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Sep 2015 · 352
PK Wakefield Sep 2015
i love you

(after ******* your throat)

you are so pretty
in short dark
hair eyes
cut by running

with little
rills of
and sweat;

cheaks alive with
glowing of
luster and fair

firm and supple
through the
hip and belly:

i want to be
always kissing
and tasting
into your thighs.
Sep 2015 · 257
PK Wakefield Sep 2015
you speak
says the rain
very heavy
out of the north
over the tops of
trees into the
forest becomes
the soil filled
with nostril
of pine,

and the street goes
merry outside
the classroom
the wind and pane
groaning with

a single tiny
figure crosses quickly
into the warm
hands of laughter
coat filled with

and outside
Autumn is constantly
dying constantly
pushing into
glade and fen

her colorful
mouth and
long thinness
of day.
Sep 2015 · 284
PK Wakefield Sep 2015
let me think,

you are flesh
not flesh as
blood or
bone entwined

by limb, but
flesh as soul
through body
and lips–
Sep 2015 · 220
PK Wakefield Sep 2015
i still shall repeat
(which is my cheeks)
through this cold
night, where rain is,

if even though


is where only
the cold rain is

Sep 2015 · 216
PK Wakefield Sep 2015
"I'm so tired of being alone. It's like a weight; just heavy on me. And sometimes I almost want it to crush me. Just to get it over with. Just to be done with it."
Sep 2015 · 284
PK Wakefield Sep 2015

                          "We have a very unhealthy relationship."

Sep 2015 · 228
PK Wakefield Sep 2015
there is very cute inside to feel its breaking–**** which–throat full of knees
getting onto its ******* ***** a little pink and so white gags on gulping of
clean seems innocently with needs to be.
Sep 2015 · 173
PK Wakefield Sep 2015

"All I've ever wanted is to be loved."

Sep 2015 · 199
PK Wakefield Sep 2015
this own self,
which you are live with,
that moves through your hands
into the body of the ocean:

(i am in love with) ;

and quietly.

as like the curing
of soft shadows into
the verdant copse

of a forest suddenly
still with
leaf and sun,

i will love you.
Sep 2015 · 296
PK Wakefield Sep 2015
trash sum
pretty is pink;

with its got ***
mouth full of speak,


                            "Choke me."
Sep 2015 · 450
PK Wakefield Sep 2015
"People love being weak. They are in love with with their weakness–flaws. This is due to the twisting of their own egoism: when they see someone strong and free of flaw or worry they must invent some way to justify their own value by contrast. They take those traits which define the capable, noble and powerful and redefine them; make them into hallmarks of stupidity and shallowness. They make claim that what is truly good is what is weak, flawed and incapable–what is like them.

What is most noble is what suffers the most. Who is the greatest victim is the greatest good, superior to all others. Thus you can see them in action: arguing for their victimhood, trying to be the weakest and most pathetic. Busily inventing with creative fervor new statuses of being to which to cling.

What is more profound, more deep and compelling than one in pain?

The irony could never be more clear in that the weak grow strong in their weakness to justify their secret longing to be superior to the strong. Are they not after all damaged, and yet still surviving? What is more brave than that? What is more laudable or commendable?"
Sep 2015 · 249
PK Wakefield Sep 2015
not i


                                                                         Turn this lift
                                                               upon its shoulder
                                              into up making music of

sinew febrile alive with dancing electric sometimes sound of mouth; and
  by how of fingers alight with such ungrace to hurt is a beautiful poem
   faster than light is quick through the blinds cut into a trillion thinness
    of glowing dust–

                                          (it can barely to feel)

                                                boy sigh of
                                             aware thighs.

                                                                        flah ton decarb
                                                                     by girl cheek of
                                                             inching into seams,
                                                           pollen thickly sealed.

(a rose of night and sword of day;
with which vein'd marvels play –    )

tumbling trill and awake with sight:
to see where dark and skein are tight )


a not caving self of into daring stem



                                                                                                                  and said .
Sep 2015 · 319
PK Wakefield Sep 2015
"That I shall not be loved: I shall love no one."
Sep 2015 · 232
PK Wakefield Sep 2015
some broken poem lives(idon'tknowwhere)won't let word or sound touch its thin thighs and scarred knees from being on them between the knees of boys too many times; demure and easy as rain in April where Christ is born again to the rough feeling of a broken poem in the backseat of her car running with face of eyeliner and still trying to be pretty.
Sep 2015 · 236
PK Wakefield Sep 2015
i am dead tomorrow
i wonder will i
live again the next day
or the night beyond perhaps?where

there is a silver stair
reaches through cloud
and shevel of

up into a garden
of lilacs sleeping
betwixt a girl
and her thighs

a song will start
of dawn over the
valley of her
hips springing

into each lifeless
trestle of flower
the shaking lurch
of life to live

through jerking
happenstance of
body and make
in some other

garden between
the hips of
girl flowers
and down by

the lewd shoot
of stem
their seed to break
and life to end.
Sep 2015 · 246
PK Wakefield Sep 2015
your lips

             (the word)

are the smoothless mastery
of the sea breaking
into silence constantly
their loud sharpness;

quaking with rush of
moon hush, the fierce
treble of wave and
night beam

–glow broken
through unmute
shoveling of

and feel (where deep)
of green darkness
and the silver plucking
of woken thread.
Sep 2015 · 515
PK Wakefield Sep 2015
"where were you?" i was the cooly over of mouth–the wind–
that beneath which chants of ***

the world

in pink creases of easy Spring.

makes me to lay down
in waters of thistle
and hollyhock

the crude and sinuous
vehicle of sing.
Sep 2015 · 244
PK Wakefield Sep 2015
edges just something
from under darkness
where over it wears
a girl in 22 years of
****** by brutal slender

words and with lips
mouth around thick
and says,"

I want you to *** on my face
and make me pretty                               ."
Sep 2015 · 292
PK Wakefield Sep 2015
it hurts to be loved.
it hurts to be, loved
it hurts, to be loved
it, hurts to be loved
.it loves to be hurt
Sep 2015 · 203
PK Wakefield Sep 2015
turns leaf over who through rain divides the world into muster and bluster of almost autumn nights thick with near darkness; it cannot feel to shift or move a muscle only to roll under the deep muzzle of rain and stem.
Sep 2015 · 170
PK Wakefield Sep 2015
"You're not what I expected."

"What should I have been like?"
Sep 2015 · 173
PK Wakefield Sep 2015
who has been my own heart
that within its flesh
there is some self
as i could touch;

after my own touch,
which within their own heart
Aug 2015 · 226
PK Wakefield Aug 2015
this suddenly flesh over me
which saying not words


with brushed by fineness
of slightly golden hair:
back and knee and shoulder

who web between sequence of bone
muscles in hurling coils of, "yes."

deeply and more fair than
roiling plate of sea
seething and curves
with wave of heat;

(turned heat)
curved by blade
of mouth and neck.

(i am love you) the which
parted and swelling
to fit within;

eyes, ******* and freckle.

(and do the undoing thing
from where all newness comes:

the "Dear," the "I,"
tongue into

breach the fold
where's silent–bliss       .)
Aug 2015 · 298
PK Wakefield Aug 2015
"The greatest weakness of my own character is the inability to bear the suffering of others for the furtherment of my own interests–my inability to inflict suffering."
Aug 2015 · 270
PK Wakefield Aug 2015

the uneven the
folding of into


between tickles
and niggling
of thigh

sweated and
hot through
muscle of wine,

over the lips


a dash of
                     light ;

(and not sound too) –––

there is a doe
a starling
and a
thick beam

of golden wheat

parts the sun
into white manifolds
of burning health:

(wither which,
into each should go

all those summers
afore the snow) .
Aug 2015 · 223
PK Wakefield Aug 2015

                  "I'm objectifying you–you're an object to me."

Aug 2015 · 315
PK Wakefield Aug 2015
the nothing moment
where of a once beautiful
woman in a dark room
with her husband only
sits painfully

and says, "I forgot to take my medication today."
Aug 2015 · 476
PK Wakefield Aug 2015
this green dream,
of which i think too much,
marked of dint and lurid scar
whose cloven cheek
is comely seamed:

bares the hurt of boyish touch
where felt too full the words they speak,
now lies in frost–winter ajar.

but if could i
return to shoots
the forest where in snow is kept

your ice'n heart, my heat accept,
i'twould not despair to die:



"pity is praised as the virtue of prostitutes."
Aug 2015 · 208
PK Wakefield Aug 2015
i think i shall die
that there is a rose in my lips–
the sea everywhere
and the barely sound
of washing over
the sand
Aug 2015 · 283
PK Wakefield Aug 2015
her mouth becomes smoke
says, "                     ."
(outside a bar;
somewhere there is a siren
mutely i remember my
hands and putting them
into my pockets)

curls and splits
up into quickly
nothing vapor

between 2 cherried

(it is hard and quiet
from the alleyway
smoothness emerges
a cat )

into which bathes
the earth in neon

and the night yawns out
into starlight warm air
the thick smell of jasmine
and beer
Aug 2015 · 326
PK Wakefield Aug 2015
what death is this tha' comes so gay?
where cloven cut
by hill cleft
and tree split                               splay

the rouge and copper splendor
o' hulking an' bended                   day.

to crisp in shafts of molted light
a dying which eclipses sight;

and pushes press to pollen build
where night is crept and flower filled.

such dark is bright and wants for sleep,
and calls my mouth to want to keep
all noise of lip in coiled flower
and root my soul in soils deep.
Aug 2015 · 262
PK Wakefield Aug 2015
where your lips meet



there is day ;

there is night    .
Jul 2015 · 209
PK Wakefield Jul 2015
a something quietly poem does

touching through new lips
sound and says

a something slim
wristed glasses hair
darkly which bunch
around the shining edge

of her cheek

(moon scarred by hard youth) perhaps

which makes me smile
suddenly without
thinking to smile

Jul 2015 · 278
PK Wakefield Jul 2015
blue inside feels:
rough from the
groove up shaven
closely to fresh
air stings over cool

–skull and neck;

where i wish
my hand could become

a certain smoke
of tense opaqueness

unfolding a flower
in sharp city nights

the enormous groan
of my soul;

and sleep in your dark forest
a tactile brace of slender light  .

(   i               love                  you              will           never                know      )
Jul 2015 · 212
PK Wakefield Jul 2015
i miss you are dead
dead maybe

you were alive once
,but knowing  . how

like it feels to dark within
the instant upon looking
through wet neatness of
glass onto the rain

where a city is

and say, "because it stops for no one."
Jul 2015 · 172
PK Wakefield Jul 2015
what writes dies,
saying itself
in dark little letters;

for a moment it
on bright screens where
it lives
(even though it dies)

the instant of the moment
that it's borne
on the eyes of others

into dying again
as they feed on the
specters in

books     .


Jul 2015 · 416
PK Wakefield Jul 2015
"After we die the only real thing left of us, the only real fragment of the person that we were, is not the children we had, not the pictures taken of us, not the random trinkets we gathered over our lives–it's what we wrote down, what we said about ourselves. That lives and breathes. That speaks beyond our lips to say at any moment after, just as we were in that moment. Writing then is the very serious work of living. It is the chronicling and preserving of ourselves–it is the task of immortality.

And like all such tasks it ultimately fails. Only, it fails more accurately."
Jul 2015 · 158
PK Wakefield Jul 2015
who speaks?
(that i should hear)
whose own body
is my voice.
Jul 2015 · 153
PK Wakefield Jul 2015

                  "What is truth?"
Jul 2015 · 160
PK Wakefield Jul 2015
"One question I find I ask myself more and more as I get older is, 'have I ever really loved anyone?'"
Jul 2015 · 212
PK Wakefield Jul 2015
("i love you")
sweat smell
kiss spitly,

fork tongued
and paired
swollen of

pollen drugged
and cool sweltering

pale chested and
tight limbing

of neck throat
hand swallow
finger filling.
Jul 2015 · 225
PK Wakefield Jul 2015


"Let's put it this way: if anyone was
actually honest all the time you would
hate them–you would deride them,
you would do anything to disbelieve
the things they told you. Honesty
disgusts us. Only someone who was
insane or hated themselves would
always be honest–absolute honesty is
the same thing as insanity."

Jul 2015 · 201
PK Wakefield Jul 2015
it feels the each,
the mouth into which
sun crawls
moon sings
and trees

suddenly bluster
with and with.

a lark
a poppy
and the breaking

of darkness before

a fist swollen of
red newness to be:

(to be hard ; to be naked ; to be great)
Jul 2015 · 171
PK Wakefield Jul 2015
not to live is normal
more normal than to live is
to eat and sleep too late
on saturday mornings
or to meet with cloven
skin the bare rawness
of your chest .

more normal than to is,
is to is not wasn't never was and
won't be ever more than
the gesture of your thighs
threaded with moonlight
on sweaten summer eves.

and to because
i assert it is more normal
than to kiss to with lips
,the dirt, i

my hands and body
would like to unusually be

in your breath and body's lee.
Jul 2015 · 429
PK Wakefield Jul 2015
drink dreams
rushing with flowers



and with gin   ) carefully

intercoursing with females
and speaks coursing with
hares a lark and suddenly

it is winter

(into who barely he fits himself)

a radian–and spring.
Jul 2015 · 355
PK Wakefield Jul 2015
i love to die because
i love to kiss
in you where

(death sleeps)

wide and white and waiting

to kiss me

because but i
love to kiss you into
which sleeps summer and dying

(who autumn shall meet–dying)

cannot go but goes
anyway (the tacit
ripple of sublime time)

from whence the corded
bullet of your mouth
screams chocking with
poppies and crocuses

streams a dark and fathomless lips—

(i would like to part.i would like to enter)

Love You
Jul 2015 · 298
PK Wakefield Jul 2015
some field full of grass
grass leaping
and spits from the


which hurts to least
to see and fold
within sight

the curt splinter
of girl hips and
wider than death

they eat the spring
into which becomes
Summer by

the scrape and spark
of their tuff
Jun 2015 · 294
PK Wakefield Jun 2015
your mouth is nice.

it spills


over the evening

and feels as

moonjerked nightjabbed

with wide dust of

warm fingers.

its curt;
its cut

of sunspear


and magic hurt

pulls over kiss

pushes through

starsabled and winged

dreaming of nightfist.

it does the moon thing
and curls with
bright rushes
of lip.

its splendor is cool mute
and filled with

c'est saison;
c'est saison du veux.

and where it sleeps,
my mouth sleeps too.
Jun 2015 · 158
PK Wakefield Jun 2015
"because those who worship weakness should never be surprised they serve those who do not."
Jun 2015 · 246
PK Wakefield Jun 2015
taste feels to reach to
deeply between kiss


where least sleeps spring
and calls by mouth

your hips to sing,




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