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Dec 2015 · 543
PK Wakefield Dec 2015
keep these hands alive in your hands; that they walk and breathe; that their skin becomes downy in the spring, and from them spears love-roots of dark grass, filling over the hills and meeting with the excellent night their shining bodies.

live, love and smell the rich perfume of your lovers hips; meet and again touch with them your cheeks, and delight in them–the coil of their heap.

they are with your body, and to touch another's is a great privilege–and i know it.

wander and know the nape of them; laugh and extend your blood into their own.

invite their inspirations into your own breast, and make with it one respiration.

they are cool and wonderful between the ears; they are soft laughter and stupid giggling; they are the arcuate sleep of a rose thorn–deeply within your skin.

know and love them.

hold not back your laughter, nor praise, nor joy in their clutch.

touch, ramble, delight in the visceral perfusion of their mouth and kiss.
Dec 2015 · 321
PK Wakefield Dec 2015

and again
i am here


of somewhere

alive         –


e    a
m i n

Dec 2015 · 380
PK Wakefield Dec 2015
my mind again returns to these thoughts of mouth:
the parting of seaways; the excellent bridge
of its voice; the smothering intonation of
its warm and bossom cloister.

i remember it in the new morning; naked and shifting of limbs.
it kissed down the back and tasted
between its thighs of sighing and saltsea–cheek and blushing.

i remember and i move:
the winsome drove of its dull dream
catch and habituate me. i am alone in its fingers; and even from which other kisses cannot wake.

occasionally there is laughter–i can hear–from way off.

there is the curving tremble of its arc.
Dec 2015 · 273
PK Wakefield Dec 2015
mirror me
this softly

where two and
three girlthings

the soul of boy
wars         rings;

hair in shortly
which some
*** wears

her mouth without
lipstick saying,

"kiss me–

       (i am soft)"
Dec 2015 · 313
PK Wakefield Dec 2015
likes to be under,
O which
rough hands

grow thicker
more with

hair and fiber
of health

parting within darkness
its plait;



effulgent shard
of cheek


          through which
          heart and

Dec 2015 · 228
PK Wakefield Dec 2015
simple is works hard
and stupidly grins
at little this joke and
little that story of
fishing or going to
the zoo one summer
with his kids–

breathing and is
alive he (simply)

smiles and knows
without knowing

it is good to live
Dec 2015 · 418
PK Wakefield Dec 2015
my alive:

   this awakeness seems to breathe

of being close through skin
to heart and muscles
singing softly stroked

by peach parted
over pit stinging;

the gross and fuzzy pash
bristles and bur
catching on roughness of

has two eyes
completing after darkness
hair in pale perfusion,

lipping with flowers
curled in mounded heap;

whose breaking sound
(star startled)
shook with saliva

–throat can't

               but to

Nov 2015 · 367
PK Wakefield Nov 2015
"enjoy what you can," says some curly headed mouth
open over the hard shaft of her camera
a thousand times a day


                                         (and never stops *******.)
Nov 2015 · 323
PK Wakefield Nov 2015
"*******," this if not alive if not dying of each buzzed ripple
of breath which tensely erupts
into uncoiling fold of morning
over the silent chord of sunrise

seems if not speaking seems
to eternally youth, breaching
the seamless cording of
a short girl's throat–says,


wish you
l o v  e   d

Nov 2015 · 238
PK Wakefield Nov 2015
"I don't know how much longer I can do this."
Nov 2015 · 264
PK Wakefield Nov 2015
who forgot a word their lips trying to
find stumble stiffly up into the mouth
of a gun's barrel saying,

"Someday you'll see it."
Nov 2015 · 234
PK Wakefield Nov 2015
"I'm not always very nice."
Nov 2015 · 322
PK Wakefield Nov 2015
eating you out in the back seat of my car
your strum stinging
from where your voice
is quickly singing

i pluck and seem
– i reach and touch
– i, still and clean,

finger the itch stitching
of your corded and
dasmer throat .

i hurt with
knees to
garble an' streak;

to make in mouth
(where all sound i' meek)

my fingers
(as deep
in your throat)

as you can keep        .
Nov 2015 · 274
PK Wakefield Nov 2015
"Maybe someday I'll find someone that actually cares about me."
Nov 2015 · 631
PK Wakefield Nov 2015
these things are my house, the
house of my body and my flesh
swing singing
singed and swaying
over grass cut freshly short

the knots and roots
of who trees blister
through the soil and meet
with feet
their rough and earthen body.

there is a light piercing the dull
night crisply hurt with twinging
of star song shaking and excellent
inside the smooth nearness
of its dark skin;

my hands make quick fingers
into nice fists of daylight
catching the strummed humming
of its string sound–borne over
the mouth of a mountain–
vibrates and intense.

i walk and the chilled asphalt
is the tiny sound of my feet,,
these halls of night
a rembrancer
and so newly full of nothing
stink with rose and thyme.

i am alive–
i hurt to love and to love
is hurting; my dear i love you
i told you a thousand times
(and a ****)

i'm sorry because both.

i will live
–i guess maybe–
or i will die becoming
worm pursued eating
the earth as eating becomes

the            new          grass

(freshly cut)
grows under
the house

of your body.
Nov 2015 · 489
PK Wakefield Nov 2015
I will not die.

My hands will go out from me
into dark waters becoming
two rays of piercing light;

They will dance electrically as
unbreakable columns of smoothness
sing saying,
“though love be a day, do not fear,
we will go amaying.”
Nov 2015 · 417
PK Wakefield Nov 2015
"The only reason I haven't committed suicide is because I'm terrified of death."
Nov 2015 · 269
PK Wakefield Nov 2015
"There's nothing wrong with a ****–
just don't fall in love with one."
Nov 2015 · 306
PK Wakefield Nov 2015
pallid makes her love fist open
steaming up from the hips
with milk and a little red hair;

jaw distending on rapid
convulsions of white chest

turning to suddenly drink
her own blood from

h i p s.
Nov 2015 · 459
PK Wakefield Nov 2015
each new kissing makes two new fists of brutal night alive and hurrying
with the hustle bustle of dying brains wistfully drunk and full of nothing
but how many lurid drips of some dumb ******* **** or if she'll swallow
later tonight when you're alone and her hair makes a mess of the starlight
quickly between the **** ******* of night and you're trying to sleep
but outside it's a city
and the sun is almost.
Nov 2015 · 218
PK Wakefield Nov 2015
"I feel like I've been waiting my whole life just to hear somebody say, 'I can't wait to see you tonight.'"
Nov 2015 · 205
PK Wakefield Nov 2015
somewhere (
there is a suicide,

the doors won't open,

and everywhere

it is raining.
Nov 2015 · 343
PK Wakefield Nov 2015
to beingly is
to dyingly make of
white flesh

a most brutal mute song–

arms and hands behind
music of throat
–full of fingers–

pushed fingers into short throat,

trying to
and openly
needs of, spit

where unsoftly comes
and fingers fit.
Nov 2015 · 524
PK Wakefield Nov 2015
"Unfortunately, in reality, it doesn't really matter how you feel on the inside; it's what you project outwardly that has meaning. No one can look inside you. They cannot see or hear what you do not divulge. You are entirely in control of the way people perceive you.

Speaking and giving off of yourself is the most powerful mechanism you have in your hands. You can get the things you want and control your life simply by adjusting what's on the edifice.

You can be a ****** up wreck on the inside, but as long as you do not let this out, as long as it is not perceivable in your character, no one can know.  

In fact, to the contrary, you can, despite these feelings, build an image of confidence and power. This is what others come to know, and this becomes the shared reality."
Oct 2015 · 258
PK Wakefield Oct 2015

(i am alive)there are three
thick fingers of dawn
pushing into the throat of
dawn gags on the spending
of a stream



Oct 2015 · 219
PK Wakefield Oct 2015
"The making of anything beautiful is always accompanied by a lot of difficulty, ugliness and pain."
Oct 2015 · 261
PK Wakefield Oct 2015
i shall love you
that you have been
after my own heart
as the tatse of the sea:

easy and deep beyond words;

laughing in shoals and
turgid in memory.

you are light
and beyond most things
you are the smooth
disaster of 23 years
of screaming girlness.

you are my own,
and my flesh–
you make me.
Oct 2015 · 259
PK Wakefield Oct 2015
waiting for listens to hear,
for her quick feet–a doe
in white skin

thinks it's
pretty to be
choked and

t   o
sw al l o w
Oct 2015 · 373
PK Wakefield Oct 2015
"No one really wants to be in love. They don't really want someone to care about them and think about them. Most people prefer disinterest.

Make somone the focus of your attention and attend to their feelings and needs–they will be terrified of you.

Nothing frightens a person more than the feeling of being the true center of attention.

The feeling of having somone really looking at, observing, them.

No, they would prefer someone who has their own life. Somone who makes the perfunctory gesture of love. Some flowers here, a compliment there; but real, true attention–no one wants that.

To those who are true lovers this is a painful reality we encounter with each new love. We must re-learn restraint. To control our desire to shower another with affection and attention. For as surely as we do, as surely they will turn away from us.

No one wants love–really."
Oct 2015 · 282
PK Wakefield Oct 2015




o                                                          w









                              i wonder carefully with heart

if its

                              most chaste

                                                                   own eyes

might pierce the
veil of youth

and bring where sin is rash
the touch of death

–the dust of ash.
Oct 2015 · 209
PK Wakefield Oct 2015

                                      "I will be great."

Oct 2015 · 186
PK Wakefield Oct 2015
i am my own hands,

only when they are alive with you.
Oct 2015 · 214
PK Wakefield Oct 2015
"You did this little thing, when I kissed
you after I had gone down on you,
where you ****** your juices off the
tip of my nose. It was one of the most
****** things I've ever experienced."
Oct 2015 · 271
PK Wakefield Oct 2015

the raw and beautifully dumb

      (i want to hurt you)

    .A flower that's
a lot like
your mouth
and throat
choking on me;

my pistil and thread
pulling into
which heart tries to make
love from–
                     hips and head.
Oct 2015 · 192
PK Wakefield Oct 2015

"I write all this beautiful **** about love but really I just want to ****."

Oct 2015 · 245
PK Wakefield Oct 2015
(i see you)
this old
lady of
sagging *******

who , "you'd think"


"would" know "better."
Oct 2015 · 197
PK Wakefield Oct 2015
seeing this boy:
gets naked
with the hands of

drooling, vomits

into nothing

Oct 2015 · 195
PK Wakefield Oct 2015
who am i
that i have been
my own self

in dark rooms


in silence


wanting to

Oct 2015 · 317
PK Wakefield Oct 2015
"In most people all I find is as sense of vacancy–a vapid emptiness. To call them stupid would a be gross exaggeration. Many of the most intelligent people I've ever met display this same quality. Simple would be a better term–they lack substance, complexity.

I feel like I've been waiting my whole life to meet a person of real substance."
Oct 2015 · 243
PK Wakefield Oct 2015

                                        Pleasure is the church of slaves.

                                          Church is the pleasure of slaves.

Oct 2015 · 1.0k
PK Wakefield Oct 2015
"I am alive,"
says the
rapid poem
of your wrists;

fair and not fair alike–
both soft
and hard with

      (you will i will)

which won't but briefly
kiss perhaps
**** perhaps

saying lewd thing of
mouth through ear
to air;

art which
must have both
light and darkness–paired,
Oct 2015 · 211
PK Wakefield Oct 2015
speak again sea
the ears inside
cannot hear
the certain dark sound

within you

as shifts

the air of your lungs
to rise through
dusted night of sleep


in certain care
the darkness of your spoken–keep
Oct 2015 · 216
PK Wakefield Oct 2015
sweep of swept
in doze'n lair,
where ice is free
and snow has care
Oct 2015 · 359
PK Wakefield Oct 2015
in coldest cool,
of chip alive with face   ,ice wears
a short


blue skirt nudely
implying lips

of chaste laughter
crisp with hurtling
twinge of Spring

dead between
two pillars of
nice femurs

stiff with
stuff of newly
braiding autumn air
Oct 2015 · 205
PK Wakefield Oct 2015
"Nobody will ever really love you,
because people really only love
Oct 2015 · 263
PK Wakefield Oct 2015
flower the hands and lips cannot
contain the pistil always running
red over the cusp of your budding

Even in notSpring,
when it shouldn't be full of pollen;
but little bee by mind of flesh
reminds your pricking to always
burn a little needling with
incessant urge to fill the
dark space between thigh:

(there is something slendersmooth
and easy to be inside of–

                    (like the earth)––

                             ( like death)–––
Oct 2015 · 270
PK Wakefield Oct 2015
this moment is drunk
and occasionally says
dark things of remembering

about pushed apart legs
in April when it was alive
and something loved it more
than living–cooing even

into its soft ear vaguely
promises of forever and
keeping through death
its hands and lips and feet


but goes through the mouth
and nose hot dollops of dreamless
wine occluding speech, taking

tightness and smashing it over
the head with a memory of
a coy poem that tasted like the
sea in your mouth when

it sat on your face and
it was the only time it was ever

Oct 2015 · 287
PK Wakefield Oct 2015
each noon sleeps through drowsy
and sharp autumn with its hair
in manifolds bright steaming with
chirps of tiny color
Oct 2015 · 250
PK Wakefield Oct 2015
thin listening
(the moon is
thinner than)

       A blade

turned whitely through ending
air of night upon its sharp shaft,

only to deflate
in beginning which
erects the dawn by

its own most thinness
of a blade of light
light that cuts the top

of trees into day and
Sep 2015 · 234
PK Wakefield Sep 2015
some kissing,
of flesh parts
under my tongue

–finger fulll–

tastes something
salty a little
musk and slick
through curtain
of sharply

tiny, cut
closely to skin

and rubs my cheeks raw.
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