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595 · Jul 2010
PK Wakefield Jul 2010
what lovely bones you,ve got. sO neatly in your arms.
   christened with your muscles. and nerves. so specifically (and arrogant)
the frame, white;and stiff!suspended the correctness of your
*******. supple drops of flesh,

    in the between of my hands

corrupting. should you yes and lift it: the cotton breeding 'neath mine fascia) i w i      ll
     lay in you  my immutable splendor.

where the grass is crinkled suddenly under the pressure of your
            inexhaustible perfections. the tree is also, boughs spread.
some shade; for rough lovers. how sore you make me.
    these roots are hard. blistered the ***** skin.


little sun. make a soft blanket. star strewn. by the graveyard.

                    it was quiet
593 · Nov 2010
PK Wakefield Nov 2010
cup sudden winter and flakes crinkle sweetly the earth or by cold hand of unday the freezing is gently in all the moisture and she lavishes their molecules and unslowly disseminates her breath in varnished perfection of frost saying "now is coming the season of lovely unheat and blessit with thy loaf of burning lips and kiss kiss kiss every noun

593 · Jan 2011
PK Wakefield Jan 2011
like writing i like writing like i like
a tranquil fever
my electric quill travels
skin piercing inky talking sudden innovator
so how i'm gonna go
in the first house unlit burning rupture
and gasping with quipping death
i'll ravish nouns
  and verbs
the verb
of bulbous empty cotton
i call my head
593 · Jul 2010
thee art the night
PK Wakefield Jul 2010
thee art the night
indescribably hued       a rose
and maketh me to lay
in the ocean of your petals     in the velvet fissure of your *******
supine; yoked to the chariot of
     your thighs        who,in their twain, is silken breaths of heaven

thou art a flower. in whose tremulous stems i am stupidly thrusting

          a thorn. palely now a part of your flesh. in the part of your flesh.

swims my lips on the svelte belly of your sternum. under and greedy
         of your eyes. the lashes of pleasure. inking your face.
   but though i deserve you not: incredibly you made me for your bed

           blooming simple honey.a summers day's night
592 · Jan 2011
PK Wakefield Jan 2011
i,ve made love to a woman
whom twas a radiant fauld
of glamoring apath            y

yet i often dreamily
recall in lazy strings of lucid
her nice hair
patient grass

often as i culled the fairy heat, her *****

       i'd say in particular her name

a            n                                             ­            d           itt wasSUMmer,
592 · Mar 2011
maybe i'll go
PK Wakefield Mar 2011
maybe i'll go
                     go all hard and wiggly
when the bread of earth is suffocated
perfectly the surly bending twig,
my follicle of sheathing mortar
     and you.ll be soundly
quiet too
and you,ll love me more than god
and maybe
our softs will blunder
irrevocably against the sun
who's on our in's
our outs
                 and stapled on the supple
tweed of grass and laughter
(our fingers in the earth
  the righteous
     who think with hearts
       of copper vermilion hush
         ) i'
ll                 call you heaven
                and you;ll just
  just                                       just


                 t       s                               u                                          j
591 · Apr 2010
abstractions 3
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
wetly sunlight speaks
no voice no rhyme
from time 2 time
lost admits the rubble
but not so
{as they say}
for through thought though
they fought so
leaving knowing
591 · May 2010
a 3 goes 1x1x1
PK Wakefield May 2010
a 3 goes 1x1x1

                 possessing a multiplicity
that shifts in threeish splinters
                     they mutter hushes
e  n  t   ering
that hallowed cavity
                      of cinematic

e                           t
                 o                nations

exploding a visual eruption
               on their willing
591 · Mar 2014
PK Wakefield Mar 2014

                                               I am not myself


                                               am I always

                                               the same           )

590 · Dec 2011
PK Wakefield Dec 2011
i lay in grass stilly
departing myself
                 into heavens exquisite face
whose boundless leaping freckles shimmer
most gracious and profoundly
consuming the frail last light
into its infinite chaste *******
(only to bud it out again
in little ****** o' glimmering)
590 · Apr 2010
hollow colors
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
hollow hallow
empty cords
of lungs
burn with
stumbling across rough shoulders

redly speaking
greenly thinking
bluely touching
yellowly destroying

it all away

paint me with your (dying) colors
590 · Mar 2011
i went
PK Wakefield Mar 2011
i went! Starting of the dulcet earth
         1 foot
in front
                (of the one Flute
  spraying a magic twiddling famish
of achy voluminous nerves so close
to the skinny sheathe of light)               and i WENT! stumbling up into the

    enormous gulp of gods hard left hand and the light was s o loud i could hardly smell the oceans claret spinning spiral downward down we go like the
we go down into hades smart arms he said he loved the way we sweet
and gross
                       and sticky
           with sturdy absolute nothings our unlike hands onto the bashful plume
             of our very drunkest strings
and forza the abrupt closer our hearts, their devious septums, and twain that vermilion truculent fold and hit furiously the tempest:

           GRAND little miss. she's a lady sumwut like you
raven scalped and lush with curving mounds of plush sensual fever
       my strange electric scar
on my plain arm
                                  your hands
                                                           and VERY VERY
590 · Aug 2011
sometimes i am very tired
PK Wakefield Aug 2011
sometimes i am very tired
(and dust is like me)
dust is like me sleeping

               (fluff and sloughing me)


softness barely dust is me
resting on your skin in a
hot room where we fell
slumping into each others
dreams our selves curled
our limbs about and we
590 · Jul 2012
i think: come(unthink)music
PK Wakefield Jul 2012
i think: come(unthink)music
carelessmusic softly lilting the
swept downy fiber, falling, flakes
come steeply, arrive on comely ears,
the nuisance of thy waft gentle exactly
and the bodies


met of muscles many in sweetness
honey one, long strain of thy cords
envelopes the snug sound of your


as a raspberry pursed between
lips, fruitmouth,

your fragrant
hand is the most articulate violence

           the most unthink


the most ear full cringe of lewdness
(dear, the smart vastness of your
naked sigh is a murdering song
comes from paired lips, and single throat

         annihilator sound



589 · Apr 2013
PK Wakefield Apr 2013
it completely staged was your throat
1/2 broken perhaps yowling by a
long mouth inching rapidly

in eager please to
tell a boy how much he did
your cherry knees to wobble
(the anger of his hands
and the thrusting of his bobble)

for 6months wearing
a back into his sheets
only your inch mouth long
saying to darling I
for  a 1/2 year didn't

really ever come
589 · Oct 2012
PK Wakefield Oct 2012
there was how shall i say green the city consumed the meek and tender brilliant
all rose in slenderest gardening blossoms root 'pon root in earth univocal (it's
shoulders, feel fresh, smoothly revolt into unchaste Autumn)

                                                                      whose lipless grotesque

                                                                      smiling parts

                                                                      between all

                                                                      ivory leans


                                                                    is wet
                                                                  citrus tingles
                                                                the wide
                                                               plate of unhairing
                                                              from a broad leaf
                                                              russet tranquil
                                                        ,        flat and cool        ,
                                                                peels with tenderest









589 · Oct 2012
PK Wakefield Oct 2012
.                                                                ­                      

                                        ­                                              dOe


                                          ­                          i

                                 ­                                                     seee


                                                   ­                                                                 ­          U

                                                ­                                flicker

              ­                                               'tween roses

                                                ­                                         bushy frail

                                                    ­         tail and bones

                                                si­new nicely

                                               ­                                                                 ­                fleet

                                ­               on

                                                     ­                                                                 ­            earthen toe

                                        on cloven feet

                                                ­                                                doE
             ­                                                                 ­                 you are
                                                             ­                                 kind whitely
                                                         ­                                    through trees
                                                           ­                                 a ray downy
                                                           ­                                unsnow and heat


                                               haired in comely fragrance by gigantic ruthless SPRING leap
                                               awkwardly from thinning life

                                               a smell that curls in my mouth
                                               tastes as thyme lemon honey
                                               and mingles 'tween roses
                                               (curiously fragile singing)

                                                it rises gleaming

                                                 on stem

                                                  on boughwet glazed

                                                   in LOVE
589 · Feb 2011
PK Wakefield Feb 2011
we are effortless(
a pale and limbic house
)we hold in each others
our hearts
or music
                      the tone of marble calves
or your skinny hips                                            where
                                        i strum between they
the chord
                     which          rises
(from your pelvis )
                                        to a throat bubbling howl
589 · Apr 2010
what light is this
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
what light is this?
some erstwhile
strand of divinity

traipse across thy brow

be not as they
they being we

thy fingers
grow cold
in touching
that cord


tickle (naked)

tongue of light
licking through
in time

588 · Jan 2013
PK Wakefield Jan 2013
a dream is big in you reeling through young arms stabbing
(by able blades of deft hands)
the night

                     a rose

of the magic distillation released
shifting 'pon the wind
trembles not a clove
but sand 'neath feet
is unsturdy moving
out to sea a moon
is larger than anything else
hanging by some cord invisible
and a lark cringing on the air divisible:

588 · Sep 2011
keep lips firmly
PK Wakefield Sep 2011
(keep lips firmly)up on my lips parted
does dawn sprawl about the grass
and feet mingle in the blades
or hours peeling back
to reveal 1
                     immolating fester
shoved upon my chest
  your fingers and your *******
   ****** o'er my face
    as i complete between you
     one rising quickly shout
588 · Aug 2016
PK Wakefield Aug 2016
who is alive thinks:


-dull air

          riven with

                     rose smell;

perchance which
the rain with

(autumn is near
her dress is fine
her hair is long
and serious,

it throws over
the mountains
and is alive

with crips dampness)

the bed is smooth and deep.
it pulls deeply,
and arms wonder for dreams.

to be dreaming
in the fine arms of autumn;

whose dress is nice
and whose dull serious hair
PK Wakefield Jul 2011
sometimes at 3 O'clock in the morning
i have been to wander myself in the air
congratulating my skin newly each stride
kissed with air stroking gently over

                                           the soft chortle
                                                    of my feet
                                                         who wrestle
                                                            with the




588 · Sep 2012
PK Wakefield Sep 2012
it feels precisely,

no,                  more

exactly pleasant:

SUN barely

'cause autumn
shoulders less light

Rain more

and unlight

earlier, day each day
marches deeper
into deeper

gilt in naked and dead
colours: gold brown

'pon crunch build
towers of ******


silently after silence
flood infinitely into




588 · Jun 2010
in so was i)
PK Wakefield Jun 2010
in so was i) a clean frost winter
a tight bud unopened in the
frozen fragrant fingers of the cold season


came the spring of heavy light woman
feather loved lady whisper me a kiss


my petals to her new sun. a

when the shift of warm came bubbling wet
i had never been so unclosed
open every
make me naked
587 · May 2011
PK Wakefield May 2011
beginning closed, opened fragile hardy meadows outward from the tumult
of absolute stillness. a skull in every smile smiles quick wry lipless grins
in every skull it smiles amongst the bodies, youth soaked dripping carnal uncarnal, it smiles whenever the voices, **** and vividly, couple and
uncouple the twains of hips(& between them it's grinning, in their pumping
force & even in the ****** of the sudden exploding creation)"it's grinning right there, and someday when you lay in last and final you will say 'hello, FOREVER'",
587 · Jan 2011
PK Wakefield Jan 2011
we are mostly tedious                                                          ­                                    .
glaring dashes of thick                                                            ­      '
minutia trifling to and fro                                              '
in mental coffins                                                          ­   ,
                                  we like to wear                           '
                                                               ­  as chains of,
587 · Jan 2013
PK Wakefield Jan 2013
Rain)you enter me by the concise brutal slenderness
of your waist

you wet are thousands and mutely cringing on
my neck some

and scalp some

reeling into sleepier darkness
lark perched suddenly between

emits the frailest wings

and treads you into(nothing
586 · Jan 2011
i heard it day
PK Wakefield Jan 2011
i heard it day
the night sonata grunted
dollops of gacking bulging light

generally it might cool
                 a germ of fornicating flowers
of colours so purely filth
                            and marvel virtually
in gross infantile expunging
                                                            the death swiftly harnessed the
                                                             sorry dork of earth gobbles
                                                            of crude immeasurable lips

       the very burning brush
                                   of permanent sun
585 · Apr 2010
little softly
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
O, little thing
little thing softly
you breathe so nice
breathe so nice beneath me

you quiver so
(little thing)

like dust in light

you ache so
(little softly)

like a ****** darkness

you sigh so
(little softly thing)

(i will make you:
little softly thing
beneath me
PK Wakefield Apr 2012
that do of a cherry trimmed mouth
is a kiss needing face woman's
she that like a sea is in motion
eternally seamless and flows
with ease through chaste infinity
(her hips are like a pair of crescents
pressed around a split fraction
of heaven where lips are always
for wanting the roughest sating
of my hips spilling them full of

584 · Apr 2013
PK Wakefield Apr 2013
you feels
how warm the
earth in)just spring

and root
deeply how
(in tightness
uncoils your love fist


lilies lipped in dew
and coming morning's

when (root) you
singly divulge

one mute word of slender making light
and all that's quiet lives suddenly

in heaped burning

to lustfully cry:

584 · Mar 2011
have you ever been aware
PK Wakefield Mar 2011
have you ever been aware
                                                  gniyd are uoy  quickly woh

583 · Jun 2010
i note
PK Wakefield Jun 2010
i note the (needle loved) slender limbed crooks
fresh cut stems loitering. by the stone towers.

black rivered arms of elbows in grass puddles
giggle lipped they ***** smiles; fill the greedy
hearts an ember of false heat to glow numbly
the fire sticks smokey breathe exhaled suddenly

gather to their lush valleys the wagging tongues
of all the pretend men. who are naught but boys
in the pink *** light that streams from dainty *******

so glad am i no longer slaved to that heed. and find my
mind in soft palm of my                                        waiting
583 · Apr 2010
we tried
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
we tired
to talk
cracks in our sounds
583 · Apr 2010
abstractions 2
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
said u
"what matter

not saying


i was
583 · Feb 2011
PK Wakefield Feb 2011
by the hours' split (and half of that) the wasted marble (her head) discharged, of her oblong thrusting voice, to shamble quickly silence fingers gruffly wringing all the necks of loud and it was also. it was blithe
583 · Mar 2012
i had a funny dream
PK Wakefield Mar 2012
i had a funny dream let me tell you about
how in my dream your mouth was there
and it got inside my mouth spit tongue
warmly tasted of like hot melted sugar
rolling in my hands your waist was
delightfully curves and a bit of rough
was my neck where your teeth were just
and your ******* hurt nicely smashed
against my chest and they seemed like
hard stinging candy to my lips which
started slipping down the ample slither
of your stomach to other lips
just as lovely to kiss,

PK Wakefield Nov 2011
i'll go almost creeping things

              and they'll be me

creep creeping rows of tiny
raising bumps(thoselittle
hairs climbing down your
tummy(almost no see 'em
hairs)but they catch softly
light in their trembling bodies
under my breathing breaths
(from the same mouth
from that 1 mouth

scoring twixt bunched petals
it creeps a hot gushing pallor
582 · May 2010
PK Wakefield May 2010
right                     left(hook)
dance d  a  nc    e fleshy mote
in starkness sparkle
pearl violence; youyou you you
thought you
c                     ould
touch me butbu bu bbu
but now
              you wither in a sweatish slumber
on this canvas shore
as a sheet of vibrations corona
on the mingled flames of my accurate
d      e    s    
(did you really think you'd win

582 · Oct 2011
becoming trees
PK Wakefield Oct 2011
becoming trees even became oceans of leaves beneath me sprawling valleys, to lips of them, i soar
on diminutive dreams. i slide right through air like lightening even(trains never went like that)
so fast over earth and faces up turned, agape, each mouth terribly yowling until splendor nearly
fills those voids and gods don't even do that,
582 · Oct 2010
i was is my hands
PK Wakefield Oct 2010
i was is my hands drugs)!
         evaporating splendorous
      sugar canes
                            the ruby of muscled
             and discharge of sinuous

                when the fat skinny
is in vulnerable propagation
       a cloud
    and spake "
                             you are sweat and pain and tenuous ,
  meet thy shall i when thous tedious crumb
        is spent human shell by the ground
          resting in loose solid soil
            bath and"
      rattled the increment of
                                                   lovely      and kind

         death      whom
                                              i       argue
          upon daily


in the extremity of my ladies passionate jib
          my current cells
              speak loudly the name
                                                     of life
             in her vambrace
                                           of muddled pink
intoxication. my ex cellent fauld
581 · May 2010
my lady
PK Wakefield May 2010
my lady,my lady
when you come MY lady


the skin of my scents brittle
and the nakedness of my soul
is alight in your smooth purity
(stand with me next to the neat
trees) alabaster leaves whispering

benediction to your delightful frame.
how? can you be my LADY? what god
blessed me with your careful drug.
heaven: i love you love me. loving your

my lady hither coming come hither my lady O,
my lady you breathe so. marry my veins with your
rich blood and take my apprehensions. if an oblivion greets my
crystal smile on the morrow if you were by the side of me
i would welcome it grinning like a fool.
581 · Aug 2010
i give my blood
PK Wakefield Aug 2010
golden piles,heaving trunks,she's a little mystery
so grow slowly magnificent leaf
the hearth sprouts a cough of giddy spit
(when the sun dies the earth drunk of quiet; the trees clamour
       for some moon blood) and the hounds are mouths foaming
all over the ambrosia flecks of open windows greeting summers breath

      she,s some fruit. grown supple flesh singing stinging beads of salty
liqueur. taste. lips gripping stunning liquid. in all my cuts. she's the paste.

                what a bounty; these eyes. seems where the stars lay. glittering
specks. irresolute laughter. the timid sister of a day gone by

                                       how make i for you
                                       an earth more perfect
                                       than this? i give my blood
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
a more particularly dreaming fatally clings
to my head, of your dramatically stupid
love, i uncarefully plummet into and



climb up the dust
of your sternly remembered ***

and the ******
of your healthy florid stroking, the

homely distinct razor of your kiss
and the limpid flavor of your hips



up my thigh
strangling me in the faintly
distilled miracle

of your frailly killing idea
581 · Aug 2012
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
it was november it was raining just a little bit
of rain was powder fine glisten soaking
the frail pale length of the forest long dark
sleepily crisp in gnarled and in limbs
crooked elegent
the way was streaming(bent with treees)over
and a sprig of magic sharply
in my nape first creeping
through loam(worms)
my chest
worn of heart broken, i
through gnarled lengths of long sleeping trees
freshly said life
in the nicely dead forest
my heart(worms)creeping
through loam
581 · Apr 2011
PK Wakefield Apr 2011
uncouthed, in the plain, in the pleasant, in the big upward outward (foreverandever) the sky. andl eap tu pt ot ouch the grotesque marvel: the sun; who's infinitely finite strands of lovely fingers briskly gallop on the smooth earth. a fine lady, he loves most, HER.,;';,.
581 · May 2010
love house man
PK Wakefield May 2010
)sensual shelter(
love house man
    u   r
button up cloaks
drip into: streetlight splattered night
hope they don't see your
newly hot skin
as your swallowed by
inky mawed toothless
580 · Jun 2010
PK Wakefield Jun 2010
patient violence: wait at the breach
i'll let you captivate my sinew
when the bell tolls. resounding
activation; articulate fists dapple
cambered flesh

kiss pretty ugly knuckles
love the pain shower
b            u                t
so it tolls again
the exact ring of rest
calls to my hands
"steady breathes now,
in this minute"

i await it's summons to
580 · Feb 2011
PK Wakefield Feb 2011
a colour what does spurt
t0 from the eglantine sprite
;an undarkness puddles about;
                                                          iknewthesummerand her lakes
of vibrant tousled marching hair
                  that giggled from her heaps
and groused with sweating men
                                        who liked the fashions of her flesh
      and the ponderance of shes daughters
wearing mostly skin
                      they flaunt to catch
(with velvet flagrant manacles           )
the ardor of passing boys
                                               them that march about
                                                hideously pedantic
                                                their carefully fastidious
                                                grooming hands
      they'd like to grip with
       and wear them for the night
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