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542 · Apr 2013
PK Wakefield Apr 2013
when feels driven by some impulsed curing
of day into swift clumsy night i

am flung by silence

into the only mystery of love a spangle
tinly which ekes from splendor
slowly tumbling over end over
between the ******* of thing girls

           A finger of light


                      a breath shake


lips hotly tight in coiled something
furstroked and lurid with my lips
part (destroying)

and bruise into white

a fist of painful.      

542 · Nov 2011
beneath creepness
PK Wakefield Nov 2011
.                                                                ­                           B
                                                               ­                     e
                                          ­                                              n
                                                                ­       t                   e
                                                                           h                   a
                                                       ­                                                        S
                                                               ­                                 p
                              ­                                                                 ­     r
                                                          ­                             g               i
                                                               ­                             s          
                        ­                                                                 ­                            and boughs S
                                                               ­                                                                 ­                                d
                               ­                                                                 ­                                     p                  a
                                            ­                                                                 ­                                       e
                        ­                                                                 ­                                                    r      
                           bony fingers deeply
                           into richness darkly
                           they clamor down
                           into softness and
                           they get to you sleeping
                           into you they get creeping
                           and they crawl into your
                           eyes and ears


                                                          ­           beneath creepness
                                                                ­                  do
PK Wakefield Jul 2012
knees go weak summer very smile



over: two legs, skinny hips, a mile
of stomach, daintily *******, neck
and a chin(also)above sprouts a                nose

nice how it flush face with
saliently bursts ivory white 'neath
limpid fissures of greenly sharp roundness

(eyes)that flutter, held by cheeks as
smooth and innocently as driven
snow sparkles just a bit in the summer
between the **** hillocks of my
thighs a mouth pristinely admits

541 · Jul 2011
through running forests
PK Wakefield Jul 2011
               )running forests
                i am galloped leaping
                (step before step after
                climbing the air swiftly
                to the moon creeping
                over every wind quaking
                bough) spontaneous
                twinkling tinsel enamors
                completely the smooth
                satin cheeks of darkness
                upon lightness
                absolute small unfamiliar
                newly cheeks embossed
                with sparkles furiously
                                                                       i set myself totally
                                                                       with every drab miraculous
                                                                                    of a night
                                                                                    with flesh(
541 · Mar 2014
PK Wakefield Mar 2014
it's hard the word i'm sorry and
the clouds today
are a bit
cut of light
draping easily with so("

     i,m sorry,,

the way i've notbeen
and haven't said)

the way i love you the way i love you the way i love you. i love

and the roughness of cotton,
the blithe softly flow,
snow and petal broken;

a stream instantly chaste
between the thighs of mountains
(your coming mouth
and how many times have i remembered
the hard droll moment of your intense clovers
parting through a sea of dark leaves
the slenderest gap of life to emit
its thrilling nonsense a gown of roses?)?

i do not or have wondered
on the cutting into the hillsides roads
when driving in Summer
and the sprightly children of dandelions
tumble daftly serene

And want to **** my timid notion
amongst the thorn'd stems of your garden
(where burying is easy
and death never came from the ground
and only life was grass, and flowers, and kissing


541 · Jan 2012
wings O divine
PK Wakefield Jan 2012
wings O

feathers manacle
the air beneath
you boundlessly
the earth trembles
a sour hot tattoo

as bustle muscles
to and wither
froing going
men and ladies
mingling like

salty spit like
even to enter
one tingling
                 they yaw

and pitch
i think it grossly
and i see marked
amongst the figures
hurriedly to
mix (bile and honey)
the longing stuff
of girls

O wings lifted
a pinions to heaven
ever whiter
i yet don't
turning seamlessly
upon the moral
541 · Jun 2010
i will fall
PK Wakefield Jun 2010
i will f
               l in


correctness of your gaze

(for only you

        shall i ever be)

the filigree embellished
by the gray stacks grown weary
to lean cadaverous shells
on the mark of scarlet's

greet the empty chamber door
swung shut a sudden eyelid
powdered tears riven ink shoulder

   who isn,t? a fear of nothing
     consumes the smooth roughness
541 · May 2010
one eternity
PK Wakefield May 2010
one eternity awaits the final heavy lidded collapsing
541 · Jul 2010
PK Wakefield Jul 2010
the night came a lady,
swooning her opalescent skirt
on the vertebrae of the earth!
and the shingles of stars were
crusted on the velvet belly of her
thighs) between
the fragrant notch of dawn;
a babe waiting crimson skin
to wail softly in the crevice of
darkness and come immortally
dieing every eve. resurrected
in her womb who did slay him.
anon the coming morn.

but should
i have a say i would say i love her more.
the night. she slanders upon and kisses
my tepid flesh, inviting my eyes to
glaze her still frame. she doth love
me well. and i too do love her. the angles
of her skin. and her cool hair. stretching
or whispered. an arch tremulously. desiring
my fingers.

she is wet. the night. hither little magic. i will love you.
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i I've
(on the other side of

tasted its tasteless

writhing 'neath
(time time time time)'s
translucent skin

it(')s ageless splendor
drip(ing)s hot little whispers
into my fleshy conscious

but, thoughting
i wonder:
"did it find me or did i find it"

PK Wakefield Nov 2012
if only tell me something fragile say perhaps LOVE dreamless blustering of lips tumble
through years distinctly smelling of old sweaters in a careful blade of summer turn
and turn hotly shoulders into sometimes air the fullness of your breath
and fall from heaven (piercing gently every cloud)
in softness stricken with girl arms parting
stabbed by my arms parting
and fill me burning

539 · Apr 2010
PK Wakefield Apr 2010


on that idea
that is


question its
539 · May 2013
PK Wakefield May 2013
this world

does it see the feel need
(as a child does


and does it see them?
the stems by coloures eloquent
bobbling tiny thousands

each a poem silked in light
each a vast array of smell

and does it feel them?
the curving hollow
of rushing soft

to gather in a ****** plume
the tease and romp of hue

and does it need them?
the sigh and quake of fragile dying
the least living
the most loving

and does this world
(as a child does

a flower )?

and does it?

and does it?
539 · Jun 2012
PK Wakefield Jun 2012
in so night pert stings of

           (pouting *******)

where laid a finger's boy
(his whole)
trembles nothing
quivers on the aching crush
of finest ribs

spindles hardly distend
in cambered hush

impatient, smiles
539 · May 2010
made just for me
PK Wakefield May 2010
made just for me
          (young   skinned heart)
                 please loaded voice
         beg a clutch o
  so lacy palms scraping denim sheathed
vestment ripped serenely. sensual laden edifice.
i know only this valley invited in: i travel gentle
grooves. & so if wanted i will give your canvas
               my crimson
539 · Feb 2013
PK Wakefield Feb 2013
the caress i feel

          is my own fingersunlightrainwaveseyelashes

of sweaty and inimitable curling

                     the twine

of their bodies

                                the gusset

of neat and white corners

soft and soft and soft




eyelashes prickling tingle
a multitude of tickle singeing

muscles and hunger

eating and lank

hulking and brutal

skinny and timid

the specters in books
my window suddenly looking out on the bay


dreamily swept upon turgid waters

and a boy(on the edge of his bed)
539 · Feb 2013
PK Wakefield Feb 2013
i was 23 in the middle of winter there was a sound like creaking the whole world was hot and nothing was at the same time everything came stiffly in your mouth and you

538 · Jan 2015
PK Wakefield Jan 2015
dead what's it ?
inside the clasped lid
of never to part darkness
inching each breath
with each breath
towards that titanic chasm

(into which leaps
every humdrum
scintillating eruption
of drab being)

I cannot imagine
anything more absurd than
perhaps ******* or sitting
outside on the pale veranda
of a minute café
tucked into the
silent crease of
a dying city

the light stroking
carelessly the **** soil
with extremely sleepy
every where–

and occasionally
a child
can be heard
murdering silence
with its long shriek
of rapid youth–

i wonder and play.
my hands neatly in the comely foil.
i bend and kern
each brilliantly lashed
marvel of coalesced laughter–

a tiny poem is sitting
slant wise their
across thighs
with deliberate health
of constant ***–

there is a mountain hurled
studiously *****
aggressively swept
by moonshadow
and nightdust:          (amongst the reeds

                                     a tired frog

                                      is lilting

across the ether
its ancient song           ) I wonder,

can you hear it to
ever think
upon the frail note
of its enormous throat
that to live is to die
constantly as–

a truck turns south
into the friscalating
dusklight its shadow
is minute;

and how can it
the insane probability
that we naked forevers
might suddenly be
in each distilled
anthem of terrible life,
the brute
the heap
of chaff
off from the stock
reaped by unthinkable hands

(but i think and i wonder
and my hands play amongst the
cool beds of immortal rivers
endless coils of blinding self
537 · Jun 2013
PK Wakefield Jun 2013
the it need
you and by
febrile coarse




your frail



the like
an eating of stings

feels grossly wonderful
(herking jerking wonderful)
to choke

to choke so nicely
to choke so pretty

grinning hot
a flash of sharpness:

redbeautifully scratching
me my oh why

   the shaking


are not unlike
a very bud
the nape
of crowning


(a flower of my bed
so delicate shook

by cruel thrusting
the parting;

                      hip's crook

537 · Jan 2012
PK Wakefield Jan 2012
how like stars, innumerably beautiful, do girls crowd her face(the earth)whose cheeks, like those infinite pretty sparks, swell with the nubile quavering light o' ladies perfumed in youth; which cling to my eyes and soul like those fierce twinklers to the deep quiver of night.
537 · Dec 2011
rush nites
PK Wakefield Dec 2011
rush nites
through trees and belly
(come find me dreaming
and when you get here
i'll kiss you so softly i'll
plant roots stupidly
growing into your so
and green skin lightly)
you got big pretty enormous

           Jewels and **** nite

you are belong to my bed
and flesh(yourown)is mine

i've spangles and dirt in me(likeyou)
                                                         leaves and merry drunk revelers
                                                  prancing beautiful women things
                                               (and i like to bunch up their hems
                                                 (like you nite) and i like to
                                             eateth them)
536 · Jul 2011
from deepest rivers you
PK Wakefield Jul 2011
from deepest rivers you
surging flowers OPEN

                                         scar newly
                                         adorns you
                                         beating stillness
                                         in darkness a
                                         light first meekly
                                                                        its colours
murdered slowly a plume of bird's
throats fat with music wings splendorous
over bodies rapt in loving fire
a song
                                              on my arms
                                                                     you note
                                                                                      (in me played
) deepest and fluttering your eyelids
magic springs eternal voluptuous panting
tigers skin an angel in
                                                                        my razor
                                                                                                                       a mountain
                                              i'm stabbed thee with
                                                strongly flavored
                                                 lush garden
                                                  of rivers
                                                     deeply flowers surging out my mouth
                                                       a gallon of petals endlessly
536 · Dec 2012
86 boys
PK Wakefield Dec 2012
86 boys jeerless laid in the earth today
86 boys unlaughing
86 boys white
86 boys skinny
86 boys laid in the earth today

(i stood and watched them lay a shovel against them 86 boys sleeping
in sharply frozen wilted hands of almostwinter 86 boys went into the
earth today i stood and watched them lay a shovel against them
536 · Jan 2011
PK Wakefield Jan 2011
burst distinct order. the old new's gaining trembly girth in spongy sauntering crawlingand BANG surely nothing's still as moving jitters cream a taunting yes
535 · Sep 2010
PK Wakefield Sep 2010
it wAS i came by nervous steed
over valley and time to a stream
trickling sickly between your *******
; and it was

          it was

my mouth; and tongue: a RiveR.
questioning her skinny pride

              and taken

my limpid bride
535 · May 2012
the quiet always
PK Wakefield May 2012
the quiet always

of death

who leans into us a

          bit more
          each day and

          who steals

           crisp young





                      upon miles
                      upon fathoms
                      of dreamless
                      and wilts

                      shall filch
                      to soon from the other
                      's, unyouthing
                       also, arms

                                                but death never
                                                will conquer
                                                the svelte
                                                instant of your smile
                                                or the unlank verdance
                                                of their
                                                snarling crimson
                                                with my lips
                                                legions of
535 · Mar 2011
PK Wakefield Mar 2011
what"I"dois everyday i wake up as differently as every other
morning i've woken samely a different person than every other
morning i've woken similarly the same difference that was
similarly differently the same as every other morning i've
woken this same way iswhat"I"do
535 · Jun 2010
PK Wakefield Jun 2010
what likes most i                              ?
the skinny river rolling 'round my hips
so strength filled fingers grasping grips
a clear concise conscious conscience "no"ed
ephemeral femoral pounding blood stream
fluster me a disease and cure the agile licks
eroding the



plummet into the a cool abyss drenching colossal shade pool
waiting at the oral conclusion of a tiny damp sliver in the quick of my soul

            prickle me blushing stream. i'll caress the veins waiting for
                the stammer of my hands. and i'll pluck your spine to fill
534 · Dec 2010
PK Wakefield Dec 2010
w   ai        t                                             ing
                  (on the damp concrete

by the cafe                       )
                                                 a white ***** is

     spitting kneebootedthighs! in proffered nodes of pleasure
only 18
534 · May 2010
restless between
PK Wakefield May 2010
restless between.         all  full of

some nothing son;      feels the silence
up the legs of sound. to rapt all the noisy
with           brilliant       sheets         of quiet
PK Wakefield Jul 2012
i have heard sleepness confer with night:


what a boy might, like a boy who works
hard at them, like girls.

                                         A BOY

with tall muscles, who works hard at them,
and would like to glide unvicarious
rills of longingfingers up thighs into
bunches of parting cotton,
533 · Mar 2013
PK Wakefield Mar 2013
what am I I don't know I think I'm a boy I grew up one time reading a book with a gun in my hand with a pellet gun in my hand I grew up a boy
532 · Oct 2010
it's was summer last night
PK Wakefield Oct 2010
it's was summer last night
unfolding silver cold pinpricks
       who's wings yawn incredibly
from the tender bruise of moonlight where we
were two 2's
basking indelibly straight lanky souls

           and we touched
532 · Oct 2017
PK Wakefield Oct 2017
slee  ep.  .   .




i am alive in you;

      (in thy body–

          and amongst thy leaves

            i am naked and fragrant )

i am touching the cool spine
and the cambered wrist;
lightly mute, **** and bruised
with dark veins.

your cheeks are pale;
your eyes are soft–
hugely brimming
with neat darkness.

you come over the mouth.
you hold the breath
between delicate fingers.

you are nearly kissing,
each nearly moment of body.

you move with quick slowness:
never rushing,
never uncarefully treading.

((s l ee p..   .


         you are alive;

i am awake in you.


532 · Feb 2014
PK Wakefield Feb 2014
as if to seems by (hung the little world

          the eyes noose

                                   ). Perhaps or

the soul more?

the could be hands loose
,the pinkset ear, whorl'd?

(between who where is who
makes or unmakes the rain)?

hands and unhands alike
tremble to fill:
the crooked barrel
o' flower's stemm'd pain.

(the ridiculous i.

                                the absurd you.)
532 · Apr 2010
always nevering
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
always nevering
she won't
winter('s) spring

little flakes
of nos
on vermilion

the skin of yes
was never touched
by her lasciviousssss
532 · Mar 2012
PK Wakefield Mar 2012
did you ever reading unbearably beautiful suddenly
fall out every letter or words even really tiny and
without sound stumble up into air cringing
with evening's unsharpest light


lufrednow ylpsirc srettel ta yletinifni nageb i did
   snuon sbrev ecindoolb gnuls sdrow derettefnu
              gnixommulf meht revo thgir llef i ylevol
                detanhcne yllacigam yesorpnu yleritne
531 · Aug 2012
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
something girl though fragile likes

     (like i like to)

531 · Apr 2010
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
i could

some formless(ness

531 · Sep 2011
if do i
PK Wakefield Sep 2011
if do i(upon a rising fallen)
lift first myself to teeter
with breaths totally mingling
on the very subtle quiver

e  e

and up the face of brevity
to one eternally beginning
(in were mounds of poppies
who vaulted swiftly blood
to swim upon your face
530 · Jan 2012
PK Wakefield Jan 2012
let me tell you what i love
i love the firmest new heat
of Spring's body leaping
totally March with the gushed
remnant of Winter's nowless
snowed figure. i love taking
the rough cherry of life between
my lips and i shove my tongue
forking the swollen damsel
of its prime juice until bustles
the marvelous uncouth sticky
sweetness over my lips coils
her lips and every sense of
mine cooly explodes in the
dapper shade of apple trees
530 · Nov 2011
PK Wakefield Nov 2011
2day glass
through heaped sunlight
accumulates a second
when fair meticulous
paws stir
                (claw and whisker)
bunch and unbunching
shatter lilting
minutest bobbles
530 · Mar 2013
PK Wakefield Mar 2013
i have stood where boys have stood
an hour of their body in the ground
from their backs to their hands up
pricking gently a cool stroke of wind

and each parting softly sleep stole
into the easy crush of rain, and into
the always agape lips of wanting spring
PK Wakefield Mar 2011
s lay our bones against each others
and grind a bit Dear

                (Dear lady)

Grind their playful angles
and if it hurts a bit my dear
         (my long Dear
                My lithe dear
                   my ample skinny little hips Dear)

well then we.ll shovel abruptly
our callous gloating hands
all about each others bodies
and barely shatter silence

         our common sensual howls
528 · Mar 2011
PK Wakefield Mar 2011
hey and a big straight
ungoded in my stocky amber chest
   and caved open my super massive collapsing
      singing vermilion crooked
          that busts suddenly gradual voices
of ancient fresh lungs that i know i only know i don't knowiknowiknowIdon't
      and it's not that i won't
and surly
these manacles of flesh
                         and bones
and sinewed cords
                they scarf my soul and giggle sharply rapid
stony breaking surf
                                       a largest grunt
        the universe said in me
                            and or i said back
528 · Sep 2011
PK Wakefield Sep 2011

,so wet ladies,

summer you are almost naked

and dance beneath feat

the cherry knives o’ you

cut sweetly in me

and every hot root

is such deeply splayed

thighs i marvel into

them and s



528 · Jan 2014
PK Wakefield Jan 2014
miles away(go)

clicktrain by

     clacktrain or

bybusby or


miles away(go)
where between
a city of roses grows

One thornless rose)its
hurts to feel fingers
528 · Feb 2012
PK Wakefield Feb 2012
night, when freezingly encounters my cheeks, some slightness rouges them
like roughed almost cheeks
like when you lay a hurting kiss upon them by the languorous hammer of

thy paleset palm. like, i do, how kindly unkind stinging your touch deftly
embraces their(mycheecks)
puffed unrude metal. and it blisters with the painful bud of cherry wreak
527 · Aug 2010
PK Wakefield Aug 2010
what avarice it doth crAVe so greatly in the odor of gold so a flavor is guilded our minds and we make our arms for it so we may hold more, i loved the dawn. gold enough for


527 · Oct 2011
sort of breathing thing
PK Wakefield Oct 2011
                                                               ­                                                                 ­                  s
                                             ­                                                                 ­                                o  
                             ­                                                                 ­                                                    r
           ­                                                                 ­                                                                 ­ t
                                                              ­                                                                 ­                           o
                                    ­                                                                 ­                                                     f
          ­                                                                 ­                                                      b
                                                               ­                                                                 ­     r
                                                               ­                                                                e    
                                                           ­                                                                 ­         a
                                                               ­                                                              t
                                                               ­                                                                 ­        h
                                                       ­                                                                 ­         i
                                                               ­                                                                 ­     n
                                                               ­                                                                 ­ g

                                                              ­                                                thing
           ­                                                                 ­                                    breath gulping leaves
                                                          ­                                                          you
   ­                                                                 ­                                                   stand sternly sweet
                                                           ­                                                                 ­(in night you do)
                                                             ­                                                               y
­                                                                 ­                                                         o
      ­                                                                 ­                                                     U
          ­                                                                 ­                                                         stand neatly
                                                          ­                                                                 ­    between heaven
                                                          ­                                                                 ­                    and aching dirt
                                                            ­                                                                 ­  you heave an errant sigh
                                                            ­                                                                 ­  and thrustward falling
                                                         ­                                                                 ­     eaves you mingle pinkly
                                                          ­                                                                 ­    (your heart stammers)
                                                       ­                                                                 ­        between beauty
                                                          ­                                                                 ­     and i arrive on your
                                                            ­                                                                 ­   naked impossible skin
                                                            ­                                                                 m
                                                               ­                                                            y
                                                               ­                                            own
                                                             ­                                      skin
                                                            ­                        and sweat
                                                           ­                                 r
                              ­                                                           i
                                                               ­                                g
                                                               ­                          h
                                                               ­                                 t
                              ­                                                                 ­     into
                                                       ­                             your
                               ­                                                     clefted heap
                                                            ­                       my ardent
                                                          ­                                sting

                       ­                                                                 ­                                                                 ­                                    '
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