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615 · Nov 2010
PK Wakefield Nov 2010
did it ever seem like life was sifting gradually swift in lumps and sighs,andforks bolting sorely muscles tingle and baritone is plumply in this jazz hard cafe i'm eating eagerly your stomach with darting hollow orbs it's so cleanly a caked muck that's draped splendidly in ******* a girl i lick and tender verbally a slick sentence skirt lifting rapture
614 · Sep 2010
PK Wakefield Sep 2010
in caked in minute flexing avarice of the dumb spiteful sun i,m;
it laps constantly the empire of your ***** with its caving greedy
the effortless virus of its tongue whose buds are placid heaving
minstrels; aptly rapacious guards; with pointed spears and blades lusting
your rind most clangorously in the habit of its golden languor
devouring the specificity of your hips
the prim bud of your clavicles
            the dim musky sanctum of your pleasing eyes
(kind sockets brimming jade splinters
and the sweet shock of your moss. between your thighs.

i hate him. the sun
613 · Nov 2011
come know me moon
PK Wakefield Nov 2011
come know me moon

     (know me quickly)

in my bed know me
your smoothness will
enamor and your fullness
will burst with silver
fur crawling out the
sharpness of your belly

i'll eat you
and i'll have
you in my body
and i'll just come
cleanly perfect and
naked i'll dance on the
gnarled bending forest
of **** tress in your waxing
*****(under your ******* moon)
the small creeping pool of your stomach
astounds darkness and you brightly bristle
with freckles and laughter and you'll jiggle


613 · Dec 2010
PK Wakefield Dec 2010
what glory anon doth hither trace its arced pleasant cord
upon the cool dimpled cheeks of night    ?    so graceful doth it
punt and glitter supple light from faithful milky shore
its is is the moon.

     LUnA! my pallored damsel

my trembling seed of luminosity
           i gratefully take thee in my heart and heavenly lush
upon thy scalp, dripping sweaty glow, my
                          very blood and tears
for thou art

                                 ARTbeyond any man's
611 · Feb 2013
PK Wakefield Feb 2013
Leaves of grass, my chest, is to your chest, as; gently soft and pressed of light. And though a thousand tiny green, one root only beats at their center. One root red. One root pushing of difficult life stuff, out, out. Pushing and pushing. To lip and finger equally difficult.

(I watch the streetlights as they pass over my hand while driving in the dark Bellingham feels beneath me big and sleeping in almost spring I put my fingers through its mouth and I cough a star)
610 · Aug 2010
PK Wakefield Aug 2010
in me there is a grand heat
it's the purpose of my blood
hot stinking rivers
adolescent steam wafting
serenade a pile of burning ***

    a word tremendously whispered
shatter my lips. savage Gravity my cells
scream for thee. (lay open the stuttering
of my heart and place in it your fluid
                     i'll **** every hesitation
and blast your skin with shimmering agile
pulsings of my lungs; emptied upon thee)

make me raw little knife. the serrations of your
nails dance and please my flesh. motes of fire
         dimple the vassal of my will
how sharp thou are

please hurt me
610 · Oct 2012
pretty, i like you
PK Wakefield Oct 2012
pretty, i like you

but more ugly

i like even


nice easy, pretty

eyes ringed darkly
and thick

(but like you hurt
    )throat pressed
      sigh and gurgle

maybe i'll, do you
want me to?do you

want red cheeks
aching quivers
('cause (Baby)
there's nothing)

i wouldn't do(2)4YOU
610 · Dec 2012
PK Wakefield Dec 2012
to count you amongst numberless heavings
(smally colliding) of human voice thousands
screaming all dimly numb voices into dumb
voices numbly dimming(stars like innumerably
dying flicker less fast into darkness but still do)

would be a lie more truthful than living is truth

for though dying flicker: you burn

(and i whisper into you a very tiny spark;love
which ekes through your cheeks black wine
freshly distilled instantly drunken beautiful;flesh)

hanging on a petal of deeply sepaled night
(pearling dew) a sigh escapes across fields
of mute flowers up tumbling mountains reaches
stupid immortal silence and fear nothing hands
for falling though stars, silence, mountains, muted flowers, human voices:

610 · Mar 2011
PK Wakefield Mar 2011
guggle buggle
the skirts and muggles
meager or muddle
                                         like 2 tones
a twilight
       almost sweetly
a sweating majesty(it broke trebleing uncorked femurs
briskly pattering the swilling silt
the siltish swill
                                 )by a massive
the very sea was outward and upward and forever and ever and ever & E,V'eR;
609 · Sep 2012
PK Wakefield Sep 2012
driving; while in the backseat
i noticed orange small and sharp
flooding curled eve her hair 'bout
each revolution of my fingers, spent
twixt them last trill felt wide (it felt
enormous and hollow light as crushing)
it was full of serious ending and had convulsed
ever so little by little it shriveled(engorged)
grew, swelling to almost (inside me it did)
609 · Apr 2010
abstractions 4
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
no know:
not know
know naught
know not
no naught
no knot

609 · Jan 2012
PK Wakefield Jan 2012
from the delightful pinch of your waist
is effused the mauling senility of your
forgetting smell
(which like cudgels' dozing blows
wreak the apt obliteration
of my normally conscience
and i'm a can'thelpit
but kiss dubiously
pressing down
the quake of
expecting stomach
(at when  reaches
the ultimate cusp
of your brimming
ecstasy pulpit
my deft oral precisely
609 · Jun 2010
why ? not
PK Wakefield Jun 2010
why            ?         not
        in the glaze
hot subtle petals cravings
blue the read chin pageless verbs
                wilt a bit  ,
                                 like the winter flake
failing warmth.

           (i knew too well the autumn .)

welcome me in your fluttering breast beautifully butterfly dUst
key my hole and unlock the secret girders barring beating
      muscle incessant tock ticking;

          can it be ever said?
                                           howmuch            i love thee.
608 · Oct 2010
; and it leaps
PK Wakefield Oct 2010
; and it leaps
   over touch and blood
the illustrious crepitus of your oscillating
olive wrinkle
     meagerly i

  into it's hollow

      asinine heat


          cream and chunk
                    the  steam
   is drunk                                      of ignoble



       from her




608 · Apr 2011
PK Wakefield Apr 2011
(I this very am a contradiction to itself)
this which is
the very thing i am
is not at all a multitude of singularities
but a single multitude of multiple singulars
i am large
                and small
                                and enormously
                                                           a colour daft as starry days
                                                                                                         and brightly nights
and with pale meter
my hards are soft
and softs are hard
                                         (and i am like an onion
                                          in petals of purple skin
                                          an acrid flavour imps
                                          my beam of darkly
                                          steeply cooler hotter
                                          breaths that buzz
                                          like wondrous flies
                                          in ample valleys or
                                          cotton pasted flesh
                                          in denim
                                          )your jeans were on my floorIfoundthemthismorning
and i woke up to call you just so i could touch your voice with my ears
and kiss the treble of its throat with my gangling soul waxing profusely
with sparks of verdant poems blossoming in the uncommon pit of the stomach of my gross futile blithe brain because you made them with the
errant tattoo of your slight and tremendous music bustling its enormous
yawn over the roof of (my) rainbow hard heart that would like to comment in Your plunk of navel ringing tiny glittering barely hairs my smooth and
pinkish crumpled crumbs of love and sprinkle you with careless *** sometime maybe SWOON.
608 · May 2010
the day came raining
PK Wakefield May 2010
the day came raining
(            ever love kissed
       wander caving fluids
hollow stems ascenting)
glimmer specked leaden
******* heavy freckles
wager wet 'gainst dry

606 · Apr 2010
soft blue
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
a soft
blue (undulating) god
cuts the
with moist sighs

like too much light
it hurts
to touch
with tired i's

but don't no
try yesing
and be mine

(i will worship you
soft blue beautifully)

on my knees:
though it might hurt me so
606 · Jun 2010
electric blessed lov3rs
PK Wakefield Jun 2010
electric blessed lov3rs lick digital
tower disk spinning cradle.
why  so    near           far?
collude blank screen heaving *** whisperers

in your magic folly blindly look
on an sensual pit

it holds a wealth you avarice

crave most ardently
605 · Feb 2011
let's electric
PK Wakefield Feb 2011
let's electric           ,         '       .         '
my hammer in your leaves                   ,
and slippery bundles of laughter                  .
will pump dollops                                                  ,
from chaste and vile lungs                                       '                     !
the creamy bout of odd muscles                                   '    .   ,          
gurgling serious tongues
into the snuffing carriage                                  of silken aching cords;              Y
605 · Apr 2013
PK Wakefield Apr 2013
i can hear the old body of a cat creaking between my ears the rushing of the wind outside is enormously pale breasted i cup myself into a fist of warm andream of almost you nearly more than farther are i put my leg over a pillow the tension in my hips release remembering a pillow used to be your hips my hips tension

604 · May 2013
PK Wakefield May 2013
its throat is very

(the night)

whose fingers deeply grouse
in such blue as silken eve
the whole stack
of enduring

and speckled
by the quiet of an alleyway
drenched in stillness whitely

stealing sudden magically
into a tightest yearning swallow

(feels as does and such as when
i think to think

i think as when
in Summer balmy please
skin to stick to skin

a flower just
its fullness to erode
the fever of its pollen

distilled erectly kissing
one unblemished lips

of night who when did
Grousing so bluely
its fingers                     )
604 · Jun 2010
PK Wakefield Jun 2010
utter me a dawn absolutely imperfect
like the sharp stab of lovers fingers
to cut me a river of light tears
enameled on the neat hills. organized
heaps of mumbles a sun crumb in the nook
of eyeless creeping sleepless nights. bloodshot
beauty veiny clovers sprawling on the hillocks
basking savagely under a solar sheet of becoming
was in    a    way     likethis that
shone a babe of screaming yellow
over the static silence of morning
   cleaving the vibrating stillness in a scorch of
604 · Jan 2012
it were a day and a day
PK Wakefield Jan 2012
it were a day and a day
since ago we meted
drinking the curving
swill of dank *****
             against the
**** breast press
seats of my auto silver
bodied vehicle
(where you dug down
your teeth

into the pink membrane
of bottomer lip upon
your quaking
face a groan
through which perspired
as grinding i
your darkly follicled
amazing head
             *** up
604 · Feb 2011
PK Wakefield Feb 2011
only it is that
in every vibrant stitch
or cream and leaves of flame
a craven volatile smoothness
the soil unbuckled
unto this day it swelled
a very giddy wart                  (it glowing on her hips )

swearing with repugnant beauty
it's scarlet freckles grumble with the moss
604 · May 2012
a never girl sits
PK Wakefield May 2012
a never girl sits
thigh wide pretty
to the hilt
slit skirt
inveigles up

by the skinny
breach of her
is a quick boy hungry

       and gelatinous
               reams ofit

gets all over
a never girl
                               with a hilt,
                               hungry boy's
PK Wakefield Mar 2011
well the
last time we were
which was also like
it was like 2 hot kittens
with button eyes trembling
against their sockets an unimaginable
tear and ladybugs and it smelled so pretty
when the stormy dream of your fuzz blundered
into the small summer of sturdy knees and sore ankles
and rickety sounding sunsets caving with silence, their
prosey colours dullling with a fast time over the bulbous
hearth of gods lemon drop wrists that have large merry hands
smiling with dew flecked cheeks rambling open rough lipless pockets
of deep poppies singing in the right little garden in the front yard of yesterda

603 · Jul 2011
in your body
PK Wakefield Jul 2011
in your body(nexttomine)is a small electricity
tingling directly against my skin freshly glued
so bones velvetly lavished in groping cuddles
of perhaps hands. a sort of like the sky is puddles
of kissing faces excellently. and the world in
flowers snugly fits between womb and soil. where
i will say life briefly in your tiniest mouth,



602 · Dec 2013
PK Wakefield Dec 2013
your heart is
(so way).

the way it is, so.

it is to part blood
(the filling of my lips)
with your lips.

and its body is so clean.

it is the to pierce
by beating madly
tattoo of carry me forward.

(through darkness carry me forward)
and lurch upon the flowering of its heat
(my heat)

to tumble steeply up
in comely gouts of daftness:

my heart.
602 · Dec 2010
PK Wakefield Dec 2010
open yawning chasm
theearth said night and the sky said beauty
pinpricked photon punching absolute uncertainty
certainly a most green and sharply thorn
upon your stem
i grasp
602 · Jun 2016
PK Wakefield Jun 2016
there is, after all,
one thing
(after my breath)

–a star–

hung loose
and into the night
(which is my soul)

dreaming through
moist lips
and the cup of flower

a kissing of pale light;
the rough newness of rain;
and the smell softly afterward.
602 · Apr 2021
PK Wakefield Apr 2021
come this day with me and look upon the earth.

She is a wise
wide at the hip
deep into her
basin where

the folding occlusion
of her bulging lips
contain the
exstatic pearl of life.

she is full:
her thighs
abound over
in supple fat;

her moss is
golden she hangs
a bent beam
on the running
rill from her

cleft bump,
the hillocks
suffused in
grass rollick
and distend

within where
the waters
part themselves
into blood
and wine.

Her mucous
is secrete:

it flows

The eyes are for it.
The mouth is for it.
The hands are for it.

it holds wide itself,

(and tight and suffuse
and secretly languorous)

for all who would enter;

and ALL entering is here.

And leaving too
is here:

there is entering and there is exiting here;
one quickly after the other,
or at the same time,
or at neither--
entering and exiting all the same.

She is a worm hung
and in her cellar
is some moist rot;

but do not dismay
for as entering and exiting:
from rotting there is birthing.

And how we are born.

And how we come from her.

And how we come into her.

And are made the same again.
601 · Apr 2010
an i said
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
an i said
to this day,
"unsheathe yourself of this gray raiment and shed your glory upon my skin,"
the sky's azure lips
remain in that state
we call:

601 · May 2011
let's do tonight hard
PK Wakefield May 2011
             hard. we'll finger ginger prematurely. immaturely. and
offended glossy cheeks. the fair legs, forever apart, the night's
begging panting heaving & yes let's
                                       impossibly posing
                                     prosing nosing (it smells red
                               and neon). guns are our bones.
                             sensibly obscure the daft incommensurable
                           s,m'og O' inside the pooch, the slumping curve
                         the curbs and dancing, the jostling snort
                        of brain's panes behind them saying just faces.
                        unchaste faces. a multitudinous saliva teeming
                         young wagging hems lifted with my fingers
                          going under your cotton and right up
                            to your "'yes'" Y
     ­                                                 s!
601 · Aug 2017
PK Wakefield Aug 2017
i am
(after all)
alive in you

                       this day .

the soft brushing,
the course fiber,
the flaxen hair.

i kiss you smally.

you do not stir
more than a pale breath
around your nostrils.

my son is inside you.

i will always love you.

600 · Nov 2013
PK Wakefield Nov 2013


                                     love me.

                                     **** me.

                                     trust me.

600 · Oct 2011
PK Wakefield Oct 2011
                       shes got a pretty little
                       hair lip(fast over that
                       sad mouth)between
                       her eyes&chin; shes
                       got pretty bundles
                       of loose fat(and they're
                       her lips)she moistly
                       smacks around every
                       hem of whizzing
                       jackets skirting
                       with 'er wither
                       heavy teeth(shes
                       has green bits and
                       yellow bits, respectively,
                       thronging between
                       those thrusting ivory
                       cleats)she normally
                       wears and wears
                       death(so does everyone)
                       when she comes calling
                       ('tween october and december)
                       but she's just twiddling
                       (less like dead                             )
                        more like starting dead she's
                                                                               pretty like that
                                                                                                          (all rot and musk)
                                                                                                                                             she's gorgeous
600 · Sep 2013
PK Wakefield Sep 2013





ly a

(with a verb i
                    the aching
                    and all the birds
                    of a forest



                          and rose


                            the crimp

                            of darling youth

                             a flower,





600 · Dec 2011
O eve
PK Wakefield Dec 2011
O eve
             O 1st starting nubile sparks
                                                          ­      O thrush and warble

         you skip tremulous and encroaching
       puddle o' dankness rushing oe'r blade and mountain
      you race the wind and gather up all the finite bodies of earth
     in your illustrious cool mouth and blow each face and stem thy
    kiss o' your illluminant clutching docile lips, which fornicate with
   the merry spades o' silver stars a digging the freshest grave of day
                                       (i'll fit into you
                                        the stuff of me
                                        in creases o'
                                        your foldless
                                        heaps and
             ­                           your hair marvelous and faultless
                                        staggers brightly
                                        from the pale splinter o' the moon
                                        and it eats me into
                                        the playful gnash o' its reticent
          ­                       )
                            valley  and stream
             (meet with me tonight
              beneath the pallor lady
              and we'll make love)
599 · May 2010
PK Wakefield May 2010
luna lolled a tongue of light through the cottony
bifurcation of fluttering draperies
licking her window with shimmering
refracted by the pallid idea of her flesh
she seemed a glowing angel of bone
wreathed in this incandescence
i took her sharp words and sewed
her love in the fabric of my being
oh god how i love her virginal
please won't you give me that gift
let me make your clean all grimy
with my ***** fingers

alas how can such an ugly thing as this me
ever lay in the proximity of a her so achingly right?

i am a nothing and she an everything

please don't leave my sheets this morning
i want to sing your song
bending my tongue about its fragile melody

in the distance a chime murmurs
599 · Jul 2010
PK Wakefield Jul 2010
it seems the sun is a flare of golden skin dangerously skinny light transposed elegantly on a tidy forest floor spreading aching breaths o

599 · Oct 2011
PK Wakefield Oct 2011
begin again
it comes starting
the end, again, begins
newness pressed between
dawn and eve is glued your
fresh smell atomized an instant
and mingles in the dancing dust
flitter mumbling pitter pattering
diminutive motes bump and
carouse in tousled hunks
of light
599 · May 2012
big, pale, spider wrist a
PK Wakefield May 2012
big, pale, spider wrist a
with an old man onit
who in its legs lays
a notlikeoldmen
young girl (5maybe6or) 's

hand, which he tells, "dear,"
about how, "when I was a
younger man, and the world
a bit slower, pirouetted, a fraction
of youth whitely
with me                            and dear

be someone's wife. who'll love you
and dear, you will be beautiful
when I, like now, your hand in my hand,

shall                       walk

you to him down between the real
prettiest fountain of petals
from your family cast
by hands that bore you
to this moment and pass you
into his
                 .dear, I on that day, will cry

                     and laugh."
599 · Jan 2011
PK Wakefield Jan 2011
gilt in foiled amber streetlight bluntly buckled on my coffer p-coated and trundling meticulously a drafty cinder of pretty little veins blueing clicked small headed teeth blasting blond scalp and hot pinked lips they' were asking shyly if i'd a minute heat to burst the cool heap of tobacco splitting pleasantly her plush rinds a tube 'i"m sorry i don't smoke'
598 · Jul 2010
PK Wakefield Jul 2010
as usual a

me goes the supple trunks. thralling ribbons.
collapse;doi to the clutch of soft roots stupidly and muscles.
more now lightning strings coruscate ardently loving the earth.
vibrate femininity suddenly

            correct in my winter. hot petals meddle in the snow. and melt.

                                            i'm not who i wasn't
         or who
i am.                         frosted. but calmly:ami unfreezing in cup of dainty

  m   (s.he)  is the heat.
598 · Aug 2012
earth come: please ugly
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
earth come: please ugly

dirt             please

earth, mud




dark rich smelling

of wetDryingAsphalt fragrant

threaded moments


your sighs

is ****** a FLOWER
whose pollen
is sticky
has gotten thickly
coated my tongue
and the only cleaning
is to


596 · May 2010
next 2 straightdullsilver
PK Wakefield May 2010
next 2 straightdullsilver
                                              (shafting from concreteish
wrests a swollen *****

corpulence molds in cylindric fashion
to attain the shape of comfort
as repose consumes her physicality

a man chirps in iridescence tones
to gather her heed on his beckoning

she shatters the womb of stillness
bulging in animation
barter at windows sill

just a vehicle of pleasure
595 · Nov 2012
PK Wakefield Nov 2012
who, by first light is fingers
each deeper fingers than last
through grass rushing fingers
pressed (and wet of tawny
dew cut 'pon the softest pebble
howl) a very straight forest
from where darkness easily
wrests (its thigh open

                                        its petals tousled

595 · Jul 2010
PK Wakefield Jul 2010
what lovely bones you,ve got. sO neatly in your arms.
   christened with your muscles. and nerves. so specifically (and arrogant)
the frame, white;and stiff!suspended the correctness of your
*******. supple drops of flesh,

    in the between of my hands

corrupting. should you yes and lift it: the cotton breeding 'neath mine fascia) i w i      ll
     lay in you  my immutable splendor.

where the grass is crinkled suddenly under the pressure of your
            inexhaustible perfections. the tree is also, boughs spread.
some shade; for rough lovers. how sore you make me.
    these roots are hard. blistered the ***** skin.


little sun. make a soft blanket. star strewn. by the graveyard.

                    it was quiet
595 · Jun 2011
I, iN U who are
PK Wakefield Jun 2011
I                           ,        
                                             .                                                                                       U
                                          ,           iN
               who                      '
                      a                         ,
                      r                             '
                      e                        I           ,
                                                              ' .
                                                 , '
                                                   ' ,
                                   complete smell of
                                  the ocean. salty next
                                  to a sighing forest
                                  tremendously twigs
                                  enormous. they are
                                   whispers, green
                                   and cold linoleum
                                   under my feet
                                   in the kitchen
                                   a pitcher of
                                   tea is beaded
                                   with sudor
                                   (soaked skin
                                    Spring answers
                                    outside) it's
                                    my hand, in
                                    freezing gently
                                    dribbling over
                                    my knuckles
                                    the half lit kitchen
                                    skinny hips
                                    of roses
                                    mingle with laughing
                                    breezes quickly
                                    glistening cherry
                                    flavored lips
                                    ,right athe
                                     edge of my glass
                                    outside(right against the window)
                                    pressed together
                                    (the counter and your thighs
                                     because sweat
                                      they slip around
                                      each, throb
                                       pumping, other
                                       your hair is stuck to
                                       sticking to your
                                       *******) the trees
                                       sway injust temporary
                                       daylight, behind
                                        the swelling,
                                        swollen draught
595 · Jan 2012
PK Wakefield Jan 2012
girl suddenly let's live unthinking
with me          live
               a single fear               Live
in brazen                              sating
     live           thoughtlessly
and uncarefully dispose     your
mouths sweetest waste in     my
mouth Girl                       beginning
carelessly       let's                destroy
apprehensions gentler cuffs     let's
unbind our firmer stuff             and
let's find their able tools in wanton
let's suddenly live unfearing and
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