonder how many more days and nights you might be lucky enough to not laugh)?

did you cry after you laughed?

did you look down at your hands and marvel at the intricacies of your bone and flesh?

did you ever hold them up against the night sky and marvel at the tinniness of their work? (have you held them up before your face in a dark room and wondered what it would be like to not see?)


have you struggled much?

do you ache, and are you sore?

do your muscles hurt?

do you feel heavy with obligation?

do you feel tired from living, and with life?

from where does your pain begin, and where does it end?

did it begin in the hands of someone you thought you loved? did it end in the empty stare of someone you thought loved you?

have you hurt anyone?

how did you feel?

did you tell yourself it was ok?

what did you tell yourself?

who were they?

why did you hurt them?


are you awake?

are you reading this?

will you wake up tomorrow (and every tomorrow until you don't), and will you remember this moment?

will it fade into nothing?

will you recall it suddenly in some still moment?

will you look out the window of your car on your way to work and catch the sliver of some stranger's face in the quick of your mind?

will you wonder on their life, and the sliver of your own face, caught in their mind?

and will you remember?

will you remember?
246 · Dec 2013
PK Wakefield Dec 2013

                                "Let's ****."
246 · Jan 2011
PK Wakefield Jan 2011
what                     thou                                                                      art ?
thou art
                                     ed                       flowers
245 · Dec 2013
PK Wakefield Dec 2013

                "It's ok. Just breathe. You're going to be alright."

245 · Mar 2014
PK Wakefield Mar 2014
i feel not myself the rain or a trees outside the wind or in the dark a bit (slenderly) where.
244 · May 2012
PK Wakefield May 2012
i have a vision. of something a little bit infinitely beautiful. inside me a bit.

something, a bit, that's perfect and hurts.

with bruises. or cuts (thousands of them.)

and i will tell it you.

if you want
243 · Oct 2014
PK Wakefield Oct 2014
Χάρων is a nice fellow
by some gate
on the bank of a slow river

in the summer
his mouth
hints at
a sliver of
crisp mint

julep sweating on
the table next to my hand
occasionally a girl
between my lips

and the small body of
the city stretches
'round with
creeping dapples
of caressed heat

(and the slow bank of a long river is
waiting next to some gate i can hear
the boat creaking without weight and
all the darkness of forever at the backs
of my eyes.
243 · Aug 2016
PK Wakefield Aug 2016
writing–i'm not sure–
maybe this
or that,

to fill perhaps;
between which nothing
is but pale.
241 · Nov 2014
PK Wakefield Nov 2014
what do dreams meet flowers  ?

hands seriously complain with

graves straight upright grey
in tight rows    ,

some effulgent rill of daisy
suddenly the earth breaking

the stiff silence of
241 · Dec 2013
PK Wakefield Dec 2013
there's some

            (destroying) inside you that


                                l   o



                                 i ' m


                      to have inside me

241 · Jul 2014
PK Wakefield Jul 2014
let's go for a walk i miss you how deeply and beautiful  you are  amongst
such  things  as  sagebrush,  old  mountains  and  the  wincing  silence  of
pierced by bird throats quiet it is so  quiet  inside  you i  want  to  put  my
hands in there i want to put my lips eyes and mouth forever to lay  inside
you one blue spectrum of self in no parts the whole thing and always and
forever between the cold heat of summer your body's mind is a tight song
way over the mountains in a coiling weep of  rain  that  like  rain  touches
every frond of the light forest we are inside of whose body is trees of such
dark wood even i cannot say that i know them
240 · Mar 2012
PK Wakefield Mar 2012


240 · Jul 2014
PK Wakefield Jul 2014
summer that like into the entering of cold hands open constantly some
crystal breath like dream such as has been dreamt of twisting into cold
figures of unlived bodies

                              : the earth the sun the moon the stars :
240 · Feb 2012
PK Wakefield Feb 2012
I am not myself
nor were I; know a thing
this body's just fantasy
this mind but a dream
240 · Feb 2014
PK Wakefield Feb 2014
quietly mysterious and far away i love you
i love you the big and small unnearness
of your imagined hands i wonder which
on your body's wrists (and the head upon
clothed in shortness) are skinny so nice
and never to be known by my hands you
are so unloud will not ever close and

                         (i will love you always even though you will never know)
240 · Nov 2013
PK Wakefield Nov 2013
know me:
(i am myself amongst you)
i am the root of light;
i am the light where roots dare not tread to pass.
239 · Aug 2014
PK Wakefield Aug 2014
das licht ist

.  .   .   .    .     .       . kinda


like . like

nacht ist.

like kinda
(can-can; you do the?)

238 · Aug 2016
PK Wakefield Aug 2016
"I tried."

After all, "I love you."

(what more could i do?)
238 · Mar 2015
PK Wakefield Mar 2015
this world alive with night
tinly bruised by
chimes seems to
wither seems to

hold the ready mystery of
life between its hips mouth
full of lips steaming up one
spectral flower of luminous self;

(i wander and suddenly am)

the garden is rough
momentarily i make a fist
of five fingers

somewhere there is a sound
a totally superfluous noise

i yawn and turn through clouds
of just spring air towards the
bashful eclipse of silence

i count my fingers and there is my hand
i mark it and pleasantly ingest the pale
twinkling swaddled of the wide sky;

how many days are there?
how many nights(and a petal
catches in the groove of my palm)?

it's thick
i'm drunk
the night is alive with
world is tinly
bruised by chimes

(And purple easily conquers the horizon
238 · Apr 2014
PK Wakefield Apr 2014
oh death do me,
when i'm


pale jet
(in the night)flowers
between the nimble
lips of darkness

a careening bolt of hot remembrance
all the bodies that my hands have been:
the ease and tremors of their *******.

death, this catch, rest, carry
(the hollow of my stem)
the love each new as old
nor less than any other

that lived within me tightness
that go with me in end.
237 · Feb 2012
PK Wakefield Feb 2012
hello, today sun


like you

                     like the ample
                     of your skin
                     i like it
                     and it likes
237 · Sep 2015
PK Wakefield Sep 2015
edges just something
from under darkness
where over it wears
a girl in 22 years of
****** by brutal slender

words and with lips
mouth around thick
and says,"

I want you to *** on my face
and make me pretty                               ."
237 · Jan 2015
PK Wakefield Jan 2015
"Did I forget dying?"

asked who

hung with livery
of silver youth spun
by rouge turning
of night into day                                    ". Perhaps

or because suddenly
remembered summer
was sluiced in body

of hot water around
slim ankles–the opening

of every small vein–
rushing to mix with
motes of dying laughter

the very petite and
fragile model of thy self                        " one day when
                                                                     the incorrigible
                                                                     rough noose of
                                                                     Spring has tightened
                                                                     about every gold
                                                                     trimmed loose laden
                                                                     goosenecked whiskey
                                                                     minute of kiss *******
                                                                     between wide thighs
                                                                     tear tumbling and
                                                                     blubber wonderful
                                                                     life shall with death
                                                                     's vacant fingers make
                                                                      a flower of thy body
                                                                      renewed at the lips
                                                                      of thy grave every
                                                                      morning pearled
                                                                      in dew
237 · Mar 2012
PK Wakefield Mar 2012






237 · Oct 2015
PK Wakefield Oct 2015

                                        Pleasure is the church of slaves.

                                          Church is the pleasure of slaves.

237 · May 2014
PK Wakefield May 2014
is           is
(the way)
hurts hurts

me to(Dear apart


the clenching of thy fist   )

you hands around the neck  (

'nd release the torrent held at Christ; )

tighter                        tighter
can't                             (

DEAR, and
in their pearl'd unfurling
crimson run hot of burning


in your mouth full of me


at the twaining of my touch;
in the cloak of youth's cloven clutch)

hard spit thick as tongue swallowing.

up ***

down head
237 · Oct 2014
PK Wakefield Oct 2014

"I can be cruel.

But not emotionless–not mindlessly cruel.

With disdain and a true lack of care.

I envy that."

236 · Mar 2014
PK Wakefield Mar 2014
it feels too heavy with people
and sounds often
in little boxes

, people

little boxes in them

where sounds

are too heavy.
236 · Nov 2016
PK Wakefield Nov 2016
these things of dreaming:

"I will always love thee."

(there is no love:

"I just want to ****–and then die."

236 · Sep 2014
PK Wakefield Sep 2014
the moon that
i like parting waters
of brief ocean
have kissed

is like
(cheeked more in)
downy vests
of young flesh

( red haired
  firm titted
  laughing. )        a very slender hollow

between deep roots

(where even dying grows)
236 · Feb 2012
PK Wakefield Feb 2012
my whole life i
,to say 1 raw
perfect thing
,t' would trade
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