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979 · May 2010
a cluttered fragrant death
PK Wakefield May 2010
a cluttered fragrant death
(stark garden
a valley billowing with apathy
sweat scented flavors richly bloom
aspect consumed with the tedious
graves accurately graying in verdant profusion
as riven plaited dusty erosion
beckons the touch ofINFINITE drops:

this cloudy cowl drawn taught on
everclear translucent whiskers shorn
from rough bubbling lilies
rivuleting heady green stems
onto the tender hillocks of rocky *******
jut so silently into finite

978 · Jul 2010
PK Wakefield Jul 2010
it seems (you are the earth( or moon(or le cauchemar)))
or the feint colours dappled frangible scents on the palette
of dawn. so frolics snow spark's dangerous horrors
flitting stubborn ardor. promise the womb a flavor
chocolate coffee stars shivering heaps of organized
thighs. and the cellos beautiful staccato green is pouring
out of the harbor of the lushes. bathing sense in amber
confusion. an avenue Railroad in a downtown sea
married. salty breathes the ocean sighing at the hip
glasses nose perched.  trying to retain the raiment
of depth yet shallow beyond comparison. little bits of
fRench and jazz to impress upon the waiting minds
a sense of culture. college bound legs painted cargo
sheets. they act like they

978 · May 2010
chaste stare strewn string
PK Wakefield May 2010
chaste stare strewn string
ever ascend down spiraling
electric kisses to aching abdomen
awaits corrupt dancing handless
fingers articulate blossoms
odoring fleshy fragments
sore friends marry thy
hearts in accurate bleached
bony cages;tremor softly
977 · Aug 2010
PK Wakefield Aug 2010
discussing with friends they,re eclectic noggins bobble suddenly
slowly quick the wagging of tongues juxtaposed to startled teeth
in rhythmic ques they pour daft prophecies in hideous giggling
we talk and amble amiably on every topic odoring and tepid shifting

it's easy and the sun frails and we joust winking verbs and nouns and and
or we entertain electric chaos screens bulging distended growls of death
or cinema or. outside it's raining, beautificly a synonym for damp patterring
of a 1,ousand tiny feet and plopping uncertainly violent puddles staggering
and the iron weight bears heavy on the hills dimpling the hips of earth
or we are static for a few and hours we make goodbyes and promises
of recurrence we,ll never keeps the night our tired bodies as we make
to the cold metal leather bucket seats and outside it's muttering rainfully beauty...
975 · Aug 2010
PK Wakefield Aug 2010
specifically:very:yes the gray grows
speaking slowly rainy bones
disheveled drooping vertebrae
ambered lovely death .a wrist bangled stupid colour's

      finely pounded grains galloping fleet ovals
the apt pupil dodders and the sky is a *****
why today?rain
PK Wakefield May 2010
what amorous clutched secondS bloom and wither when that silken frame blossoms finger fraught tactile indulgence feathering sane notions of separate rose
PK Wakefield Dec 2010
do writhe and hue the absolute walls of thy slanderous landscape
burping turgidly a draft of flexing notation
and i cup thy lyrics in their burning varnish
)a sea scalloped with drunk wondering breath
         )inexorable limber teeth chomp gloriously the pale bit
of dapper sunlight
      peaking bravely
afore his bashful explosion
on                                                 the hard water
patiently housed by your ungilt frame

                               my crumb most luscious a fair fairy of murdered perfection
                         thou art all the excellence. herein contained this pathetic
welt of humanity. i am ever only

                             so far a star        in your onyx vestige

and more

                  and more


964 · Jan 2011
all lips and spit
PK Wakefield Jan 2011
all lips and spit
rinds glittering pleasure
i'm lean sinew knotting heavy gasps
at nails and texture rawly rumples
     the divine shale
your pertinent flavor strums a tattoo polished on my back upper
      sprouted feathers
how contracting desperate talons
                      grapple cotton bedding
shouting mumbles of lipbiting  
                         in tremulous arcs
of ***** lint
                         i gravitas  surreptitiously
  the cradle of your spark spitting electric engine gloved
in black hard fuzz
                                  tickling the moist
       tremor of
                          my rose petals splitting
tongue delivers
                              screeching        love
964 · May 2010
from between 2 somethings
PK Wakefield May 2010
from between 2 somethings
arose a kind erosion
saying, "your you is a light lie crusting on the tongue of truth"
i could not
find a suitable
vocal enunciation to repeal
this tepid assertion
so i gave
him a measure of myself
963 · Oct 2011
PK Wakefield Oct 2011
we,re bound
elegantly breathing
even hot tea
in quiet cafes
on holly st
i'll listen for an hour or so i'll listen
to those distracting hips
mangle smartness
them things
                          heaven between them
963 · Mar 2012
PK Wakefield Mar 2012
those things heavy confused wonderful
to touch are cool on the shore of a beach
beneath light blue and seagulls effortless
on wind in a field sunkissed flowers by
your brow laying with your body
splendor and grass itchy on backs
pricking at cotton and getting hot sweat
delicately messes your makeup quickly
sprinting on loose noble perfect calves
to the arms of a lake and stabbing it
the pierced cleat of your excellent
figure and it's fire smokey and just
on a beach somewhere up into eve's
unsad cheeks (where there shines
unbelievably minute and gorgeous
961 · Sep 2012
summer is life's perhaps
PK Wakefield Sep 2012
summer is life's perhaps

it has a colour like the

taste between girl's thighs:

dark with thin salt and thick is sweet bright

unclosed roughlysupple

it feels soft around my cheeks
(and the slight down that enamors
it like velvet is)

and like between girl's thighs
my lips muscles and shoulders
want to


summer is life's perhaps
PK Wakefield Dec 2010
i crinkle and split the foil,
      most generous , of pale light
budding sickly about the charming dint
of your ivory calf. satirically the spades small, sharp, and digging
          the suns grave
blotch in twinkling scars
                                                     pleasant acne 'pon the eve's face
soft infinity:
                                   a plunging savagery

         i'm a whelp
to thy sugar so bittersweet as throat gorging lush vertebrae
your spine, i cradle haphazardly in my stupid fit of flat tissue  
in my ointment you are the grandest fly
a pestilence i gladly so lovingly

952 · Apr 2010
hey you
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
hey you
(soft idea)


touch m(eye) notions

hey i
don't be a scared me
(she wants you)
giveth her thy

i'm i am i'm am an am


949 · Feb 2011
PK Wakefield Feb 2011
to marry
the divine habitat
you!re lovely careless ******
the doltish armor of my candor
would be surly erratic blissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
948 · Jun 2010
PK Wakefield Jun 2010
in the part of the cool hill's soft thighs
trembles the callous shaft of dawn
penetrating the ephemeral violence
of the stabbing rods of arbor scent
damply the night mare goes galloping
whinny little sins of star caresses

but none are so shy and sly as the
eye clasped hollow in the stench
of (and also the slender flowers
smirk at the blossoms young
flesh broken by the light song)
Morpheus' guileless laughter

as shattered the disheveled clubs
swing ransoms of heart lips between
the twain of the enchanted leaves
there rests a silver bit of girl so
blisteringly beautiful blushes all
the world for holding this trembling
aperture of onyx plait holding femininity

so electric is the artifice of her glimmering
chastity, swore the sun it would never
shine on any other thing so savagely its
shivering skin of golden pleasure as this her
(but just so the moon loved her too
as passionate as any other lover ever imagined
or material. spitting delicate strands of shimmer
upon the golden-brown skein of her shoulders)

she woke startled by the amorous dome
crinkling on the perfection of her lithe
sensual frame. stupidly the ideal birds
sang, trying to match the elegance of
her narrow waist; but failed hideously
drowning the silence in virulent soundless
noise. then brimmed every god to the lip
of everything to peer upon this unbearable
visage and dither in the perfection of its curves.

suddenly the Rose blistered from the soil
and came wetly a residue of crimson from
its supple petals mounting the vision of her
absolute eyes. splaying the gentle hips of
sight to receive the splendor of its thorned
stem into her hand and ***** the silk
of her hands slowly releasing a jewel of life

all this witnessed by the cloistered huddles
of gossamer children. hideously perfect men
wantonly begging for the grace of her sensual
pond. beckon they, to them, her but she refuseth
and make for the realm of Hades. quietly, in
death, waiting for some heat to unfreeze the
skin of her blue heart frozen still darkness.
946 · Aug 2013
PK Wakefield Aug 2013
sum or is or body fair?
the dawn which marks with crimson
the light which trills or hair


loose or hangs by easily does
such clatter and or slop
(legs unmeet; a trollop)
or string that cherries pop

sum or is or *** wit lips?
lush with tearful smaking?

or is it honey that which drips?
946 · Apr 2010
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
damp light
on eager

to discharge

sweat beads
on quivering

drenched in
devoured by
PK Wakefield May 2010
chaste spring lily loaded fingers
scything moted shafty sun tears
frail branches sifting precise phlorescent
sudden floral caving sound silence


of sleep powder crisp cheeks.
yawn billowing. oral sanctum.

when every arbor is neat little
straight rows onward ever spreading
into fading sight take my handinyourhand
and turn me to your guiding
descent body downward touching
peaceful forest day lover lacquered
942 · Apr 2010
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
a silver splinter in
nights obsidian epidermis
bled silver saliva
dripping over every edificial
outcropping of tangled limbs

times quiet muscles contract
in rhythmic response to
your quivering thighs
as sudored ******* convulse

sharp gasps lash (at(
my damp) fabric

my cells scream)

with the scrabbling scratch of black painted nails

939 · Nov 2010
tonight was an exact corpse
PK Wakefield Nov 2010
tonight was an exact corpse
of beautiful slushy soap
foaming against the jowls of undeath
and life was roaming hitherwither
in slated motes of burning blood
turning sweaty beads of laughter
in the swollen wind of unday
peaking bravely over the many
glowing rictus wearing gutted
precarious on the porches child
and sugar vomited doorsteps
strewning the mellow
936 · Sep 2010
PK Wakefield Sep 2010
Pleasantly i was presently an obese mote laughing in the chattering
orifice of this emerald ciTy amongst the hollow discharged oblong
fingers vomited of the silky concrete mounds dangerously apathetic
the fat grunt of youth grand and evilly blanketing the hard arteries speaking
slowly feet. about the whim of the hard towers skirting angelic ***** lilt
and milk there ******* of ****** mucous to drag masculine colours to their
heed. how drunk they were of lacy cotton fringes and damp skin collecting
dew drops hard lovely thighs flatulently billowing from their savage femurs

the cool common sky is generally heavy with gray makeup and tears softly
epic wails of wet teeth. they bite and nibble the brim of my umbrella. and moaning
******* capricious men proffer and spit elocutions electricly open hands
palming digital cracking whispering clouds of text. rapid eyelids turgid was grinning specifically at I "how about a light" "sorry I don't smoke"
930 · Nov 2011
PK Wakefield Nov 2011
last night rain magic

          (such magic)

you visited again
so freshly and so
cleanly you caked
each hour i laid


with your music
your voice and
song that gent'lest
and constant pitterpatter


                                       ­                                                     pitterpatter­


          ­                                                                 ­                                             pi
                 ­                                                                 ­                          
                                      ­                                                                 ­                     t
                                          ­                                                                 ­          t
                                                               ­                                                               er­p

                                                               ­                                                         a
                                                                ­                                                                 ­ tt
                                                    ­                                                        e

                                                      ­                                                                    r
PK Wakefield May 2010
thy ever faceless father
   denote the plateau
whereupon the dream drugged
        childs of Morpheus
wander? so well did this traveler
           a cough of starry
  conquered nights i begged his name
afore he maketh for another
   lipless realm of abstract clouds
disheveled leaves kissing scattered
       drops of light;
"patron of articulate fantasies, love not the skin of others slumber"

                              "be patient
                        son of dusky flesh,
                              i shall be again
                          another supreme dusty
   sleep. so lay thy head well and make merry my return"
927 · Oct 2010
i,m electric
PK Wakefield Oct 2010
i,m electric. its, the pisshard light
crapping ugly vowels off the bulbs
on the stree tonthestreet spitting webs
of iridescent ridiculous tubercular scarlet
folds of loose legs
akimbo receptive culling frilly cotton
about their thighs. their thighs crying
white dark femurs
blasting hot
on my i's. on my eyes. on my
   punch heavy brooding crumble
slashing the serious night air nightmare
night blaring
                        neon daughters
         in little flecks
some cordial bums; laugh ******* nonsense
birds. they're a bottle away. a bottle away
a oblivion. sip sip. drink your soul away
     and rude the clean folks
passing on the asphalt rivers
   veining in the cold hot bright darkness
926 · May 2013
PK Wakefield May 2013
the she raw is beautiful because
because short
(eyes green ) hair the

lips by

sing easily with neatness
and her mouth is

where exactly it might appear obscenely wonderful
to push my mouth

which i also like would
my own to raw she become
into a singe of crisp love
together as like a sprig in Spring
blossoms such uncaving of coloures

but sharp too
as a rose might wear
the coloures are

for parting of skin
between rib and breast
where a heart lies

wanting to fold
folding of want
of raw she

who beautiful because is
925 · May 2010
PK Wakefield May 2010
this thy
did cry
a sunny night

but unsure
winds boastful
fibers laid a threadbare
cavity open
shivering window pain
courageous dapples
of color

i should not
but have

i lay
to some monster
nestled in
secret seclusion

amongst the loose weave of friskilating scents
and a nostril not meant
to see sweet aromas
922 · Nov 2011
skinny hips
PK Wakefield Nov 2011
skinny hips
you seem like

                                wings and voices

                                                                                                  breaking soaring
                                                                                                                                                       but you curl
                                                                                                                                                       on my words
                                                                                                                                                       (your body
                                                                                                                                                       softest and
                                                                                                                                                       firmer) i'll
                                                                                                                                                       mount they
                                                                                                                                                       each upon each
                                                                                                                                                       and ****** up a
                                                                                                                                                       spire right into
                                                                                                                                                       star strung sinuous
                                                                                                                                                       skies And i'll breath
                                                                                                                                                       into your spangled
                                                                                                                                                       skull such dreams
                                                                                                                                                       even Morpheus'd
                                                                                                                                                       go greenly
918 · Aug 2012
your new short arriving
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
your new short arriving
lustrous clinging body
;musk snugly arousing
quartered in filaments
pale, sallow rush with
instantly finger tips
linger and brush the
wane of day tenderly
)star(you're pert lozenge
is sugar thick minute
dreamfull bursting with
whispers electric; fall so
quietly, into the parted
mystery of night your
spangled nonsense and
two wrists'
2 hands
to palms flicker
with white fire infinitely
, which doesn't burn
yields to my touch   ,         and

                                                          whom i fill dripping
                                                          with my illuminate
PK Wakefield Sep 2010
the roses speaking neatly piles of stems
beneath the window sill
have red little red voices           and talk wet
they,ve petals are                   moist vermilion
of the crass or dangerous     air cringing on their


i'm a holding, in my, it rests and moans
hot crinkled ***** scarlet
i think my mouth would like to taste
the smiling blood in each sprig, magic
folly of delicious war, a boy, i,m a.
a woman, she's
cotton lovely bones

                                              a rose

docile pain. in my hand. ouch!
915 · Sep 2010
afore death
PK Wakefield Sep 2010
afore death there is one unfrivolous blossom
blooming in a perilous garden who doth
converse with love and her ancient feathers
***** about the endless musk fat and rapacious
in the air fairies. olive skinned mutterings
dote 'pon the lucid fluttering angles of
wings. i felt and walked the paths littered
of decay and amour gently dead, skulls
grinning unfinitely. but a breeze greets
the stocks and buds, fragrant and huge,
mesmerizing the fickle lungs blowing stagnant
promises unkept. i butchered and laid my
hands to her core brimming of dainty
darkness and made my self in her blood.
i now wear it in every stifled beat, beat,
beating in my breast...
915 · Sep 2010
PK Wakefield Sep 2010
in the brief habitual habitat of
your strenuous lily leaps infinitely
to my lips
your strong horizontal aroma .a clean
poesy angling soft heaven a little garden
and i
a succulent thorn protruding indiscriminately
and you take it up. take it safely. take its hideous
drab voice and muffle it in your elegant song


base winsome shape of your fracas explodes perpendicular
roses blushing shamelessly in the hard languid chamber
clumsy petals stupidly, anon and hither and verily
   the husk of *** drips
completely. i drink of your sensual geometry and every cup
full and blasphemous sprints a heavy sweat clasped
                  sorely muscles breeding contractions

but i am but will not be and shortly. only are any of we, so ladle
and depose upon me your hot brutish stink.
913 · Jan 2013
PK Wakefield Jan 2013
let's all ***** who spring
(feet first)
climbing the swelter of
prim night

                        a bud

back ribbed in sinuous
muscular colours
rising drunk tingles
on quivering odors
lightness; darkness mingles
in single singing petal
revolt faster into

a cherry (stem clothed in)

and faintlier moans

913 · Nov 2010
beholden only unto thee
PK Wakefield Nov 2010
beholden only unto thee who art thy;the throbbing quark of
sated lust and thusly spent


                   the vassal of my notes and insert your nice pain
like melodically sugary lush ventricles. a cane bent. stocks bearing
the gossamer fruit of your surly vinegar pleats

replete i in sticky coughs of light glowing pertinently of the vehicle
of your hips. in which i ride unruly and cold killing ****** of
thighs all sweated and blithe and lithe. like a slick predator
pounce uneffortful sighs of dainty lace and so pink cotton

           what ami?if not thy's?then:nothing,mymoistsnappingprose
PK Wakefield May 2012
or the neat, pleasant, wind or
the meek pleasing almost like
there is outside. An ocean or
a trillion(very small mouths)
who pile into one minute
tumult the whole of every
lung. Which is the slight breeze
that presses across your shoulders
and nape

when the lid of god's sullen eye                    Springs
                                                         ­           and out
                                                             ­       is borne
                                                           ­         that fleetest
                                                        ­            that fleetingest
                                                     ­               ****, innocent
                                                        ­            lust
                                                ­                    of
                                          ­                          Spring
911 · May 2010
PK Wakefield May 2010
rainbow hand dance fingerless; you child of
erudite bearing archaic
on slippery shoulder
cry's the saffron
star, as the day makes a frail swipe at nights skirt
envelops the granite teeth sifting
cosmic ash drifiting
in from a chronic
melodically surfing the gossamer
plait of that

911 · Apr 2010
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
tiny darks
dartswivel over babbeling
of of of of of
gesticulating lips

make sounds

but i only see

between their
clothes and muscle
is where i want my
905 · Oct 2011
i've got rawness in me
PK Wakefield Oct 2011
i've got rawness in me

     (in my fingers even)

i've got it in me (i've
got it in you) i've got
rawness in each knee
pressed 'gainst the
smooth roughing
linoleum i've got my
knees against it
rubbing(but i don't
notice nearly) i merely
notice your skirt's hem
'gainst my neck



903 · Nov 2013
PK Wakefield Nov 2013
to love
it is
the me to care for lips seriously fragile. the

for me

to leap strenuously knowing
and dance amongst unknowing
the towering cadence, my heart. to

the for me (love) the

sturdily upheave the slowly clamoring of soil,
and march widely the span, my kiss, through closing

and meet with your kiss, the legion, my soul;
(a parting of silence. a fiercely innocent foal)
903 · Feb 2014
PK Wakefield Feb 2014
forget not words, body
thy soul is


hair            fantastically        ;   more unsquare

than an angle

measurable.         Not


                                   pE  divisble

or an exact
adding of some subtracted
arithmetical wholeless
singular substitution.         (your




                                                destroying colour

                                             of infinite flower
902 · Jan 2012
PK Wakefield Jan 2012
lips cur l l ips a bo u t th en ak e d for tre s s of your s t r ain i ng hips
in w hich resi de s the resi d ueof loves h ars hes tb ase notes
a single molting instant when bodies uncleverly address each
other rudely with loose and tight squirming tissues
commonly beginning muscles
rapid and dismaying
and to fluffless
899 · Aug 2010
of love
PK Wakefield Aug 2010

afore the blush of placid cheeks is A
proffered crop of luscious fancies
limpid groves of silken corpses (mingle
deftly apathetic death) maligned posies
stinking of bloodless roses; their amorphous skin
blotting dusty shelves pages tumble
briefly sleeping verses profess loving tongues
rasping effigies unlike the clamour truly divine
milk of feminine ambrosia

grotesque the statued poses, a love writ tawny
embers litter blossoms strongly and indolent
they sparingly divided, ample thighs crossed,
leak no pleasure (but taunting accurate plush
). so to luna breathe in the excellent pools of
lipless fantasies piled in ardent devotion about
roots deeply sensual aphorisms. and metastasize a
plaguing remedy breeding steadily in residence
my cracking synaptic core. every thought enamored
to her cause


a symposium of muscle more perfect never did
reside in flesh as well so as this splinter static
in repose sighing hues unsightly, a rainbow of burning
sin blisters the empty air between our pumping
artifices;  CHAOS: a tumble of dry nothing spits
from an oral sanctum in ownership of I and numbly
splitting vocal cracks i dare pray to evoke your
crass symptom of beauty, in every hillock it doth lash
your frame, to reside on me its angles.

cHEW the gristle of my fatty words, if be the flavor
to the liking of your buds may i lay into your
frame the vestige of mine will and blossom about your pearl, hid
in denim armor, my mouth in every effort of its loyalty
to the sanctuary of thy splendid yoke. and yoked to thy
the chain of my hips. weaving dainty clouds of "yes"
from the soft cavern of your prim voice?


Froth, the sea, my lady in waves of festering verbs
a shore, mine, they do land in manifolds of colour
loving every cut of these sharp enunciations; some claret,
i do well from the clefts. cells reticent of the screams brewing
in their nuclei, it's an ideal clove shod in scents somnambulant.
a territory of my libations to your flexing presence,
may always be you by the side of i

but waits the coldest sleep and the heaps of soil
generous on our boxes; so shall i make to you an offer
of my life. in hope, thou shalt accept its filigree and
decree it upon your soul as have i so we may be
in eternal blessed sickness of our amorous lace
bands fingers circling, do denote the promise of
my hands.

                 TO THEE. TO THY. me
896 · Sep 2012
of human things many
PK Wakefield Sep 2012
.                                                                                  o
                                                                              gs: ma
                                                                             ny doin
                                                                            g, thing
                                                                           s human
                                                                          are more n
                                                                         eatly couth i
                                                                        n Into-Dust co
                                                                       ats of polite var
                                                                      nish and their ha
                                                                     ats hang at precise
                                                                    their teeth ivory and
                                                                   the smell of their colo
                                                                  gne catches back at the
                                                                 throat wearing finest silk
                                                                s (but time, time looks bru
                                                               tally through their and prim
                                                              shoes and trousers. knees sag
                                                             eyes hang instantly
                                                                                                 languor w
                                                           ears them like cheap perfume and
                                                          laughter unsuddenly from nowhere
                                                         crisps the cheeks of everywaiting sou
                                                        l creeks with soon to be dirt bones and
                                                       amongst them sprouts something gener
                                                      ous. Less close to nearly dead, and has (l
                                                     ike a frond has) demure sturdy waifish. its
                                                    timber is clothed in blonde lips and eyes lik
                                                   e waking almost never(no like daffodils; yes l
                                                  ike more them) only daffodils, they are not so b
                                                 right, nor as agile, i think but who knows i was o
                                                nly a boy who, from across the street noticed, a girl
                                               pressed between death,
                                                                                                     laughing like a *****
887 · Mar 2012
mouth lingers body fragrant
PK Wakefield Mar 2012
mouth lingers body fragrant

     (dreams peculiar)

violent of redhair sits pretty
alone awkwardly of nothing
precise in a corner quietly
shifts wonders of skin and
reads a book looking like
naked would be better than
887 · Apr 2010
all over me
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
the hands all over me

the hands all over me


the hands all over me
881 · Jul 2012
PK Wakefield Jul 2012
Dawn, at thy navel lies the errant fuzz of mountains
rough, slight, sulking shoulders  awash
                                                                ­         in thy muted crush
of swollen light cambered at the
waist and smeared with the
lumbering hulk of jasmine
881 · Nov 2010
in god played undeath
PK Wakefield Nov 2010
in god played undeath skips wildly disintegrating
           sighing from the curtain of stars
hung loose
                    and laughing indescribably
immortal, f
               tuitous   of immobile light: a coma

from within belches the overlong trench of mucous silky
n              d                             festering.    in my mortal stillness
clasp the cold birds of winter, wings magistrating the currents
of first frost and

880 · Apr 2010
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
salient angles
protrude p


my heed
to gather 'bout
their curving
879 · May 2010
frightened electric god
PK Wakefield May 2010
frightened electric god brimming scream
ride the quiet sand hooves stupidly
slippery grains pour effortless passing
hours precisely


acutely wasted minutes tick-tocking

awaiting that supreme silent moment
when every thought dashes oblivious

perfect pinions carry me to the beckoning
         eternity mouth
gaping toothless gasp border where a sleepy
daughter rests constant on the parallel of life's
steamy twain

cool dark void inviting summon. ever waiting heavy
cloak: wait a bit more.

   i          will               arrive            in         your         quiet          raiment


879 · Jan 2013
PK Wakefield Jan 2013
of Cherries,


down'er pants firm notched reeking
stiffly *****


red cute slippery fumbles fingers over and

down'er pants

jeers clean shaven a howling gypsy split
from its lips to its lips
Wearing a manicured crown (strip cut square)
notched tingling


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