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PK Wakefield Jun 2014
.  these deep uply
)whom i'm become
              as you'm

i'd like to with       (
achingly clutch
the whim whisper

the sure hum
and crisp vibrance

of white white mouth;

always starrily
always upwardly

           :          body

of snow in June(

whose light pertness be ).

whose own wish nothing ever
so be could:

as white.

as mouth.
PK Wakefield Jun 2014
i can remember your mouth across from me i was late it was 11:17 i said i was sorry you said your mouth was across from in a mexican restaurant 2 years later your mouth was in my mouth in Eugene in Eugene it was very hot in the middle of the summer the van was broken down and i loved you so much there wasn't anything to do but climb into each other's mouth the thick heatness of sweating palms and you are sitting across from me in a mexican restaurant your eyes your mouth your hair was short 1 year later i thought you should cut it shorter 1 year later in a hot pocket of some thick freakness your hands mouth eyes spit and got open so wide i climbed into your whole body was so beautiful tasting better and fighting all night than death i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry

(i loved you)
PK Wakefield Jun 2014
some hot living between playing
the air
with hair
does some girl beneath
a heap of wondering brains
completely perform a lust thing.
PK Wakefield Jun 2014
here are some deep in you ideas of living,
they are the rain sunshine and hands
amongst such grass as neatly distilled breathing

(i have often and have you ever wondered how you are a living so

                  nearly of perfect temporary body

)it constantly does seem the as such

some times occasionally will us of mouths
with drinking crisp waters of hurting Spring

explode fawn like into crimson sweetness
of hard dying somber infinities,

that move with what grace into deep ideas of living;

they do not know how.

                                    (but i do)
PK Wakefield Jun 2014
all the body is perhaps.
is some is; is a some

times occasionally girl of breathless apart.
who's a do you think why not in a
bit of sweating skinny.

(Her mouth is-andherhands-sometimes-a God)
of men let's say who cannot
how much they'd like to be between.)

What's more absurd than that? jazz
and it feels like to be: in her lips exploding

the quick lean of a grin through 26 years of loving girls her body who's some in a piece of unapart i'd like to make unun legs smiling and she laughs, "what do you think of that?"
PK Wakefield May 2014
of what new some there is grass there is flesh


swimming through muscles of divine Spring
feel good to be young again
their lurching and unlurching smoothness of

is a grass between the the thighs
where giggles little the all of the world
in two new newness of old always being.

)it's boys and girls and gardens
and the cheapest hot glass of
dark dark dark wine
through your lips
on a cherry
fresh slung
amber of a girl hand
in her girl hands' slowly slinging
of trite *** waisted in some hips gravure



with the irreverent marvel of life
lived insmiply insipidly sipid .      A Dream Like Paris
PK Wakefield May 2014
there is by you occasionally a mouth,
i would like to climb inside(.)it Spring
under it the red pink occlusion: stupid
                                                          ­        youth

hanging by a hangs on a string,
of smart immutable dumb loveless loving

careens and gestures (which of) there is
a thing not like a thing i have ever. (have you?)

                     an ever have you a
                     dumb youth wanted
                     to immutably break

i that might like could you like to to.

if you'd like to too.

i could climb too into you
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