feels good reading whitman reading nietzsche reading christ and feeling cool between the pages of neat words how many songs of myself there is sung how many days of summer spent inside quiet and dark dark inside quiet and summer to put my teeth in and roll over the tongue the tense dew of youth and drink the pollen of easy flowers.
(to be where you are amongst your neck and your shoulders feeling needfully hunched and youthfuly broken )
to break and to be broken by–
upon rocks upon skittering coils of noonlight–
(the trees mark it there is a path very deeply within them
where there is cool and etherized by curls around of night smoke)
But all that wants to be to be inside (to taste) and to meet with
3 loves because you are not one body single hands or two lips only;
you are(perhaps)
a multitude.
perhaps a gallon o of incredulous which i become by
each tremendous drove of your hips that eat like snow
my figure to become still.
more still than to live and that i shall lay forever as a flake as like to melt upon and be the new old soil between each pressed sole of boys and girls in love they make the curious racket
of life. i would like to make in you before turns my hands to ash and not even one of your bodies
there is laughter a girl fills the naked silence with her shoulders through the angled tress of her white flower (a rose that) whose mouth speak saying to live through careless moments of hurt sunlight: SUMMER the curling sigh of ******* **** fingers between where sleeps her sonnet and her hair.
comes not this, my dear because like my dear because as like rain as like sheets of trembling morning push over press between pages of lilies your white body of because
caving to fill in blistering flens of brilliant dying instants–
,"I love you." the sand a beach occasionally the back seat of an old car the sleep fitfully morning of rising too early into your mouth a flower gleams by broken of silence sunburnt and smelling of aloe rubs with the cool rub of coiled muscles , . ; (my Dear w e will die) the night will trun upon a blade of light; our skin will bunch into delicate rills of dry coils and dust become. . . .
dear i will hold (you) that impossible violence of the first quiet moment of your lips that i held slightly in my own i will hold it in my heart that unbroken stem of your frail laughter of supple vibrance made my dear i will recall the hurt wildness of your eyes and bruise of your soft voice my dear i will hold in my tiny hands the vast pulpit of your hairsong and bloodpoem my dear i will forget not the dull and moments each i will remember the early mornings and lashed travail of each lashing voice.
(My Dear I Will Hold You. I Will Carry You. INTO THAT NEAT DARKNESS . i will cup the serene mystery of every stupid minute of our body and dear i w i l l
there is nothing. And the wide night seems to toil outward into dark space of cut with just a strand of light it peers gauntly through rain up climbing with difficult precise silence seems to wander into the nooks and crooks its deep blanket of void stirs from which not a whisker or a claw of the fast cat sleep into nighting with deep purring of smooth body.
(how many more totally unimportant ultimately priceless nights will pass like from me out of lips and fingers into nothing without random seeming jounce of colorless minutes?
i can't know wouldn't want to even if tomorrow was the last sublime gasping of complete mundanity.
washing a dish is like that.
flush with hot hands in water drinks around fingers and lather coils in blossoms of vibrant tininess.
i cannot say i love Anyone or Anything perhaps i can love the rust of an old dying city the gable of a church girl and the collapsed rushing of immanent life.
or maybe i'll press into days and nights my body to be of some excellent stuff most economic.
nots now the time to think of such a thing two hours to wake from going work in a boring old amazing flash of perhaps the last moment you will live.
inside this face the body soft the whiteness almost of rose crismon nearly drunk and swinging
(i can see stars)
two lewd random lips part on kiss of taste like, "do I like an ashtray?"
(rushing like steep twinkling of sleeping light–
how many more nights
i wonder )
you are like ( how can i say )
a sliver of warmth made skin of blood and bone between **** shoulders of night.
i do not know too much or how shall i say
you are beyond words to speak
of a more nicely arcuate a more darling hips.
i think (will not) more or less of this moment than of your cheeks apart against mine in a stupid old park i'm too drunk to make your cleft stinging kiss impossible to
my face by little flecks of embrace by warm wetness.
and steeply wonder on the rush of a nimbly stumbling darkness rife with too many stumbles of rushing lightness–
i want to love you that–
i am dying this earth the stars and every
breath between;
we shall make of this not anything particular a shining instant of touch
To know life is to understand that we, each of us, is a lover, selfless, kind, demure–but also that we are, simultaneously, haters, selfish, cruel, avaricious; and that in that very contradiction, is life.
the house is quiet the light is bedside warm outside the sound is barely of chimes (i can hear) i can feel the hot coil of your leg snaring the almost not groan of the big room is dusty with the whisker of a cat shifts your hips (into my hips) inching slumber deeply into heat of closeness to body white and shoulders cut curved of alabaster grooving into the pale basin of your chest at the base end of your neat neck almost like talcum like light powder of dusting the immense club of sleep is your wrists are a tiny potion of thousands of years of silence only to live through 23 years a girl sleeping enormously the room doesn't change doesn't move barely a bit or budge even more than slightly than a mote at a time (4:00am) i kiss i cull i cup your shoulders drinking the burning wine of your heaped hips into mine knowing someday you will be dead.
little blue pale who hurt knees( )inside slightly of purple feels alone sitting slightly knocked,
mouth doing the totally brutal girl thing:
your estuary
in which sleeps titanic dreams of glaring night ****** summer and unkempt sprin G
shines so easily with heavy beauty
and tinily utters each new careful star of eve : (your hair is a deep mystery; like the sea– shook, folding )(endlessly into folded coils o' gold stuff made )
tucked suddenly into the quiet crook of a book store
glory is to suddenly hands drunk with sunlight mingle moted through errant beams of almost spring light
(the steering wheel tears laughing and enormously
the infinitely splayed thighs of flower
a Pale hand waits to ***** the flourishing stem
and drink through near darkness the excellent body of Spring,
.) Chaste– doe ears leaf cotton the twill of starlight rough kissing between forced lips of stiff youth:
i rid iculous ly that a m of freck led shoulde rs lead through by the parting of naked health bright forests of dark trees whose black wood hides in who the always sinking cur of dumbest youth) let me speak and i will tell you a day:
say numbers the little white toothed sliver of a grin hair breathlessly tousled about fingers stairs (winding) upwards constantly tall moments of absolute singleness
into 4 hands 2 fingers inside lips strictly around to eat 2 lips 30 minutes of ultra caressed hyper scrupulous tense heaving ;
say numbers 7,205 seconds until reaches the startling pinnacle of über sensuous gangling drugged with blonde milk suddenly supple between, "my dear,"
count as to count by more than 20 digits to feverishly blunder through hurried wanting to crush,
( say numbers and speak not numbly of the nimble bumbling of thy pale fracas an earth will be born from within wishing will to will unworried a fraction cut beneath the navel by a tremendously incalculable urging to rush
death do i owe this living: hot kissed sweating backs of knees the lick of tired grass drab waves of summer moonlight laughing outside a bar hands full of mouth eyes ******* and constantly the droll hammer of absurd youth
(Portland was like that)
hung flesh with the hot flush of freshly ****** girllips
because i don't know why, the stars. purred furiously with sky deep with purple and ambrosia
came the licked in dawn of orange and white husk split at the collar– leaking black wine rain and occasionally