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557 · Sep 2011
PK Wakefield Sep 2011
**** so little tremble(littletremblingthing)
you rough prickle, 'gainst my lips prickle
your day old stubble(idon'tcareifithurts
abit)and deeper digging mouth does
and those tiny splinters(asyousprout
yourentirelyquakingbody)get so
snugly piercing my skin i (but i didn't
care a bit even if they rip it clean from
my cheeks; those minute spears of yours
)pressing steeply even further i do
to get your fiercely pleasant muscles
up 2 1 startled splendor
(when you open sharply and cave out
one stifled ROAR,
556 · Jun 2010
PK Wakefield Jun 2010

sometimes i am like
                       crinkled edges immutably
shattered leaves of grass. frail walled
towers quickly evaporated patrons.

i(n the fields comes the pale scythe. call me to
the lady death and number me among her sons.
a new sorrow so ancient unremembered eternal,   )

     sometimes we are like:
the vein heavy throbbing perfect union of skin
i don't want to leave her naked cradle. basking
in the dew of her impenetrable

             somEtimes she is like an ideal
unparalleled goldenbrown olive symphony cascading
rhythm glints onto the sudden gasping heart kiss blessed
cheek i wear worn to her constant lip strokes]



    sometimes i am like the rain
556 · Apr 2010
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
her skin was
like mine
(only with a

making her Perfect: ugly)
so choosing

i thought light was
yet it

on crystal thoughts. from which no light escape

555 · Nov 2010
PK Wakefield Nov 2010
to be so
without punctuation
and verbing
                with your soft nouns. it is i, it is thy, it is we(re an aroma
555 · Aug 2012
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
brittle day,
the singular flake
of your naked
obtuse ******* are
fine, "what dandies,
thick, toppled in
golden and tipped
in lightest, pink skin,"
conquers men and
flesh divine; the radiant
twin prongs of your
chest are rich, swollen,
and my fingers laid 'tween
them wreak of mint, lavender,
and they taste like warm blood
that i can barely fit inside (but
you like like it and drag me into
snarling night
554 · Jun 2010
like the quiet depths
PK Wakefield Jun 2010
like the quiet depths of oceans untold truths riot 'neath the rouge cheeks littered city streets. but never said they fester ready blisters of ugly splinter grins. bloated granite corpse hide the sallow nicks by the bay to drink the water sick rotten wood collapsing. it heaves a sigh of tired ****** to wet the pavement with stiletto moisture. corrode merry emerald city, you wear it well.
554 · Mar 2012
i want you really
PK Wakefield Mar 2012
i want you really


a shiver and totally
beneath tremble and
quivering bruised or
pristine but all laced
in spit and **** A
where my love fist can
bed softly blooming
at your unfurred palette's
twain crawling


up your thighs a dark
smudge like shaped a
bear paw right next to
your knee laminated
by eager oral's lewd

A where
spreads the vast treat
of your hips a garden
in which poems fail
always ever to match
struck instantly aflame
554 · Apr 2013
PK Wakefield Apr 2013
i love you
i hate you

i hate you
i love you

i love you

i love you
553 · Dec 2011
PK Wakefield Dec 2011
i nearly do think

               and dream upon

the wiggling human stuff
the chaff and bile
the sugar and kisses

       i neatly do collect my

unmean thoughts on the
elliptical burning teeth
of life(wherein reposed
days are languished
and animated)i take

                each trembling

hollow vesicle of common
people things and crop
about them me and my

do think and bumble
i marvel and revile
(and i should think
after knowing
                          but i
                                                 A thing)
PK Wakefield Jan 2012
what like eternal do returning oceans
feathered slightly
whitely capped
by lashes great
like eternal final hands
seas unbroken
outward sprawling


come again tonight
big waters
i come to thee
        of effortless forever
        you shake and toil
        endlessly hands
        you drink me
        finite infinitely
        into your inky
        scrape on the
        horizon winks
        the dapper twinkles
        of red and green
        lights little buoys
        bobbing lights
        little winking
        twinklers seize
        me in eternal
        hands returning
        fingers about me
        hands eternal
        (i stand upon
         your breadths and upon them i'm an immutable dying sting)
553 · Feb 2013
PK Wakefield Feb 2013
"It's bad for you." He said.

"I know it's bad," she replied, "but I want to do it anyway."
553 · Apr 2010
perfect pink
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
kee­ps me in
-side its enormous tiny
n't say noto
those folds
that perfect pink
PK Wakefield Apr 2011
                                                                                                           in sometimes
                                                                                                           sitting aming
                                                                                                             from glades
                                                                                                          of chastely tiny
                                                                                                         beads pink
                                                                                                                my eyes
                                                                                                              welt slow
                                                                                                             at this


552 · Apr 2012
do the dead know a thing
PK Wakefield Apr 2012
do the dead know a thing i know they do
they know how nice nothing feels in a pile
of earth beneath sleeping in pine or up in
the air ash mingling with pollen on a
svelte summer eve sick with young hearts
hungry to **** into each other sublime
homely darling eyes with no thoughts of
what might come after they lay up into
infinite dreamless eaves their sore mouths
(but the dead know they know how nice
nothing feels like a luckier to be alive feeling
they don't know a thing (but I know they do))
552 · Apr 2010
her quiet
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
her quiet
was so:
every sound
552 · May 2010
i sweetlycrimson
PK Wakefield May 2010
sweetlycrimson those
of a porcelain daughter
in the splendored languor
  of a sugar light
dusting her
  with a powdered kiss
exact t
rivulet down her soft landscape
           i give my
sinew strewn arms to a clutch
about her gentle a
as her quavering tremble


552 · Oct 2010
and dead is
PK Wakefield Oct 2010
and dead is.
             si balmy june silver moon welt so ugly beautiful.

dead is sometimes always. always sometimes and dead is.
      dead is smiling white cheek mucous coughing blond
darkness and.
         ;dead it's the livid miracle of carnal soil by bones
distinctly scented of muscles. it's dead is autumn dancing
   a ragged yellow corpse crunching of the naked souls
**** hearts pounding, and dead. dead is grand
         and purple flowers cramming flavor into the loose
pocket of wind and carpals unfleshed sodden clasping
      dry mouths dusty nouns. and dead is music,
long and fat, grotesque hips chattering with taught lips
       onyx saliva belching stupid oral.

552 · Oct 2013
PK Wakefield Oct 2013
Skin, the
girl you're
in. sleepsso

furiously amongst
the roots of chaste flowers

i twould
(to loose by touches febrile)
the flock; your gabled arch

unroost so mightily
tempests even would swoon

(and sodden every desert parched)
552 · Dec 2011
go hearts
PK Wakefield Dec 2011
go hearts
you trip from chests
burst and rolling beautifully

extend and bend you yield
and fold impose
into empty

space your
clever face petals slink
and lance mine delving into

their right between crease
excellently that

tongue to mingle and marry
with my own voracious
love drunk
551 · Sep 2010
PK Wakefield Sep 2010
& and of this swooping          twilight
i might say it
is it.                           one large enormity
  ,        small and tumbling
deftly clumsy                             and reposed
in succulent folds of mauve silence

'pon                                           the imminenthills

outside my window
551 · May 2010
what hands are these
PK Wakefield May 2010
what hands
these are

(are these


) ?

what hands are these?

(on tainted wrists
dripping hot melodies
over her pallid shell;
i put my lips to its
understanding but

flavor: lick lick lick lap





550 · Mar 2010
kiss me
PK Wakefield Mar 2010
kiss me
bleeding lips
550 · Apr 2010
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
how do i explain this?
well, trying, i say
this: it is hard not to let my inner self  breach the skin of my outer self

thus revealing some of those things i would rather not show
550 · Jul 2013
PK Wakefield Jul 2013
fill my
fill my hands
fill my hands, light.

i'll climb You.

i'll reach each
finger over
each finger over.

i'll climb you up
(if even tinly i'll shall
by minute courage expand
into quickly dying night
the frailness of my body
and i'll clamor
i'll tip


into thy strayingest brightness
my cup
and it will run over with you

it will burn
and, by a thousand strokes of brilliance,
it shall teeter briefly invincible

on awkward skinny youth
it shall stumble deeply radiant folding

each star folding
manifold upon
manifold upon
manifold upon
folding each star

into the hottest crimp:
a kiss foibl'd                         )

clumsily boyness hands
imparting with love most earnest

that spangle will

and climbing fingers
over each

that hurt
will sharply round
rib after rib

till reaches
(in burning Cupid's fiercest glow)

my destroying weakness
with the strength of your inimitable lips
550 · May 2010
PK Wakefield May 2010
luscious corpse meadow salvation
wet waxy journal scrawled generous

be straight narrow crooked armor amour
fractured ferrous magnetic skin
dry husk sheathing thee: she spun metallic

so, yes, i will

                       but just this

549 · May 2012
let me just stumbling
PK Wakefield May 2012
let me just stumbling through finite health and glib, sturdy, night gather you up into immortal fleck of dying perfect girl(whose hair, swiftly annihilators, many short and wonderful dark, smells like living, balmy, and dirt)like the moon, drawn exactly round against the nape of common onyx heaven. And, i, carefully stupid
shall impart



                                                               ­    boylips
549 · Mar 2010
PK Wakefield Mar 2010
my blood



your in

will pump
for me?

549 · Jul 2013
PK Wakefield Jul 2013
life is strange i'm dying(youare)and the world is
out my window are little boats

toandfro dots

little and to and fro
go whizzing very slowly
outside my window

i can
a glass perspiring
at my hip
the wind
cooly blusters

and a flower
very like is
a girl cut dribble

which grasps the air climbing
into the heat of july

a star
548 · Jan 2011
PK Wakefield Jan 2011
it added useless
a feminine gaunt whisper
dull neckup bobble roaring

           coherent reds

of lean noodles gorgeous
The longest stupid
from her
                     blithe house
548 · Sep 2011
PK Wakefield Sep 2011
are you quickness?and muscles sore from last night
when we met we inside blue softly metal(wheels adorned
and i cupped your cropped short raven finger tousled
pulling your excellent blossoming eternal face to my
finite ugly wilting face and we ate, from each furious
clasp, fruit more sweet
548 · Dec 2012
PK Wakefield Dec 2012
a little silently the wind comes

and the earth comes

and the stars come

and the moon comes between them
a soft as curvingly round like *******

stands a wide and flat unmoving
except for a cow or 3 field
below the diminutive inch
of a hill wearing me like a ******

rests laden in frost soil
doesn't say a thing and my
hand passes through the
distilled utterance of my

lungs a drooping crystal ******
548 · Jul 2011
PK Wakefield Jul 2011
in tumbling eve
a city sweats
small vociferous
women springing
short skirts playfully
twiddling between
breaths(i run smoothly
the raw colours of
the quickly closing day
being stockinged in
blackness thickly
) hard and dull fire sprouting from my lungs
547 · Dec 2010
PK Wakefield Dec 2010
straddle nothing crumpled jilt. i'll sticky light and call you in a morning
547 · Jan 2012
PK Wakefield Jan 2012
nary the further root(nor nearer neither)shoots
reaching similar jeering your carnal fold whoops
a crown of pink, whose gentler thorns enshrined
the meekest cruel sweetness of with mouth combined
posits a slender abrupt howl from the heaving
noose of abdomens 2 backed seething
(a beast twained)
or so sayeth William
547 · Oct 2012
PK Wakefield Oct 2012
i've some power fingers terribly monstrous
knuckle deep in

hair too,thickhair

in bunched fist

strung tighter

pullling tighter(and from where parts

monsters powerfully



wait instantly unsleeping
at a little slick with spit
lips between lips barely
teeth press and press and

monsters (unsleeping instantly)

546 · Nov 2011
i say awe
PK Wakefield Nov 2011
i say awe

                            and i say wonder

      i say whole mountains

o' fairies and clouds

  i say magic sprouting
between fingers splayed
o'er hot skin sweating
beads of sweating
little snaking streams of sweating

i sweet and kiss them
i tousle and drink them
i drink day and night
i drink fire and dirt
i'm their body

so darling dear
(dear darling so
sweating dear)
let me sprinkle you
beauty (i'll grow
a forest o' lips on
your *******)with
glitter and health

i'll stoke you purr gently
stroking dear i'll **** you
with me i'll just make y o   u,

545 · Sep 2011
heaped i
PK Wakefield Sep 2011
heaped i
with dirt shall
produce a babe
(greenly a thousand
****** against the sun
will stand against his heat
)a shimmer gently child
of softly hair mostly
a body innumerable
so thick with verdance

                i will
               and say,
       "was there ever any death?"
545 · Jan 2014
PK Wakefield Jan 2014
inside bed
groans i can
hear the rain outside
painfully wintering and
the shifts covers her (the hands between)
sighing erupt palefully spiders incandescent
the notmoon doesn't its light and outside i can hear
the rain(painfully)

i can hear

(and outside)

painfully it's rain

(and wintering)

i can hear.
545 · Nov 2011
come laughing sun
PK Wakefield Nov 2011
come laughing sun
(the earth likes you

             thighs akimbo

it pulls down hotly on
                 into it

the earth and sun
       they are like for restless
             lovers they tussle
                         and ****
                                 those 2 tongues
mingle and bind
   my body and me
      1 to the other
        (like the earth on sun
         )but nights pretty 2
                                  Pretty night
                       sometimes U got me
                        wanting you got me
                          (and i do))iwantyou)cuz you're so deep and speckled glimmering
                                                               (and in your chest you've got
                                                                that one enormous bobble
                                                                so lush and radiant it pulls
                                                                my cheeks leaping
                                                                up to meet its softly
                                                                and every all of me
                                                                shatters smoothly set
                                                                forever in its boughs)

(and i am more beautiful than dying is forever. i am like impossible unbroken light. in the moon and O,

545 · Jan 2014
PK Wakefield Jan 2014
hurt: he's
a boy

waiting. A boy waiting and

rib and lung(wilting). He's
a boy sometimes

a boy)

between rib and lung(








545 · May 2011
PK Wakefield May 2011
which are you? Thou who art mostly scaled in fears
Of little rotten skulls)
        & the blundering mystery
of the big dark deepest deeply reaping darkness.thefingerofgod
    the thumb of god
               between them our souls are writhing as he PLUCKs
them from our carnival
our    really big uncouth faces
. that he tickles in our sleep with dry
          and wet puffs of languid
fire He drizzles from the right heart
          in the wrong chest of men
Who like to act all nice and sweet
          but aren,t probably either
at all or maybe just a wee little itybity (a lot);
                                                                                                  the We
                                                                                         we were weren't well
                                                                                      we're we which is glee
                                                                                      a fantasy of garbled
                                                                                       annotated cells
                                                                                        at morts nice mouth
                                                                                         at morts pert mouth
                                                                                          at morts gnashing maw
                                                                                            in it
                                                                                             we're crunched
                                                                                              by shapely spears
                                                                                               of white
                                                                                                with blatant sharp
                                                                                                   sleeping in our
                                                                                                    thresh of hours
                                                                                                     the silver merry
                                                                                                      scythe man
                                                                                                       puts us in a box
                                                                                                        and we lay real
                                                                                                         still and moving
                                                                                                          not even the
                                                                                                           most little bit
                                                                                                            we stay like
                                                                                                             that we stay
545 · Feb 2013
PK Wakefield Feb 2013
"oh hello"whose shoulders are easy darling *****
                                "what are you doing Saturday?"

way into ******* neatish comely pristine


"to a show. you?"

"probably nothing."
545 · Apr 2012
somewhere a boy
PK Wakefield Apr 2012
somewhere a boy(at last)in who darkness
unfolds drips
down each bone
down each finger
            to each tip
            the teeming
            of a girl's
            waist feels
            like sweat
            tastes like tears
            wetness and molasses
            smeared mascara torn
            tights around brief ankles
            a skirt lifted and immaculate heaving cries
545 · Mar 2013
PK Wakefield Mar 2013
the opened not mostness of deadeyedgirls is
like life half unlife, and no between thighs stem
can make their cherry


               ­                                          po!p
544 · May 2012
i never was a star
PK Wakefield May 2012
i never was a star
nor fell
nor in your eye
did a glimmer of me

i loved thee
O and how i did
i loved thee so
like because April rain

loves the skin of just flowers
hardly stems
with green and aching verdant
murdered night

where supremely reigns the
coy hush of shook heavens
purpled tears

O i, who loved you, did
like that improbably
next to a river
where you sat
wide perfect nose
bent 'pon the distillation
of a rose

who like you
crimson lipped
bore a snare
on which wells
the split flesh of my palm

              crimson rain
544 · Jan 2017
PK Wakefield Jan 2017
I know I tell you this all the time, but I love you so much. I'm so unbelievably thankful to have you in my life. You are the most perfect woman I have ever met.

I know you are sleeping right now, and I know it's the most beautiful thing on this earth, because I have watched you sleep, curled up next to me. The neat calmness of your face, the way your hair falls across your cheek–I love it, I love it so much.

I want to be prefect for you. I want to make you happy and fill every moment of your life with joy.

I feel stupid. These words just aren't what I want them to be. I wish I could truly tell you how much I care about you, but I just can't seem to put it the right way.

You are always within me. You are within my blood and soul. You are within every pulse of my heart, every lash of sunlight, every strain of laughter that passes from my lips.

I'm going to do my best to love you and treat you with the care and respect that you deserve. I know I'm not perfect, but please know that I am trying to be better.

I wish I could kiss you. I wish I was laying next to you tonight. I wish I could kiss your brow, and nuzzle you with my nose. I wish I could lay my hand across your skin and feel the heat of it pour through my skin.

Sleep softly and soundly, my love. I will think and dream of you tonight.

I hope you read this in the morning. I hope that some small amount of what I want to say comes through this to you.

I will think about you tomorrow while I'm at work. I will imagine the feeling of your hand in mine. I will remember the warm smell of your chest. I will think of you and love you, and my love will guide me to work hard and honestly. To do what ever I need to do to make our life as good as it can be.

I love you so much. Sleep well. I can't wait to see you again.
543 · Jun 2013
PK Wakefield Jun 2013
when i've tripped a star
whole over night
the silver flinging
of its crispest muting has

a daughter shed
of lightness
eyes its
teetering upon
perfectly easy winking

and her hands are so
they feel like
like when
night is so long
and hot it
stifles moving into
a pinch of stillness contained

by the exactness of my square room
struggles to retain

that lovely burning
o' 'er
splendor splitting

wings so gentle
i painful pinning

have neatly to keep
their body's wonder
to my sheets

sweat so glowing
as like the yowl
of dying day
it cleaves easily

and it rises 'pon
love after
love it
543 · Dec 2013
PK Wakefield Dec 2013
your hands in sunlight have often been god. And


have often been in love with them the way
they coilsome the body of a cup
in summer when or
(in your lap)
outside a café


you laugh

and your hands
(in sunlight)
543 · Sep 2010
i think i am some
PK Wakefield Sep 2010
i think i am some dust briefly flush with life who grates every moment by passing grains of limpid time and unbecomes in sheafs of days
PK Wakefield Jul 2012
knees go weak summer very smile



over: two legs, skinny hips, a mile
of stomach, daintily *******, neck
and a chin(also)above sprouts a                nose

nice how it flush face with
saliently bursts ivory white 'neath
limpid fissures of greenly sharp roundness

(eyes)that flutter, held by cheeks as
smooth and innocently as driven
snow sparkles just a bit in the summer
between the **** hillocks of my
thighs a mouth pristinely admits

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